Краткий пересказ пожалуйста?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Краткий пересказ пожалуйста!

Вот текст : One Sunday morning it was fine and warm so Alice decided to spend the day outdoors.

She went out of the houses, bought a paket of crisps, turned to the right, psseed a newly painted houses and went into the park.

Alice walked slowly and looked at the playing children and their smiling mothers, at the flying kites and the colourful balls.

The chatting teenagers were very noisy.

And Alice turned to the left.

There was nothing there but singing birds and running squirrels in the trees.

Soon she was tired and decided to sit on a bench and read her book in peace.

She found a bench under a big green tree.

An old man was sitting there.

He was reading a newspaper.

Alice sat dowb on the chosen dench, took out her book and began to read.

There was a packet of crisps on the bench between her and the old man.

Alice tooc some of theb from the opened packet and the old man took some too.

Alice was surprised.

She looked at the strange man but he was calm.

Alice didn't say anything and started reading again.

Every time Alice took some crisps from the packet, the old man took some crisps too.

Soon there were only a few crisps leftvin the packet.

The girl looked at the strange old man.

Ne took the last two uneaten crisps and gave one to Alice.

The girl was surprised.

She put the unfinished book into ger bag and left as fast as possible.

She came home and took the book out of her bag.

And suddenly she saw her unopened packet of crisps in the bag.

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Ответы (1)
Anamedlsk2004 21 дек. 2018 г., 15:48:11

Утро воскресенья было хорошим и теплым и Алиса решила провести день на улице.

Она вышла из дома, купила покет чипсов, повернула на право, прошла покрашенные дома и пошла в парк.

Алиса шла медленно и смотрела на играющих детей и их улыбающихся матерей, на летающих змеей и разноцветные мячи.

Дети были очень шумные.

И Алиса повернула на лево.

Здесь ничего не было но были поющие птицы и бегущие белки на деревьях.

Потом она устала и решила сесть на бревно и почитать в мире ее книгу.

Она нашла бревно под большим зеленым деревом.

Старый человек сидел здесь.

Он читал газету.

Алиса села на выбранное бревно, взяла ее книгу и начала читать.

Danielllla 16 февр. 2018 г., 01:27:59 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите перевести текст на русский язык ?

Помогите перевести текст на русский язык !

Спасибо !

There was a big flood near our house in spring.

The water came down from the mountain and the hills, the river came up and u p, and a lot of the houses on the low land were soon under the water.

The Red Cross sent some men, and they brought food and dry clothes, and took some people to higher ground in boats.

One old man lives in a small house near our river.

He is a poor man, and there aren't any other houses near his.

There was a lot of rain one night, and in the morning the old man looked out of his window and saw the flood.

The water was nearly up to his bedroom window.

The water came up and u p, and the old man went to the top floor of his house.

Then the flood was worse, and he went up on to the roof.

"What am I going to do?

" he said.

"The water's very deep, and I can't swim.

" But after three hours the old man saw a boat.

It came slowly near, and the old man saw two young men in it.

"We've come from the Red Cross, " one of the young men called, "and .

. . " "I'm sorry, " the old man answered, "but I've just given you some money this month, and I haven't got much.

I'm a poor man.


Inasimba 19 дек. 2018 г., 18:48:20 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите Jenny took Peter's stamp?

Переведите Jenny took Peter's stamp.

She couldn't see Fred from the bushes behind house.

Then she said she ran across the lawn so she was hiding in the bushes in the far corner of the garden.

There was some grass on the floor in the living room.

Jenny got some grass on her shoes when she was running.

She came back to the room first and took the stamp when Peter was looking for mike and laura and fred and roy were looking for the keys.

Gerewere 25 мая 2018 г., 03:05:28 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйсто Work in pairs?

Помогите пожалуйсто Work in pairs.

Complete the questions with the words.

Then ask your classmate to answer them.

Use : What where why 1 .

Did alice decide to go to the park that day?

2. were the children doing in the park?

3. did alice decide to sit down?

