Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы
Im . the blackboard.
Please dont go .
Проделайте следующие действии и ответьте на вопросы What are you doing at the moment?
Проделайте следующие действии и ответьте на вопросы What are you doing at the moment?
Или What is he (she) doing now?
I. Please take your book.
2. Please open it.
3. Please read Text Seven.
4. Please close the book now.
5. Please give it to your friend.
6. Please put the exercise - book on the table.
7. Please take it oil the table.
8. Please go to the blackboard.
9. Please look at the blackboard.
Заполните пропуски в предложении?
Заполните пропуски в предложении
She often come here?
Go. please.
Go. the room please.
He work?
Here please.
Our teacher.
Not often give us a of homework to do.
Go to.
Blackboard please.
Book at page 25
Take your book and put it.
The table please
Put the book.
The bag please
You live in Moscow
Doesnt work here.
I. nt there now
Tom is.
Home now
The blackboard please
You at home?
Com. please
In please
Not a student
The room please
Nik and Tom.
Book is the table
we are.
School now.
I. Подставьте нужный предлог там, где это необходимо : 1?
I. Подставьте нужный предлог там, где это необходимо : 1.
Please go … the blackboard.
He is … the blackboard now.
2. Please put your book … this brief - case, Ann.
3. Please take that long pencil … … your bag, Nick.
4. Please take a pen … that student.
5. Please take that long pencil … … your brief - case, Fred, and put it … the table.
6. Please look … the map.
7. Please don’t go … here.
8. What page is he opening his book … ?
Please go __ the blackboard, peter?
Please go __ the blackboard, peter.
He is __ the blackboard now.
Заполните пропуски.
Помогите пожалуйста?
Помогите пожалуйста.
Fill in the blanks with prepositions or adverbs.
1. Take the books the table and put them your bag.
2. Show me this map.
Show it me.
3. Go that room, please.
4. Stand 5.
Sit 6.
Take that pencil the box and put it front me.
7. Come please.
Come here.
8. Go the room.
9. Give these flowers Ann, please.
10. Go the blackboard.
Take the chalk and write the date, please.
11. Look the blackboard.
Read that sentence, please.
12. Take this newspaper her and show it us.
Как правильно расставить слова piano, play, the, dont, please?
Как правильно расставить слова piano, play, the, dont, please.
Как правильно расставить слова в предложениях :1?
Как правильно расставить слова в предложениях :
And / come / him / meet
At / there / girl / look / that / over
Close / dont / door / please / the
Guiet / please / be.
Please go ___ the blackboard, Peter?
Please go ___ the blackboard, Peter.
Заполните пропуски.
Допиши нужные слова в этих предложениях?
Допиши нужные слова в этих предложениях.
1) There is a green blackboard in your class.
We write on it.
2. There is s.
Juice in the jug.
3. How many classes are there in your class?
4. What is there on the Windowsill.
5. Put the toys on the shelf.
6. Give me some, butter, please 7.
Can I have some jum, please.
8. The water in the lake is clean and blue.
Помогите второе.
Complecte the sentences Dont go walking?
Complecte the sentences Dont go walking.
The wood Goldilocks is.
A hurry I cnwalk there on my way.
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Im at the blackboard.
Please dont go there.