Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
В каких случаях нужно ставить Thе Trafalgar Square Tower of London Houses of Parliament Oxford Circus London Zoo Westminster Abbey Victoria station Bank if England Buckingham Palace.
Finish the sentences?
Finish the sentences.
1) Big Ben is - a palace - a bell - a square 2) The Queen lives in - the Tower of London - Buckingham Palace - Windsor Palace 3)The Boody Tower is in - the Tower of London - the Houses of Parliament - Westmister Abbey 4) The country's leaders speak in - the Houses of Parliament - Big Ben - Buckingham Palace
Очень нужно ребята!
Помогите пожалуйста!
Combine the worlds to make the names of places in London.
Then choose five and write sentences.
Trafalgar Palace White London Tower Tower Buckingham Bridge Wistvinster Ben The Houses of Square The Tower of Eye Big Abbey The London Parilament.
Закончи предложения : 1 ) The Houes of Parliament?
Закончи предложения : 1 ) The Houes of Parliament.
2) Trafalgar sguare.
3) The Tower of London.
4 ) The London Eye.
5 ) Westminster Abbey.
Как произносится?
Как произносится?
Плизззз помагите.
Слово Trafalgar square, the Towerof London, the houses of Parliament.
Look at the pictures?
Look at the pictures.
Ask two questions about each of them.
На первой картинке "Westminster Abbey", на второй " Big Ben", на третей картинке "Tower of London" и на четвёртой "The Houses of Parliament".
Где нужен артикль the, и где нет?
Где нужен артикль the, и где нет.
1) Buckinham Palace 2) National Gallery 3) Hermitage 4) Westminster Abbey 5) Trafalgar Square 6) Houses of Parliament 7) Oxford Street 8) Hyde Park 9) Kremlin 10) Tower Bridge.
Вставите артикли ?
Вставите артикли .
Red Square .
Trafalgar Square .
Admiral Nelson .
British Museum .
Baker Street .
Tower of .
London .
Houses of Parliament .
Buckingham Palace .
Piccadilly Circus .
High Street.
Вставьте артикли?
Вставьте артикли.
1. …… Red square 2.
…… trafalgar Square 3.
…… admiral Nelson 4.
…… British museum 5.
…… Baker Street 6.
…… Tower of.
London 7.
. Houses of parliament 8.
Buckingham Palace 9.
High Street 10.
Piccadilly Circus.
Fill in the table?
Fill in the table.
1)With the 2)Without the Use : Great Britain, Kremlin, Tower of London, Big Ben, Washington, Neva, Russian Federation, UK, Red Square, Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Downing Street, Regent Street, Tverskaya Street, Europe, British Museum, London, Thames, Africa, Trafalgar Square, USA.
Помогите с заданием).
Combine the worlds to make the names of places in London.
Then choose five and write sentences.
Trafalgar Palace White London Tower Tower Buckingham Bridge Wistvinster Ben The Houses of Square The Tower of Eye Big Abbey The London Parilament.
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1 - без артикля
2 - c
3 - с
4 - без
5 - без
6 - без
7 - без
8 -
9 - без.