"Dreaming again, Douglas?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

"Dreaming again, Douglas?

You'd better go and get some wood.

" Dorell's voice brought me back to reality.

I didn't answer, but took my knife and went out of our little cottage in the middle of the forest.

In fact, Dorell was my grandfather, but I called him by his name because we had never been close.

Maybe a long time ago when I was a child, I loved him, but I don't remember.

Ten years ago when I was six, the English came to Scone Abbey to take Lia Fail.

All my family had been killed long before that, but Dorell was at the abbey.

He is a wizard, he could stop King Edward, I knew it, but he did nothing.

He stood and watched as the English king took our stone and carried it away.

I can't forgive Dorell for that.

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Ответы (1)
Светок2006 14 янв. 2018 г., 18:20:45

"Опять мечтаешь, Дуглас?

Ты лучше пойди и найди палки.

" Голос Дорелла вернул меня обратно в реальное время.

Я не ответил, но взял нож и вышел наружу из маленького коттеджа в середине леса.

В действительности Дорелл был моим дедушкой, но я называл его по имени потому, что мы никогда не были близки.

Может много лет назад, когда я был маленьким я и любил его, но я не помню.

Десять лет назад, когдамне было шесть, англичанепришли в Сконское аббатство чтобы захватить Лиа Фэйл.

Вся моя семья была уничтожена задолго до этого, но Дорелл был в аббатстве.

Он волшебник, он мог остановить короля Эдварда, я знал это, но он ничего не сделал.

Он стоял и смотрел как Английский король взял наш камень и унес прочь.

Я не могу простить Дорелла за это.

Nastia130200 24 сент. 2018 г., 07:54:29 | 5 - 9 классы




1We are the guards of Lia Fail.

Lia Fail is the meaning of our life.

In 840 the King of the Scots and Picts, Kenneth MacAlpine, put a big stone on top of Moot Hill in Scone.

It was not a simple stone : when the rightful king sat on it, the stone cried and sang.

Ordinary people didn't hear the voice of the stone, but we, the children of this land and mountains, we, the Druids, heard it as clearly as other people hear the sound of the wind.

At that time the words of the ancient family oath were heard for the first time : "I am from the Clan MacWizard.

By earth and water, wind and fire I swear that I'll give my life to protect Lia Fail.

No wrong man will ever rule my country.

Let the prophecy come true!

Fight for the ring!

Fight with the ring!

Fight in the ring!

" 2 "Dreaming again, Douglas?

You'd better go and get some wood.

" Dorell's voice brought me back to reality.

I didn't answer, but took my knife and went out of our little cottage in the middle of the forest.

In fact, Dorell was my grandfather, but I called him by his name because we had never been close.

Maybe a long time ago when I was a child, I loved him, but I don't remember.

Ten years ago when I was six, the English came to Scone Abbey to take Lia Fail.

All my family had been killed long before that, but Dorell was at the abbey.

He is a wizard, he could stop King Edward, I knew it, but he did nothing.

He stood and watched as the English king took our stone and carried it away.

I can't forgive Dorell for that.

3. I sighed with relief when the Scots noticed the danger too and ran in different directions.

They had hoped to hide in the forest, but their enemies were faster.

Five of them attacked the Scots' leader.

He was a strong man and fought bravely.

Four of the attackers were killed, and the Scot ran into the forest.

I ran towards him to help, but when he came closer, I was sorry about my decision.

I could clearly see the red and gold coat of arms of Clan Bruce of Annadale.

The man in front of me was Robert the Bruce, the most important person in Scotland and the claimant to the Scottish throne.

A lot of people loved him and hoped that he could become our leader in the war against the English, but Bruce could never make up his mind.

He was half Norman, half Scottish, and his lands in England and in Scotland made him a very rich man.

So though he liked to talk about his love for his country, in fact he preferred to wait, watch and be friends with everybody.

Basja777 21 янв. 2018 г., 21:00:24 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста перевести?

Помогите пожалуйста перевести.

Many years ago, there lived a king in England.

His name was Richard Coeur de Lion.

Coeur de Lion is French.

It means lion - hearted.

It is strange that an English king had a French name.

More than a hundred years before this king, a French duke named William came to England.

