Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives (7 points) Big - ___________________ ______________________ Funny - _________________ ______________________ Comfortable - _____________ ____________________ Good - _________________ _______________________ Strong - _________________ ______________________ Bad - ___________________ ______________________ Expensive - ______________ _____________________.

Помогите умоляю?
Помогите умоляю.
Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.
Long longer longest Expensive Strong Difficult Intelligent Close Popular Safe safer Important Loud Weak Tasty Comfortable Delicious.

Помогите пожалуйста?
Помогите пожалуйста.
Write the degrees of comparison of the following words.
Thin, easy, expensive, complicated, lucky, sharp, wide, bright, deep, many.

Помогите плиз V?
Помогите плиз V.
Write comparative and superlative degrees of comparison of these adjectives.
Bright clever simple comfortable generous far little expensive much shy.

Форма сравнительной и превосходной степени от этих прилагательных?
Форма сравнительной и превосходной степени от этих прилагательных.
Form the comparative and superlative degrees from these adjectives.
Good, bad, old, famous, difficult, large, big, beautiful, rich, great, delicious.

1. Write the opposites?
1. Write the opposites.
Behind - _________________ left - _______________ Warm - __________________ big - ________________ Short - __________________ on - _________________ Nice - ___________________ sunny - _______________ 2.
Write the degrees of comparison of the adjectives.
Cold - ______ - ________ nice - _______ - _________ Warm - _____ - _______ hot - ________ - _________ Tall - ______ - ________ big - ________ - _________ Small - _____ - _______ tasty - _______ - _________ Favourite - ________ - ________ interesting - ________ - ___________.

Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives, big , happy, good, interesting , bad?
Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives, big , happy, good, interesting , bad.

))) 1.
Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives and adverbs : Cheap, nice, little, heavy, simple, big, beautiful, pleasant, low, few, light, small, attractive, lucky, surprising, boring, bad, shy, busy, good, intelligent, many, far, expensive, old, large, young, funny, clever, deep, near, bright, slow, dangerous, fat, difficult, long, comfortable, rich, poor, high, useful, interesting, pretty, strong, easy, famous, dark, important, little, old.

Write three forms of Comparison of adjectives Old, strong, happy, modern, important, quite, clever, narrow, difficult, good, far, sad, grey, productive, many, slow, unusual?
Write three forms of Comparison of adjectives Old, strong, happy, modern, important, quite, clever, narrow, difficult, good, far, sad, grey, productive, many, slow, unusual.

Помогите пожалуйста?
Помогите пожалуйста!
Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives.
Friendli - _____ - _____ interesting - _____ - _____ much - _____ - _____ warm - _____ - _____ bad - _____ - _____ Заранее спасибо!

Напиши степень сравнения прилагательных?
Напиши степень сравнения прилагательных.
Big - funny comfortable good strong bad expensive.
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Big - bigger - the biggest
funny - funnier - the funniest
comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
good - better - the best
strong - stronger - the strongest
bad - worse - the worst
expensive - more expensive - the most expensive.
Big - Большой
Funny - весёлый
Сomfortable - удобный
Good - хорошо
Strong - сильный
Bad - плохой
Expensive - дорогой.
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