This is my best friend Craig ?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

This is my best friend Craig .

He's nine years old .

Craig has got short dark hair and blue eyes .

He's tall for his age and quite plump .

Craig is very kind and friendly .

Ln the picture of Craig playing soccer .

He likes playing soccer in his free time .

Craig is a good friend and we do a lot of things together!

Подскажите, пожалуйста, как этот текст читается на английском языке !

Ответить на вопрос
Ответы (1)
Нура8 3 нояб. 2018 г., 04:13:29

(зис) (из) (май) (бест) (френд) (крейг).

(хиз) (найн) (йирз) (oулд).

(крейг) (хэз) (гат) (шорт) (дарк) (хер) (энд) (блу) (айз).

(хиз) (тол) (фэр) (хиз) (ейдж) (энд) (куайт) (пламп).

(крейг) (эз) (ˈвери)

(кайнд) (энд) (ˈфрендли).

(лейн) (зэ) (ˈпикчэр) (эв) (крейг) (ˈплейин) (ˈсакэр).

(хи) (лайкс) (ˈплейин) (ˈсакэр) (ин) (из) (фри) (тайм).

(крейг) (эз) (э) (гуд) (френд) (энд) (уи) (ду) (э) (лат) (эв) (синз) (тэˈгезэр)!

School12 12 янв. 2018 г., 02:53:42 | 5 - 9 классы

Copy and complete with : hair is / isn't his tall has Lucy?

Copy and complete with : hair is / isn't his tall has Lucy.

Got s big family.

Her grandmother.

Short and plump.

Her brother.


Mr Whitfield has got short, dark .

. He is.

Заранее спасибо ребятки.

Lan2 12 авг. 2018 г., 03:43:31 | 1 - 4 классы

Joseph alexander is a famous"?

Joseph alexander is a famous".

" . Hes ".

" ". " years olg.

His birthday is on january 10th.

Hes comes from ".

" ". ".

Hes got short ".

" hair and ".

" eyes hes got ".

". Hes tall and thin.

He likes to climb mountains.

Задание "Вставте в ".

" пропущеные слова" надеюсь поможите 4 класс : ).

Lbikteeva 4 янв. 2018 г., 02:59:02 | 5 - 9 классы

She's got blue eyes and blonde hair?

She's got blue eyes and blonde hair.

She's quite tall.

Natusiknata 14 мар. 2018 г., 06:12:15 | 1 - 4 классы

Вставить пропущенные слова?

Вставить пропущенные слова.

In his free time Mr Green likes .

The guitar and петь.

In his free time Mr Fry likes танцевать and playing the скрипка.

Ксю011 7 февр. 2018 г., 13:46:19 | 10 - 11 классы

Craig flatman has an unusual diet?

Craig flatman has an unusual diet.

Taraevaekb 1 апр. 2018 г., 07:42:50 | 1 - 4 классы

Как переводится My best is?

Как переводится My best is.

He / she is 11 yers old .

He / She has got short dark hair and blue eyes .

His / her face is round.

He / she is tall and slim.

He / she is very kind and friendly.

He / she is a goodfriend and we do a lot of things together.

Igorm2014 17 июн. 2018 г., 13:37:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите вставить вместо ___ слова?

Помогите вставить вместо ___ слова!

Write the correct form of the verb in bracket This E.

G. is ( be ) Craig Bellows and his mother, Claire.

They ___ ( be ) from Scunthorpe.

Craig and Claire ___ ( have ) the same blond hair and blue eyes.

In the picture, Craig ___ ( sit ) on a swing and Claire ___ ( hold ) him.

They ___ ( have ) a great time.

Oarisova 22 мар. 2018 г., 20:13:07 | 5 - 9 классы

1. It takes Craig……?

1. It takes Craig…….

To get ready for school in the morning.

A) an hour and a half b) an hour c) half an hour 2.

Craig's father works with computers and his mother is…….

A) a doctor b) a librarian c) a teacher 3.

During the lunch break Craig usually…….

. a) eats in the school canteen b) goes to his mother's school c) eats food that he brings from home 4.

Craig loves History, especially he is interested in…….

A) western countries b) the history of the UK c) old civilizations 5.

Craig usually has dinner…….

A) when the whole family is at home b) whenever he likes c) at six sharp 6.

After dinner Craig…….

A) reads and watches TV b) does some house chores c) helps his father with the computer 7.

Being a Scout means…….

A) climbing mountains b) going in for sport c) going camping 8.

While camping Craig learns to…….

A) play on the computer b) snowboard c) set tents and make fires.

Zelinskaya8216 9 июн. 2018 г., 16:07:28 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевести и ответить на вопросы?

Перевести и ответить на вопросы.

This is my best friend Craig.

He's nine years old.

Craig has got short dark hair and blue eyes.

He's tall for his age and guite plump.

Craig is very kind and friendly.

In the picture Craig is playing sooccer.

He likes playing sooccer in his free time.

Craig is a good friend and we do a lot of things together.

1. Who is James' best friend?

2. How old is he?

3. What does he look like?

4. What's he like?

5. What does he like doing in his free time?

Marijuana85 24 окт. 2018 г., 09:25:20 | 5 - 9 классы

They 26) ?

They 26) .

(be) from Scunthorpe.

Craig and Claire 27).

(have) the same blond hair and blue eyes.

In the picture, Craig 28).

(sit) on a swing and Claire 29).

(hold) him.

They 30).

(have) a great time.

Вопрос This is my best friend Craig ?, расположенный на этой странице сайта, относится к категории Английский язык и соответствует программе для 1 - 4 классов. Если ответ не удовлетворяет в полной мере, найдите с помощью автоматического поиска похожие вопросы, из этой же категории, или сформулируйте вопрос по-своему. Для этого ключевые фразы введите в строку поиска, нажав на кнопку, расположенную вверху страницы. Воспользуйтесь также подсказками посетителей, оставившими комментарии под вопросом.