4. did she find a nice bench?

5. was there between alice and the old man?

6. was alice surpriset?

7. did she find in her bag when she came home?

Вот текст One Sunday morning it was fine and warm so Alice decided to spend the day outdoors.

She went out of the houses, bought a paket of crisps, turned to the right, psseed a newly painted houses and went into the park.

Alice walked slowly and looked at the playing children and their smiling mothers, at the flying kites and the colourful balls.

The chatting teenagers were very noisy.

And Alice turned to the left.

There was nothing there but singing birds and running squirrels in the trees.

Soon she was tired and decided to sit on a bench and read her book in peace.

She found a bench under a big green tree.

An old man was sitting there.

He was reading a newspaper.

Alice sat dowb on the chosen dench, took out her book and began to read.

There was a packet of crisps on the bench between her and the old man.

Alice tooc some of theb from the opened packet and the old man took some too.

Alice was surprised.

She looked at the strange man but he was calm.

Alice didn't say anything and started reading again.

Every time Alice took some crisps from the packet, the old man took some crisps too.

Soon there were only a few crisps leftvin the packet.

The girl looked at the strange old man.

Ne took the last two uneaten crisps and gave one to Alice.

The girl was surprised.

She put the unfinished book into ger bag and left as fast as possible.

She came home and took the book out of her bag.

And suddenly she saw her unopened packet of crisps in the bag.

Поможите даю 50 баллов.

Аленахвощевская11111 3 авг. 2018 г., 01:49:45 | 5 - 9 классы

Alice looked around and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree, with a big smile on her face?

Alice looked around and saw a Cheshire cat in a tree, with a big smile on her face.

“Sorry, ” she said, “can you tell me which way to go?

” “Where do you want to get?

- said the cat.

“I don't know, ' said Alice.

“Where am I going?

” “Hatter lives there, said the cat.

He pointed in one direction.

“And the March Hare lives there.

” He pointed to the other side.

“You can visit any of them.

They're both crazy.

” “I don't want to visit mad people, said Alice.

“Well, I'm sorry, 'said the cat, ' but we're all mad here!

I'm angry.

You are mad.


” The cat slowly disappeared, starting from the tail, while Alice could only see his smile.

“I'm going to visit the March Hare said to Alice, and she walked through the woods until she came to the house of the March hare.

When she saw the house, Alice knew * she was in the right place.

There was fur on the roof, and the chimneys looked like long ears.

There was a long table under a tree in March hare in the garden.

The Hatter and the March Hare were on the table.

There was a Dormouse between them.

He was fast asleep.

Alice sat in one of the armchairs.


Said the March Hare.

"There is lemonade!

” Alice looked down at the table.

There was no lemonade.

There was only tea.

“I don't see any lemonade, ' she said.


Гений64 23 янв. 2018 г., 16:17:00 | 1 - 4 классы

2. The Tiny Door Alice looked around again and saw a glass table with a tiny gold key on it?

2. The Tiny Door Alice looked around again and saw a glass table with a tiny gold key on it.

The key was too small for any of the doors.

Then Alice noticed a tiny door behind a curtain.

She tried the key in the lock and the door opened.

Outside the door was a beautiful garden.

Alice wanted to go outside, but she was too big to go through the little door.

She closed the little door and went back to the table.

Now there was a bottle on it.

A label on the bottle said “DRINK ME!

” Alice looked carefully at the bottle, then she tried the drink.

It was delicious!

It tasted like all her favourite foods at the same time, so she drank * it all.

"I feel very strange, " said Alice.

She looked up and saw that the table was high above her.

“I’m small!

" she said.

“Now I can go into the garden!

” But the key to the little door was on the table.

Alice could * see it, but she couldn't reach it.

“Oh no!

” said Alice.

Just then, she saw a little glass box on the floor.

Inside, there was a tiny cake with the words "EAT ME!

" on it.

Alice ate * the cake.

"Oh! " she said.

"Now I’m growing!

” Alice grew * until her head hit * the ceiling.