He defeated the English, and became the king of England.

He took many Frenchmen or Normans with him.

These Normans were all poor but very proud.

They came with William to help him fight.

He promised to give them money and lands.

So Duke William stole lands, houses and money from the Saxon nobles and gave them to the Normans.

The Saxon nobles became the servants of the proud Normans.

So, there were two races in England.

Each spoke their own language.

Each hated the other.

When Richard became king there was still a great hatred between the two races.

Richard Coeur de Lion was a brave and noble man.

He loved brave men and noble deeds.

He hated all mean and cruel, and the cowards who did them.

He was ready to help the weak.

Richard himself was not gentle.

He was very angry and terrible in battle.

He loved to fight with people who were stronger or better armed than himself and never hurt the weak.

But Richard did not stay in England.

Far over the seas there is a country of Palestine.

Christian people in all ages think gratefully of that country.

But at that time it was in the hands of the enemies.

So Christian people gathered big armies of brave men from every country and sent them to try to win it back.

Brave King Richard too fought for this city.

So he gathered as much money and brave men as he could, and set out for the Holy Land.

Before he went away he called two bishops.

He thought they were good and wise men, and said to them : ‘Take care of England while I am away.

Rule my people wisely and well, and I will reward you when I return.

’ The bishops promised to do as he asked.

King Richard had a brother.

His name was Prince John.

He was different from King Richard in every way.

He was not at all a nice man.

He was jealous of Richard because he was king.

He was angry because he wanted to rule while Richard was away.

John said to the bishops, ‘You must let me rule while the king is away.

’ And the bishops let him to do so.

Deep down in his wicked heart John meant to make himself king and never let Richard come back any more.

A sad time began for the Saxons.

John tried to please the Normans.

He hoped they could help to make him king.

He gave them land and money.

He took it from the Saxons and gave it to the Normans.

Many of the Saxons became homeless.

They lived a wild life in the forests.

One of the few Saxon nobles was Robert, Earl of Huntingdon.

He had one son.

His name was Robert too, but people called him Robin.

He was a favourite with everyone.

He was tall, strong, handsome, and full of fun.

He was brave and fear - less too.

He was the best archer in all the countryside.

He never hurt the weak and poor.

Robert of Huntingdon had a bitter enemy.

One day this enemy came with many soldiers to kill the earl and take all his goods and lands.

There was a terrible fight.

In the end, Robert and all his men were killed.

His house was burned and all his money stolen.

Only Robin was saved.

He was the best archer and no soldier could go near him.

He fought bravely till the last.

But when he saw that his father was dead and his home in flames, he didn’t fight any longer.

He took his bow and arrows and went to the forest of SherwoodPrince John’s men were close behind him.

On and on he went, deeper and deeper into the trees.

At last he sat under a great tree.

His heart was full of anger and thoughts of revenge.

Cruel men in one day took everything.

His father, his home, servants, land, money and his name.

Robin loved the forest.

Soon it comforted him.

At last the tears came hot and fast, and sobs shook him.

The bitterness and anger went out of his heart ; only unhappiness was there.

In the evening Robin said his prayers and swore an oath.

This was the oath : ‘I swear to honour God and the King, To help the weak and fight the strong, To take from the rich and give to the poor, So God will help me with His power.

’ Then he lay down on the grass under the trees and fell asleep.

And this is how Robin Hood first came to live in the Green Wood and have all his wonderful adventures.

PolyackovaAnna 13 мар. 2018 г., 13:02:51 | 10 - 11 классы

( переведите пожалуйста текст ) It was in 1620, in the time of King James the First?

( переведите пожалуйста текст ) It was in 1620, in the time of King James the First.

English people did not like their king and they called him 'The Foolish King of England'.

Many of them even left England and went to live in other countries.

In November, 1620, a small ship, the Mayflower, left England.

There were about one hundred people aboard the ship, but even for this hundred the ship was too small.

For seven long weeks the Mayflower was in the waves and storms of the Atlantic Ocean, and at last the people saw land.

It was America.

It was already autumn.

It was raining and a cold wind was blowing.

Sixteen men left the Mayflower and went ashore.

In the evening they came back to the ship and brought some maize with them.

