Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Write the superlative form 1.
Angry - 2.
Happy - 3.
Bad - 4.
Many - 5.
Fat - 6.
Slim - 7.
Funny - 8.
Strong - 9.
Small - 10.
Short - 11.
Young - 12.
Good - 13.
Much - 14.
Big -.
Big - bigger , happy - ?
Big - bigger , happy - ?
, nice - ?
, tall - ?
, fat - ?
, small - ?
, clever - ?
, funny - ?
, short - ?
, thin - ?
, slim - ?
, fast - .
Write the comparative form 1?
Write the comparative form 1.
Old - ____ 2.
Big - ____ 3.
Much - ____ 4.
Silly - ____ 5.
Weak - ____ 6.
Heavy - ____ 7.
New - _____ 8.
Good - ____ 9.
Small - ____ 10.
Bad - ____ 11.
Fast - ____ 12.
Slow - ____ 13.
Tall - ____ 14 Happy - ____ 15.
Fat - ____ 16 Many - ____.
Big - bigger happy - ?
Big - bigger happy - .
Nice - .
Tall - .
Fat - .
Small - .
Ciever - .
Funny - .
Short - .
Thin - .
Slim - .
Fast - .
Пожалуйста помогите!
! .
Найди и соедини стрелками слова, противлположеные по значению black big fat good nice kind short sad small bad long ugly stupid slim white angry merry?
Найди и соедини стрелками слова, противлположеные по значению black big fat good nice kind short sad small bad long ugly stupid slim white angry merry.
Напишите слова в сравнительной степени : long, small, nice, fat, big, thin, nasty, easy, interesting, difficult, boring, good, bad, happy, lucky, many, little, fascinating?
Напишите слова в сравнительной степени : long, small, nice, fat, big, thin, nasty, easy, interesting, difficult, boring, good, bad, happy, lucky, many, little, fascinating.
Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives?
Form the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives.
Cold, young, old (2), difficult, good, far (2), bad, beautiful, weak.
Little, easy, near (2), strong, late (2), interesting, pretty, great, quick, important, warm, happy, early, deep, large, hot, long, simple, thin, much, wide, small, many.
Write the degrees of comparison of adjectives (7 points) Big - ___________________ ______________________ Funny - _________________ ______________________ Comfortable - _____________ ____________________ Good - _________________ _______________________ Strong - _________________ ______________________ Bad - ___________________ ______________________ Expensive - ______________ _____________________.
ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЯ ЭТИХ СЛОВ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ white slim stupid ugly long bad small sad short kind nice good fat big?
ПРОИЗНОШЕНИЯ ЭТИХ СЛОВ НА РУССКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ white slim stupid ugly long bad small sad short kind nice good fat big.
Write a comparative form?
Write a comparative form.
Old - _____ Big - ______ Much - ________ Silly - ________ Weak - _________ Heavy - _________ New - _______ Good - ________ Small - _________ Bad - _______ Fast - ______ Slow - ________ Tall - ________ Happy - ________ Fat - _______ Many - ________.
Написать транскрипцию white, slim, stupid, ugly, long, bad, small, sad, short, kind , nice, good , fat, big?
Написать транскрипцию white, slim, stupid, ugly, long, bad, small, sad, short, kind , nice, good , fat, big!
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1. the angriest
The happiest
The worst
The most
The fattest
The slimmest
The funniest
The strongest
The smallest
The shortest
The youngest
The best
The most
The biggest.