Complete the dialogue ?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the dialogue .

Dad : Listen, boys !

Did you remember that it is Mother's Day tomorrow?

We could arrange a party for Mum, couldn't we?

Jack : .

Andrew : Not a bad idea!

Let's talk about how to do it.

Jack : I know!

I'll be responsible for flowers.

I know she likes white roses.

Dad : OK.

I'll .

And you , Andrew?

Andrew : I'll be .

. And Jack .

. Jack : What ?

Why me?

I think we should make a cake together, ?

Dad : .

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Ответы (1)
Sembievdamir 21 апр. 2020 г., 18:41:58

Dad : Listen, boys !

Did you remember that it is Mother's Day tomorrow?

We could arrange a party for Mum, couldn't we?

Jack : Yeah, we could organise a surprise - party!

Andrew : Not a bad idea!

Let's talk about how to do it.

Jack : I know!

I'll be responsible for flowers.

I know she likes white roses.

Dad : OK.

I'll make a greeting card then.

And you , Andrew?

Andrew : I'll be responsible for music.

And Jack could make a pie.

Jack : What ?

Why me?

I think we should make a cake together, shouldn't we?

Dad : OK, let's cook an apple pie for her.

Israilyasmina12 25 окт. 2020 г., 11:58:33 | 1 - 4 классы

Replace the time in the dialogue between Jack and Jessica and read it?

Replace the time in the dialogue between Jack and Jessica and read it.

ViewFromTheSky 4 сент. 2020 г., 22:53:05 | 1 - 4 классы

- Hello This is Andrew Is that Caroline - Hello Andrew Yes its me - How are you - Fine thanks And how are you - Im OKперевод?

- Hello This is Andrew Is that Caroline - Hello Andrew Yes its me - How are you - Fine thanks And how are you - Im OK


Pafto74 25 февр. 2020 г., 14:43:35 | 10 - 11 классы

Andrew is not so tall?

Andrew is not so tall.


Jmotova 30 мая 2020 г., 11:13:08 | 1 - 4 классы

Complete the dialogue Dad : listen, boys?

Complete the dialogue Dad : listen, boys!

Did you remember that it is Mother's Day tomorrow?

Juliaaceeva 11 мая 2020 г., 21:54:05 | 1 - 4 классы

Andrew go home?

Andrew go home.

Andrew barked.

Andrew won't go home.

How do you know what my dog says, may i ask?

Andrew barked.

He'll go away and he'll live with his friend.

Oh, Andrew, you can't.

Andrew barked.

His friend will sleep in your room.

Oh, no, Andrew.

Andrew barked.

Andrew won't wear coast.

He won't go to the hairdresser's.

Very well, Andrew.

I give in.

Абду06 21 нояб. 2020 г., 07:45:50 | 1 - 4 классы

ЗАДАЙ ВОПРОСЫ к этим предложениям 1 Jack has a toothache and he goes to the dentist 2 Jack has a headache and he takes medicine 3 Jack has toothache ecause he eats a lot of chocolate 4 Usually he has ?

ЗАДАЙ ВОПРОСЫ к этим предложениям 1 Jack has a toothache and he goes to the dentist 2 Jack has a headache and he takes medicine 3 Jack has toothache ecause he eats a lot of chocolate 4 Usually he has a headache 5 jack is ill.

Msanin39 21 нояб. 2020 г., 07:37:09 | 1 - 4 классы

Dear Pete ?

Dear Pete .

Thank you for latter .

Lm writing to tell you about my day off.

On my day off I like - - - - - - and - - - - - - .

My little sister likes - - - - - - - - - - - - - .

And she is - - - - - - - now.

Mom likes - - - - - - - .

She - - - - - - - now .

Dad likes - - - - - - - but he isnt - - - - - - now.

What do you - - - - - - on your day off?

What does yuor mum - - - - - ''?

What - - - - - - - - - ?

Irisf78 16 сент. 2020 г., 12:39:24 | 1 - 4 классы

What did Jack forget to bring to school one day?

What did Jack forget to bring to school one day?

You will find out if you complete the crossword.

Pikapmaster97 1 окт. 2020 г., 05:51:41 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the sentences : 1)Lets arrange ?

Complete the sentences : 1)Lets arrange .

Together 2) I would like to be responsible for .

. 3) I propose that you .


Никич555 27 нояб. 2020 г., 12:43:23 | 1 - 4 классы

Вычеркните лишнее слово 1 - mum, dad , friend, grandma 2 - father, grandfather, sister, brother 3 - Sam , Ted , Dolly , Jack 4 - bag, cake, dad, lamp?

Вычеркните лишнее слово 1 - mum, dad , friend, grandma 2 - father, grandfather, sister, brother 3 - Sam , Ted , Dolly , Jack 4 - bag, cake, dad, lamp.

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