They found the maize in the sand on the beach where the Indians had left it.

Nobody in Europe had seen maize then, but when the people on board the Mayflower tried it they liked it very much.

Next day was Sunday and everybody on the Mayflower had a rest.

On Monday some men went ashore again and this time they took some women with them.

The women had to wash the clothes.

Since that time Monday has been a wash - day in America.

Ignatievkotik 1 февр. 2018 г., 17:44:16 | 5 - 9 классы

Androcles was a slave?

Androcles was a slave.

He ran through the forest.

He wanted to hide among hight trees.

He wanted to run far from the village where he lived and was slave.

He thought his live was very hard, it was impossible.

Androcles wanted to save his life in the forest.

Suddenly he saw a big lion.

Nobody else was seen near him.

Androcles became afraid but understood that the lion couldn't do him any harm.

The lion was breathing hard.

He wanted to show Androcles that something was wrong with his paw.

The lion couldn't speak the language of people but he wanted to say : "Save me!

Protect me!

Help me!

" Androcles looked at the lion's paw and discovered a large thorn in it.

It was hidden deep in the paw.

Androcles took it away.

The lion was happy.

They became friends and the lion brought him food every day.

But the one day the Emperor's people caught both Andocles and his friend the lion.

They brought them to Rome and separated them.

They didn't give any food to the lion.

He became very hungry and then they gave him Androcles to eat.

But the lion was his real friend.

He didn't kill Androcles.

He was happy to see his friend.

The Emperor couldn't understand it.

Androcles was brought to him and he told the Emperor gave food to the lion and let them both go away.

Этот текст в прошедшем времени, перевидите, а то переводчик не помогает.

Rena1371 3 июл. 2018 г., 17:07:46 | 5 - 9 классы

НАПИШИТЕ РУССКИМИ БУКАМИ АНГЛИЙСКОЕ ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ At first the referee thought that it as just a joke?

НАПИШИТЕ РУССКИМИ БУКАМИ АНГЛИЙСКОЕ ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЕ At first the referee thought that it as just a joke.

But when the player pointed to the blood on his leg, he had to believe that it was serious.

He called the forward and asked him why he had done such a strange thing.

The forward said, "I didn't bite anybody".

But the referee made him leave the game.

010203S 9 мар. 2018 г., 21:32:19 | 5 - 9 классы

The ring shows the way Part I Something was happening?

The ring shows the way Part I Something was happening.

Artos could feel it.

Their little farm was quiet as usual, but yesterday he saw a lot of carts on the road.

They went past Artos's house all day and all night.

"Where are the people going?

" he asked.

"People are going to the mountains — to safety, " his father said.

He looked worried.

Artos began to feel afraid.

What's the matter, Father?

" Artos, you are only seven, but we must talk.

Do you remember our great King Arthur?

" "Of course, I know all about him.

Every boy in the tribe does.

Arthur was a great king and Merlin, the greatest wizard of all time, helped him.

He had thirteen knights - his friends.

When they had meetings, Arthur never sat on his throne.

He had a special Round Table for the meetings to show that he and all his knights were equal.

And помогите пожалуйста как читается не перевод а как произносится.

Lister22 1 мар. 2018 г., 12:11:59 | 5 - 9 классы

Составьте 10 вопросов по тексту?

Составьте 10 вопросов по тексту.

We are the guards of Lia Fail.

Lia Fail is the meaning of our life.

In 840 the King of the Scots and Picts, Kenneth MacAlpine, put a big stone on top of Moot Hill in Scone.

It was not a simple stone : when the rightful king sat on it, the stone cried and sang.

Ordinary people didn't hear the voice of the stone, but we, the children of this land and mountains, we, the Druids, heard it as clearly as other people hear the sound of the wind.

At that time the words of the ancient family oath were heard for the first time : "I am from the Clan MacWizard.

By earth and water, wind and fire I swear that I'll give my life to protect Lia Fail.

No wrong man will ever rule my country.

Let the prophecy come true!

Fight for the ring!

Fight with the ring!

Fight in the ring!

" Since then every Scottish king had been crowned in Scone on Lia Fail.

It had been called many names : the Stone of Scone, the Stone of Destiny, the Coronation Stone, but we, the guards, always called it Lia Fail.

