Помогите пожалуйста, напишите как говорится , хотя бы половину(William ShakespeareWho was he really?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста, напишите как говорится , хотя бы половину(

William ShakespeareWho was he really?

William Shakespeare , English poet and dramatist of the Elizabethan time ( the reign of Queen Elizabeth I).

He was born in Stratford - upon - Avon , a town in central England.

He is the greatest writer in the English language.

That Shakespeare wrote ?

Shakespeare wrote thirty six plays, which are still learning , performing on stage and even make movies in the world!

Shakespeare wrote sonnets are also a lot of love * .

What were his plays ?

Shakespeare wrote three types of plays : comedies ( Midsummer Night's Dream , Much Ado About Nothing ) , tragedy ( Romeo and Juliet , Hamlet, Othello ) and stories ( Henry V).

Common themes in his comedies were confusion , taking one person to another , or women who disguise themselves as men - although the actors were all men anyway!

In " The Merchant of Venice ", the famous comedy, moneylender asks pound of flesh from the merchant who can not pay him some money!

Life was tough in the Elizabethan time and Shakespeare reflect this , such as Hamlet , which was very krovavozhadnym and tells about revenge, deceit and death.

Where his performances were staged , and who came to them ?

Most of Shakespeare's plays were performed in the Globe Theatre in London, which could accommodate about 3, 000 people .

Everyone who was in Elizabeth all social classes liked to gather in the theater Globe, although it was noisy and dirty, and the common people had to watch the game standing in front of the stage.

Since there is no roof , people get wet when it was rain !

There were hardly any or dekaratsii but were fantastic costumes and even special effects such as fireworks, smoke and "flying" actors .

That theater burned down in 1613 , but was rebuilt in 1997.

* Poem established sample verse syllables and rhymes.

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Ответы (1)
Pashaetoja 12 окт. 2018 г., 04:20:37

Уильям Шекспир Кто он на самом деле?

Уильям Шекспир, английский поэт и драматург елизаветинской времени (время правления королевы Елизаветы I).

Он родился в Стратфорде - на - Эйвоне, город в центральной Англии.

Он величайший писатель в английском языке.

Это Шекспир написал?

Шекспир написал тридцать шесть пьес, которые до сих пор обучения, на сцене и даже снимать фильмы в мире!

Шекспир писал сонеты также много любви * ?

Каковы были его пьесы Шекспир писал три типа пьес : комедии (Сон в летнюю ночь, Много шума из ничего), трагедия (Ромео и Джульетта, Гамлет, Отелло) и истории (Генри V).

Общие темы в своих комедиях были спутанность сознания, принимая одного человека к другому, или женщин, которые маскируются под людей - хотя актеры были все люди так или иначе!

В "Венецианском купце", знаменитый комедия, ростовщик просит фунт плоти у торговца которые не могут платить ему немного денег!

Жизнь была жесткой в ​​елизаветинской времени и Шекспир отразить это, например, Гамлет, который был очень krovavozhadnym и рассказывает о мести, обмана и смерти.

Где его спектакли ставились, и кто пришел к ним?

Большинство пьес Шекспира были выполнены в Globe Theatre в Лондоне, который мог вместить около 3000 человек.

Все, кто был в Элизабет все социальные классы любили собираться в театре Глобус, хотя это было шумным и грязным, и простые люди должны были наблюдать за игрой стоя перед сценой.

С тех пор нет никакой крыши, люди промокнуть, когда это было дождя!

Были едва любые или dekaratsii но были фантастическими костюмами и даже специальные эффекты, такие как фейерверк, дым и "летающих" актеров.

Этот театр сгорел в 1613 году, но был восстановлен в 1997 году.

* Поэма установленного образца стих слоги и рифмы.

Lirva 24 мар. 2018 г., 06:08:23 | 5 - 9 классы

Написать как читается , даты и цифры тоже , к примеру 23 - твэнти фри Как текст читается тоже писать а не только цифры?

Написать как читается , даты и цифры тоже , к примеру 23 - твэнти фри Как текст читается тоже писать а не только цифры.

Заранее большое спасибо "To be or not to be - that is the question" Those words come from "Hamlet", a play that William Shakespeare wrote in 1603.

Shakespeare is the most famous British playwright in history.

