Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Заполните два текста.
Используйте глаголы в правильных формах.
Озаглавьте текст.
Complete the two texts.
Use the verbs in the right forms.
Give names to the texts.
1)Last Friday Mike (take) his dog to the pond.
He (play) with his dog.
They (run) and (jump) a lot.
They (meet) Mike’s friend Bob.
Bob (be) thirsty.
He (want) to drink very much.
Mike (give) him a bottle of mineral water he (have).
Bob thank Mike and drink some water.
2)yesterday fred and jim decide to go to the park.
They want to ride their bikes.
In the park they see their friends - Kevin and Liz.
They(have, not)their bikes with them, but they(have)a big brown ball.
The children(begin)to play.
They(play)three games.
Then they(go)home to do their lessons.
Fred(read)an English book and (write)an English text.
At 5 o'clock he(eat)his dinner.

Use the right forms to complete the sentences?
Use the right forms to complete the sentences.
Example : Last Friday Mike (Take) his dogto the pond Last Friday Mike took his dog to the pond Yesterday morning John and Sally (be) at home alone.
They (have) breakfast together.
They (drink) their tea, (eat) some sandwiches and (begin) to clean the house.
They (do) the house very well.
John (take) a pen and (write) : "Dear mum and dad.
Sally and I (be) in the park.
We'll (be) back at 4 o'clock.
" Помогите пожалуйста очень надо, сейчас.

Закончил следующие тексты, заполнив пропуски нужной формой глагола - have или has?
Закончил следующие тексты, заполнив пропуски нужной формой глагола - have или has.
1) Tom Cook ____ a big house.
His house ____ five rooms.
The house is by the park.
2) Mark and Pete like bikes.
They _____ four bikes : Mark _______ two bikes and Pete ____ two bikes.
They ride the bakes in the afternoon.

Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets They ?
Complete the sentences with the present continuous of the verbs in brackets They .
Their bikes(ride) She .
The window(close) He .
A shower (have ) They .
Their teeth(clean) She .
Her hair (brush) He .
The door (open) Образец They are riding their bikes .
Умаляю сделайте задание прошу и побыстрее.

Last friday mike(take)his dog to the pond?
Last friday mike(take)his dog to the pond.
He(play)with his dog.
They (run)and (jump)a lot.
They (meet) mikes friend bob.
Bob (be) thirsty.
He (want) to drink veru much.
Mike give) him a bottle of mineral water he (have) помогите вставить нужную форму глагола.

Раскройте скобки, используя формы глаголов в прошедшем времени(past simple) Last summer Jim and Jill (go)to the forest?
Раскройте скобки, используя формы глаголов в прошедшем времени(past simple) Last summer Jim and Jill (go)to the forest.
The day (be) fine.
It (be) veri hot and sunny.
Jim and Jim (walk) in the forest and then they (sit) down under a big tree.
They (talk)and (talk).
Suddenli they (see) a small.
The bird had fallen ( fell ) from the tree.
Jim (take) the bird in his hands and the children(go) home.
They put the bird into the box.
The children(like) the bird veri much.
They (give) the bird bread, apples, corn and water.
The bird (live) in their house for two weeks.
Then Jim and Jill (take) the bird back to the forest.
The bird (be) veri happy.

Вставить предлог Bob and jake(watch)?
Вставить предлог Bob and jake(watch).
TV now.
The dog (play).
With the cat!
It's five o'clock.
His parents (drink) .

Use the right forms to complete the sentences Example : Last Friday (take) his dog to the pond Last Friday took his dog to the pond Yesterday morning John and Sally (be) at home alone.
They (have) breakfast together.
They (drink) their tea, (eat) some sandwiches and (begin) to clean the house.
They (do) the house very well.
John (take) a pen and (write) : "Dear mum and dad.
Sally and I (be) back at 4 o"clok.

At seven a?
At seven a.
M Alec is in the park.
Alec r_____in the park.
His dog, Spot, r_____with the boy.
Alec and Spot j_____ and p_____in the park together.
In the afternoon Alec is at school.
He r_____English and Russian books.
He s______ English too.
He can speak English but not very well.
In the evening Alec p______with his toys or m____his friends.
They s_____ or r______ their bikes.
Alec h____his mother too.
They like to c_____together.
Нужно вставить в текст эти глаголы в нужной форме __________________________________________________________________ meet, read, run, cook, jump, speak, play, help, swim, ride, run, play.

Use the right forms to complete the sentences examole last friday mike take his dog to the pond как переводиться и ответ?
Use the right forms to complete the sentences examole last friday mike take his dog to the pond как переводиться и ответ.

Last Friday Mike (take) his dog to the pond?
Last Friday Mike (take) his dog to the pond.
He (play) with his dog.
They (run) and (jump) a lot.
They (meet) Mike's friend Bob there.
Bob (be) thirsty.
Mike (give) him a bottle of mineral water he (have).
Bob (thank) Mike and (drink) some water.
На странице вопроса Заполните два текста? из категории Английский язык вы найдете ответ для уровня учащихся 1 - 4 классов. Если полученный ответ не устраивает и нужно расшить круг поиска, используйте удобную поисковую систему сайта. Можно также ознакомиться с похожими вопросами и ответами других пользователей в этой же категории или создать новый вопрос. Возможно, вам будет полезной информация, оставленная пользователями в комментариях, где можно обсудить тему с помощью обратной связи.
1) Mike`s Friday
Last Friday Mike took his dog to the pond.
He played with his dog.
They ran and jumpeda lot.
They met Mike’s friend Bob.
Bob was thirsty.
He wanted to drink very much.
Mike gave him a bottle of mineral water he had.
Bob thanked Mike and drank some water.
2)Fred`s and Jim`s day
Yesterday Fred and Jim decided to go to the park.
They wanted to ride their bikes.
In the park they saw their friends - Kevin and Liz.
Theydid not havetheir bikes with them, but they hada big brown ball.
The childrenbeganto play.
Theyplayedthree games.
Then theywenthome to do their lessons.
Fredreadan English book and wrotean English text.
At 5 o'clock hewas eatinghis dinner.