Very few people knew about us, we didn't show our faces at coronation ceremonies, but every time the king sat on Lia Fail, we heard the powerful voice of the stone.

It sang a song of glory to our free country.

Ten years ago we, the guards of Lia Fail, let the enemy take it away and.

Stayed alive.

"Dreaming again, Douglas?

You'd better go and get some wood.

" (Ты бы лучше пошел и собрал немного дров.

) Dorell's voice brought me back to reality.

I didn't answer, but took my knife and went out of our little cottage in the middle of the forest.

In fact, Dorell was my grandfather, but I called him by his name because we had never been close.

Maybe a long time ago when I was a child, I loved him, but I don't remember.

Ten years ago when I was six, the English came to Scone Abbey to take Lia Fail.

All my family had been killed long before that, but Dorell was at the abbey.

He is a wizard, he could stop King Edward, I knew it, but he did nothing.

He stood and watched as the English king took our stone and carried it away.

I can't forgive Dorell for that.

It was a lovely spring day.

On a day like this you can easily forget all your troubles, but this was Scotland in the year of Our Lord 1306, a country which had seen nothing but (кроме) war in the last twenty years.

So when I saw a group of armed men, I wasn't surprised.

One of them was riding in front of the group.

They were Scots and they were in trouble.

From where I was I could see another group following them.

These were the English and there were a lot of them.

I hated the English.

They took our land and our castles.

I sighed with relief when the Scots noticed the danger too and ran in different directions.

They had hoped to hide in the forest, but their enemies were faster.

Five of them attacked the Scots' leader.

He was a strong man and fought bravely.

Four of the attackers were killed, and the Scot ran into the forest.

I ran towards him to help, but when he came closer, I was sorry about my decision.

I could clearly see the red and gold coat of arms of Clan Bruce of Annadale.

The man in front of me was Robert the Bruce, the most important person in Scotland and the claimant to the Scottish throne.

A lot of people loved him and hoped that he could become our leader in the war against the English, but Bruce could never make up his mind.

He was half Norman, half Scottish, and his lands in England and in Scotland made him a very rich man.

So though he liked to talk about his love for his country, in fact he preferred to wait, watch and be friends with everybody.

Анютkа01 10 янв. 2018 г., 08:42:53 | 10 - 11 классы

Answer the questions?

Answer the questions.

1. Who is the main character of the story?

2. What was the duty of his clan?

3. Who was Dorell?

4. What couldn't Douglas forgive Dorell for?

5. How did Douglas and Robert the Bruce meet?

6. What did Douglas think of Robert the Bruce?

7. What did Robert the Bruce give Douglas for his help?

8. What happened in Scone Abbey on 25 March 1306?

Efanov0303 6 июн. 2018 г., 04:52:35 | 5 - 9 классы

Match the names of people, objects or places with their descriptions?

Match the names of people, objects or places with their descriptions.

What information wasn't mentioned in the story?

1. Robert the Bruce 2.

Scone Abbey 3.

William Wallace 4.

Falkirk 5.

Lia Fail 6.

Edward I a) King of England who conquered Wales and tried to conquer Scotland.

B) King of Scotland who was crowned in 1306 in Scone Abbey.

C) A Scottish leader in the war for independence.

After he lost the Battle of Falkirk, he hid in the Highlands.

In 1305 he was captured and executed by the English in London.

D) The coronation place of Scottish kings.

E) The sacred stone in Scone on which all Scottish monarchs had been crowned before.

In 1296 it was stolen by Edward I.

F) The place where the English king, Edward I, beat the scotlish army сопоставьте!

555444333222111 29 дек. 2018 г., 15:36:20 | 5 - 9 классы

One day the Kingdom was attacked by the lions?

One day the Kingdom was attacked by the lions.

They wanted to take over the Palace so they had a lot of cheese.

They destroyed everything in the Palace !

Then the king got scared and climbed to the top of the chair.

He was scared but the lions went in a circle of chairs .

But suddenly there were elephants, they walked around the room .

And suddenly the king thought he sat on the elephants trunk and sat there.

The king was allowed to eat all the cheese and all were Schastlivy and king too !

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