But his parents weren't poor : his father, John Shakespeare, was a successful businessman who bought and sold leather and wool.

His mother was the daughter of a rich farmer.

He learnt Latin and studied the literature of Ancient Rome.

When Shakespeare left school, he went to work for his father .

But soon after, he met and fell in love with Ann Hathaway , the daughter of a farmer.

They got married in December 1582 , and just five months later, their first daughter, Susanna, was born.

William was 18.

Ann was 25.

All we know is that in 1592 he wrote his first play .

After that, his plays became popular very quickly, and he made a lot of money.

Shohida85 3 авг. 2018 г., 17:50:25 | 1 - 4 классы

Tiny and his friends was или were in the mountains last winter Was или were you at home last night?

Tiny and his friends was или were in the mountains last winter Was или were you at home last night?

- Yes , I was или were The house was или were old but nice She was или were in the city There was или were some letters on the table.

Gaitukieva 25 февр. 2018 г., 19:20:49 | 10 - 11 классы

Напишите по русски пожалуйста как правильно читается William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was one of the greatest and famous writers?

Напишите по русски пожалуйста как правильно читается William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was one of the greatest and famous writers.

He was born in 1564 in Stratford - on - Avon.

It was a small English town.

His father wanted his son to be an educated person and William was sent to the local grammar school.

When the boy studied at school, he had no free time.

When he had a rest, William liked to go to the forest and to the river Avon.

At that time actors and actresses visited Stratford - on - Avon.

William liked to watch them.

He was fond of their profession and he decided to become an actor.

Astamasta 19 мар. 2018 г., 15:16:55 | 10 - 11 классы

Many famous writers and poets were born and lived in Great Britain?

Many famous writers and poets were born and lived in Great Britain.

One of the best - known English poets and playwrights was William Shakespeare.

He is probably one of the most quoted persons in the history of British literature.

But can you identify the phrase that did NOT belong to him?

Yalina19801401 30 июл. 2018 г., 12:15:37 | 1 - 4 классы



Complete the text with the words.

Use : poems, eldest, born, began, seven, about Robert Burns was a well - known Scottish poet.

He was .

In 1759.

His father was a farmer and there were .

Children in the family.

Robert was the .

Son. He liked reading.

At the age of 15 he .

To write poems.

He wrote .

People, love and everyday things.

Scottish people still remember the poet, his .

And songs.

Марина617 24 сент. 2018 г., 09:51:31 | 5 - 9 классы

Прочитайте текст?

Прочитайте текст.

Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений А5 - А8 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated).

William Shakespeare, the greatest English writer of drama, was bom in 1564 in Stratford - on - Avon.

We do not know everything about Shakespeare’s early life.

But we know that he studied at the Grammar School in Stratford, and that he became interested in the theatre when he was still a boy.

In 1586 Shakespeare went to London, where he worked in the theatre for some years before he began to write his own plays.

Shakespeare soon became well - known in London literary circles.

Every play that he wrote was good news to the people of the capital.

Queen Elizabeth I liked Shakespeare’s plays, and the actors were often invited to play before the Queen and later before the King James - a great honor in those the end of the 16th century Shakespeare and his friends had enough money to build their own theatre - the famous Globe Theatre.

But Shakespeare had quite many difficulties in his life.

Less talented writers, whose plays were worse than his, often quarreled with Shakespeare and attacked him, the actors in his own theatre sometimes turned against him.

Now people in many countries love and honor Shakespeare for his plays, comedies and tragedies that are still modern and well - known all over the world.

A5 People know little about Shakespeare’s early life.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated A6 The writer spent all his life in Stratford - upon - Avon.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated A7 William Shakespeare left his wife and children at home and went to London alone.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated A8 Shakespeare is famous all over the world for his wonderful plays, comedies and tragedies.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated.

Diana525 23 мая 2018 г., 09:57:11 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите решить англ : Ethan's voice ( weren't / wasn't) very loud?

Помогите решить англ : Ethan's voice ( weren't / wasn't) very loud.

Why ( was / were)Anna and Kata tired?

We( were / was) excited about the concert.

(Was / Were)you at home?

All our friends (were / was) in the audience.

Leo and Sed (wasn't / weren't)at the concert.

What (was / were )the name of the play?