She took the gold key and opened the tiny door.

But now, of course, she was too tall to go through the door.

She sat on the floor and cried * .

Ruzikkizurruzik 1 мар. 2018 г., 12:51:34 | 1 - 4 классы

5. Alice Grows Again Suddenly, Alice heard footsteps?

5. Alice Grows Again Suddenly, Alice heard footsteps.

She looked up and saw the rabbit again.

He was very worried.

"Oh dear!

Where are they?

” he said.

“The Duchess is going to be very angry!

Where did I drop them?

” “He’s looking for his fan and gloves, ” thought Alice.

She looked for them, too, but they were back in the room with the glass table, and she didn’t know where that was any more.

Just then, the rabbit saw Alice.

"Mary Ann!

” he shouted.

“Why are you here?

Go home right now and find me a pair of gloves and a fan!

” "He thinks I’m his maid!

” thought Alice, but she was too scared to say anything.

She ran away and soon saw a little house, with the name “W.

RABBIT” on the door.

She went inside and ran upstairs.

In the tiny bedroom, she saw a table with a fan and some white gloves on it.

There was also a little bottle.

Alice picked it up.

“I'm tired of being so small, ” she thought.

“I wonder what this dnnk does.

” Alice drank the drink.

“Oh! I’m growing again!

” said Alice, as her head hit the ceiling.

But this time, she grew even bigger.

She sat on the floor, with one arm out of the window and one foot up the chimney.

She was very unhappy.

"How can I get out of here now?

” she thought.

Just then, Alice heard the rabbit.

"Mary Ann!

" he shouted.

“Where are my gloves and fan?

" The rabbit ran up the stairs and tried to open the bedroom door.


” said the rabbit.

"There’s something inside.

Never mind.

I can go through the window.

" The rabbit ran outside again and looked up at the bedroom window.



" he shouted.

“What is that in the bedroom window?

” “It’s an arm, sir!

” said another voice.

“Well, take it out of my window!

” shouted the rabbit.

Pat the guinea pig tried to get through the window, but Alice moved her arm and he fell down again.

Then Bill the lizard tried to get down the chimney, but Alice moved her leg and he flew out again.

Next, Pat and Bill threw - stones at Alice through the window.

When the stones landed on the floor, they changed into little cakes.

Alice ate one of the cakes, and started to get smaller.


” she said.

“I’m just the right size!

” She put some cakes in her pocket and went downstairs.

She ran out of the house, across the garden and into a wood.

Osedrakyan 4 апр. 2018 г., 02:48:17 | 1 - 4 классы

1. The White Rabbit Alice was hot, bored and sleepy?

1. The White Rabbit Alice was hot, bored and sleepy.

She didn’t have anything to do.

She sat * by the river, waiting for teatime.

Her older sister was also there, reading a book.

Alice looked at the book.

It was very boring, because there weren’t any pictures in it.

Just then, a white rabbit with pink eyes ran * past Alice, and she heard * it say, "Oh dear!

I'm very late!

" The rabbit took a watch out of its waistcoat pocket, looked at it and started to run even faster.

"A rabbit with a waistcoat and a watch!

” thought * Alice.

"That’s very strange.

" She stood * up and followed the rabbit.

It ran across a field and went through a little door in a tree.

Alice went through the door, too.

There was a hole behind the door.

It went straight down, like a deep well, and Alice fell * down and down.

She fell very slowly, and for a very long time.

“I must be near the centre of the earth, ” she thought.

Suddenly she landed on some sticks and dry leaves.

Alice stood up and looked around.

She saw' the white rabbit running down a tunnel, so she ran after it.

“Oh my ears and whiskers!

I’m so late!

" said the rabbit.

The rabbit ran around a comer.

Alice followed, but when she turned the corner the rabbit wasn’t there.

Alice was in a long, low room with doors all around it.

She tried’ to open the doors, but they were all locked.

"What am I going to do now?

" she thought.

"How am I going to get out of here?


