Пожалуйста помогите с заданием и если не затруднит переводComplete Jim's story with right words My Winter Fantasy Yesterday I went (go) to the park?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

Пожалуйста помогите с заданием и если не затруднит перевод

Complete Jim's story with right words My Winter Fantasy Yesterday I went (go) to the park.

I . (meet) my best friend there.

It was (be) sunny and cold.

We . (ski) in the park.

We . (play) snowballs and .

(make) a funny snowman.

The snowman .

(look) at us and .

(say), "Hello!

" We .

(like) it very much.

When I .

(come) home, I .

(have) lunch.

At home I .

(do) my homework, .

(watch) TV and .

(draw) a picture of my funny snowman.

I . (put) the picture on the wall.

At 10 pm I .

(go) to bed.

The snowman .

(smile) and .

(say), "Good night!


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Ответы (1)
VipSanka 26 янв. 2020 г., 00:49:19

Заполните историю Джима правильными словами Моя зимняя фантазия

Вчера я ходил в парк.

Я (meet - met) моего лучшего друга там.

Было солнечно и холодно.

Мы (ski - skied) катались на лыжах в парке.

Мы (play - played) играли в снежки и сделали забавного снеговика.

Снеговик (look - looked) смотрел на нас и (say - said) сказал, "Привет!

" Нам он очень сильно понравился.

Когда я (come - came) пришёл домой, я (have - had) пообедал.

Дома я (do - did) сделал моё домашнее задание, (watch - watched) посмотрел телевизор и (draw - drew) нарисовал рисунок моего весёлого снеговика.

Я (put - put) повесил рисунок на стену.

В 10 часов вечера я (go - went) пошёл в кровать (по другому - пошёл спать).

Снеговик (smile - smiled) улыбнулся и(say - said) сказал, "Доброй ночи!


Geniusmaster 24 окт. 2020 г., 21:22:44 | 10 - 11 классы

Complete the sentences in the letter about your winter day : (winter, snowy, coat, ski, hockey, snowman, sledge ) Hello, my dear friend?

Complete the sentences in the letter about your winter day : (winter, snowy, coat, ski, hockey, snowman, sledge ) Hello, my dear friend!

I like .

. I like a.


I put on my .

I take.

And skates and go to the yard.

I like to play .

With my friends.

My friends Dima likes to.

Then we make a.

Stellohka 5 авг. 2020 г., 08:55:59 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите пожалуйста сделать упражнение, надо правильно поставить слова I?

Помогите пожалуйста сделать упражнение, надо правильно поставить слова I.

(meet) my best friend there.

It was (be) sunny and cold.

We. (ski) in the park.

We. (play) snowballs and .

(make) a funny snowman.

The snowman .

(look) at us and .

(say), Hello!

We . (like) it very much.

When I.

(come) home, I .

(have) Iunch.

At home I .

(do) my homework, .

(watch) TV and .

(draw) a picture of my funny snowman.

I. (put) the picture on the wall.

At 10 pm I.

(go) to bed.

The snowman .

(simple) and .

(say), Good night!

Nastasik78 8 сент. 2020 г., 22:54:42 | 10 - 11 классы

Look at the picture?

Look at the picture.

Listen to the conversation and complete it.

Yanulian 9 авг. 2020 г., 21:17:52 | 1 - 4 классы

Look at the picture?

Look at the picture.

Describe the room and say whose room it is.

SalazkinaSonya 16 окт. 2020 г., 06:06:39 | 1 - 4 классы

Look at the picture and make the sentences complete?

Look at the picture and make the sentences complete.

Maksddd1 7 июл. 2020 г., 09:36:14 | 10 - 11 классы

Yesterday I went to the park?

Yesterday I went to the park.

I met my best friend there.

It was sunny and cold.

We skied in the park.

We played snowballs and made a funny snowman.

The snowman looked at us and said "Hello!

: . We liked it very much.

When I came home I had lunch.

At home I did my homework watched TV and drew a picture of my funny snowman.

I put the piture on the wall.

At 10 pm I went to bed.

The snowman smiled and said "Good night".

Kristinakk 25 дек. 2020 г., 10:04:09 | 1 - 4 классы

Look and say?

Look and say.

We always watch films at the cinema.

Andryhi 9 сент. 2020 г., 01:13:33 | 5 - 9 классы

Восстанови рассказ : Yesterday I (go) to the park?

Восстанови рассказ : Yesterday I (go) to the park.

I (meet) my best friends there.

It (be) sunny and frosty.

We (ski) and (skate) in the park.

We (like) it very much.

We (want) to go to park next weekend, too.

Dim20 9 мар. 2020 г., 03:12:47 | 5 - 9 классы

Look at the picture and say what Mag and Alex usually do at home?

Look at the picture and say what Mag and Alex usually do at home.

What esle can he / she do?

Pashkovskaynata 6 окт. 2020 г., 17:50:00 | 1 - 4 классы

Look at the picture and write the words?

Look at the picture and write the words.

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