Евгений22 28 янв. 2018 г., 15:45:55 | 10 - 11 классы

William Shakespeare, the greatest English playwright, was born in 1564 in Stratford - on - Avon in England?

William Shakespeare, the greatest English playwright, was born in 1564 in Stratford - on - Avon in England.

Stratford is a small country town in the farming district near the centre of England.

Avon, which is a pretty river with grass and trees all along its banks, runs through Stratford.

Not much is known of Shakespeare's father.

He was a farmer who, at different times of his life, sold meat and bought and sold wool.

He was poor and was often in money difficulties.

Very little is known about the life of his only son William.

Also little house in which the great writer was born still stands.

It is now a museum.

William went to school in Stratford.

In 1586 he went to London.

Probably the first work he did there was at one of the two theatres that there were in London at that time.

Then he became an actor and soon began to write plays for a company of actors to which he belonged.

Shakespeare bought the largest house in his home town in 1597, but he did not spend much time there till 1610.

He spent last years of his life in it.


Rafida2000 29 янв. 2018 г., 01:50:49 | 5 - 9 классы

Why is Shakespeare so famous according to paragraph 1?

Why is Shakespeare so famous according to paragraph 1?

A Shakespeare could find the best way to speak about things.

B Shakespeare could explain things briefly.

С Shakespeare acted in his own plays.

What does the author say about Shakespeare’s plays in paragraph 2?

A His plays are about people well known in history.

B He wrote different kinds of plays, and they were very interesting, с His plays had a tragic end.

What does the author say about the characters of Shakespeare’s plays in paragraph 3?

A Shakespeare described real people, who lived in the 16th century, b Shakespeare described heroes and beautiful ladies in his plays.

C Shakespeare could give a true - life impression of characters.

What can Shakespeare’s plays teach people according to paragraph 4?

A They can teach people how to amuse each other.

B They can teach people to be better, wiser, and happier.

JuicyJ 6 июл. 2018 г., 21:01:25 | 5 - 9 классы

The Prince and the Pauper In the old city of London on a cold autumn day in the second quarter of the sixteenth century, a boy was born to a poor family of the name of Canty?

The Prince and the Pauper In the old city of London on a cold autumn day in the second quarter of the sixteenth century, a boy was born to a poor family of the name of Canty.

The family did not want this boy.

On the same day another English child was born.

He was born to a rich family of the name of Tudor, who wanted him very much.

All England wanted him.

People talked only about the new baby, Edward Tudor, Prince of Wales who lay in silk and did not know that all England wanted him so much.

But there was no talk about the other baby, Tom Canty, who lay in his dirty rags and did not know that nobody wanted him.

A few years passed.

London was fifteen hundred years old and was a great town.

The street where Tom's family lived was not far from London Bridge and was called Offal Court.

It was dirty, and the houses were of wood, with small windows.

Can - ty's family lived in one room on the third floor of one of these houses.

The mother and the father had a bed, but Tom, his grandmother, and his two sisters, Bet and Nan slept on the floor and covered themselves with rags.

Bet and Nan were fifteen years old.

They were twins.

They were always dirty and in rags, but they were kind - hearted girls.

Their mother was like them.

But the father and the grandmother were very bad people.

They often got drunk and then they fought each other and beat the children.

Tom's father, John Canty, was a thief, and Tom's grandmother was a beggar, and they made the children beg.

Every day Tom went out to beg in the streets.

If nobody gave him any money, his father and grandmother beat him at night and sent him to bed hungry.

But there were some good things in Tom's life.

Among the people that lived in the house there was a kind old man who taught Tom a little Latin and how to read and write.

He also told him many stories about kings and princes.

Tom liked to listen to his stories.

He also read the books that the old man gave him.

Tom was a clever boy, he knew so much!

And he could do and say such interesting things!

When the children played, Tom was always a prince and the boys were lords of his court.

At night when he lay in the dark on his dirty rags, he forgot his hunger and his father's beatings.

He thought about kings and princes, who were clean and well dressed and lived in beautiful palaces.

Tom wanted to be clean and well dressed too.

But in the morning he had to go out in his rags to beg.

At night he dreamed that he lived in a palace among lords and ladies.

Oh, how he wanted to see a real prince with his own eyes!

This wish became stronger and stronger day by day and at last he could think of nothing else.

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