Karen28022009 6 сент. 2018 г., 19:37:00 | 1 - 4 классы

6. The Duchess and the Pig She walked through the wood and soon she came to another little house?

6. The Duchess and the Pig She walked through the wood and soon she came to another little house.

“I wonder who lives here, ” Alice thought.

Someone in a sort of uniform ran out of the wood and knocked at the door.

He looked like a fish and had a big letter in his hand.

A frog man opened the door.

He had another sort of uniform.

The fish - man gave * the frog - man the huge letter.

"This is for the Duchess, ” he said.

“It's an invitation from the Queen to play croquet.

” Then the fish - man walked away, and the frog - man sat on the front steps.

Alice went up to the door and knocked.

"Why are you knocking?

” asked the frog - man.

“I can't let you in, because I’m outside.

Anyway, no - one can hear you knocking.

" He was right.

There was a terrible noise coming from inside the house.

Alice heard screams, sneezes, and loud crashes.

"Well, how can I get in?

" asked Alice.

“Why don’t you open the door?

” asked the frog - man.

Alice opened the door and went into the house.

She was in a large kitchen.

In the middle of the kitchen was the Duchess, with a noisy baby.

There was a cook near the fire with a huge pot of soup.

The air was full of pepper.

Alice sneezed.

There was a large cat near the fire.

It smiled at Alice.

"Why is your cat smiling?

” Alice asked the Duchess.

The Duchess sneezed.

"It’s a Cheshire Cat, ” she said.

Then she shouted "Pig!

” "Excuse me?

” said Alice.

“I'm talking to the baby, ” said the Duchess.

“Well, that’s not a nice thing to say!

” said Alice.

"Mind your own business!

" shouted the Duchess.


Cut off her head!

” Alice was scared, but the cook didn’t listen to the Duchess.


Take the baby!

" said the Duchess, and she gave the baby to Alice.

“I must get ready for croquet with the Queen!

" The Duchess went to get ready for croquet, and Alice took the baby outside.

"That’s not a good place for a baby to live, " she said.

She looked at the baby.

It looked like a little pig.

It made a noise like a pig, too.

"You ARE a pig!

” said Alice to the baby.

She put it on the ground and it walked away into the wood.

"Where am I now?

” thought Alice.

Batmanrobinspid 17 апр. 2018 г., 02:50:47 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите перевести?

Помогите перевести.

Только не из переводчика.

Alice started to fall down into a deep well very slowly and she had time to look at the sides.

She saw cupboards and book - shelves, maps and pictures.

Then she noticed a jar with a label "orange marmalade "and took it from a shelf, but it was empty.

So Alice put the jar into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.

Svetareza08 27 апр. 2018 г., 01:09:34 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите пожалуйста, заранее спасибо 3?

Переведите пожалуйста, заранее спасибо 3.

The Pool of Tears.

Alice cried and cried, and her tears made a deep pool around her.

After a few minutes, she heard footsteps, and saw the white rabbit.

He had a fan and a pair of white gloves.

He looked worried, and he did not see Alice.

"Oh, the Duchess is going to be angry!

I'm so late!

" said the rabbit.

"Excuse me —” said Alice.

The rabbit turned round and saw Alice.

He screamed, dropped the fan and the gloves, and ran away.

Alice picked up the fan and the gloves, and said, "Oh dear!

Everything is so strange today!

" Suddenly, she saw that she was quite small again.

“The fan is making me small!

” she said and dropped it on the floor.

"Now I can go through the door!

” She ran to the door, but it was shut, and the key was on the table again.

Alice tried to climb up the table, but she fell and landed in a pool of water.

“What's this?

” said Alice.

“Am I in the sea?

" But it wasn’t the sea.

“It’s the tears I cried when I was big!

" said Alice.

“Oh. why did I cry so much?

" Just then, Alice saw that she was not alone in the pool.

There was a mouse, a duck, a dodo, a young eagle, and many other strange creatures.

Alice and the animals started to swim, and they soon got * to the shore of the pool of tears.

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