Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Complete the disjunctive questions.
Sarah hasn't got a budgie, .
Complete the disjunctive questions?
Complete the disjunctive questions.
She likes to talk to her granny,.
Complete the disjunctive questions 1 ?
Complete the disjunctive questions 1 .
, werent they?
2. , wont you?
3. , will you ?
4. , isnt there 5.
, arent there?
Complete the disjunctive questions?
Complete the disjunctive questions.
1)You have got a guinea pig as a pet, ?
2)They have got a lot of grass for the rabbit, ?
Complete the disjunctive questions?
Complete the disjunctive questions.
We haven't got much time, ?
John has got a new pet, ?
Complete the disjunctive questions?
Complete the disjunctive questions.
1) We played water polo yesterday, .
? 2) They left for Moscow 3 hours ago, .
? .
Complete the disjunctive questions?
Complete the disjunctive questions.
1) He had a good time at the party, .
? .
Complete the disjunctive questions?
Complete the disjunctive questions.
Помогите мне!
Дай бог вам здоровья!
Счастья и любви!
Англиский complete the disjunctive questions you were at thecircus yesterday?
Англиский complete the disjunctive questions you were at thecircus yesterday.
Complete the questions?
Complete the questions.
Complete the disjunctive questions?
Complete the disjunctive questions.
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. has she?