Пожалуйста помогите как читается этот текст по русски произношение например two - ту и так далее буду очень благодарна The United Kingdom (or Great Britain) is situated on the British Isles?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Пожалуйста помогите как читается этот текст по русски произношение например two - ту и так далее буду очень благодарна The United Kingdom (or Great Britain) is situated on the British Isles.

The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands.

Their total area is over 244, 000 square kilometres.

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries : England, Wales, Scotland (on the island of Great Britain), and Northern Ireland (on the island of Ireland).

Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, and Belfast respectively.

The capital of the UK is London.

The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.

The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

The surface of the British Isles varies very much.

The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands.

The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest — east, centre, and south - east — is a vast plain.

Mountains are not very high.

Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain (1, 343 m).

There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long.

The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest one.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean, and the warm waters of Gulf Stream influence on the climate of the British Isles.

It is mild the whole year round.

The UK is one of the world's smallest countries.

Its population is over 57 million.

About 80 % of the population is urban.

The UK is a highly developed industrial country.

It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of machinery» electronics, textile, aircraft, and navigation equipment.

One of the chief industries of the country is shipbuilding.

The UK is a constitutional monarchy.

In law, Head of the State is Queen.

In practice, Queen reigns, but does not rule.

The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head.

The British Parliament consists of two chambers : the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

There are three main political parties in Great Britain : the Labour, the Conservative, and the Liberal parties.

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Ответы (1)
Артемій 2 сент. 2020 г., 18:55:56



Зэˈбритишайлзкэнˈсиставтуларджˈайлэндз, грейтˈбритэнэндˈайэрлэнд, эндэˈбaутфайвˈсaузэндсмолˈайлэндз.

Зерˈтoутэлˈериэизˈoувэр244, 000скуэрˌкиˈлоˌматэрз.

Зэюˈнайтэдˈкиндэмизмейдапавфорˈкантриз : ˈинглэнд, уэйлз, ˈскатлэнд(анзиˈайлэндавгрейтˈбритэн), эндˈнорзэрнˈайэрлэнд(анзиˈайлэндавˈайэрлэнд).

Зерˈкэпэтэлзарˈландэн, ˈкардиф, ˈедэнбэрoу, эндˈбелˌфэстриˈспективли.

Зэˈкэпэтэлавзэю - кейизˈландэн.




Зэнорсавˈскатлэндизˈмaунтэнэсэндизколдзэˈхайлэндз, уайлзэсaус, уичхэзˈбьютэфэлˈвэлизэндплейнз, изколдзэˈлoуˌлэндз.

Зэнорсэндуэставˈинглэндарˈмaунтэнэс, батолзэрест—ист, ˈсентэр, эндсaус - ист—изэвэстплейн.


Бенˈневисинˈскатлэндиззэˈхайэстˈмaунтэн(1, 343ем).

Зеэрарэлатавˈривэрзингрейтˈбритэн, батзейарнатˈверилон.

Зэˈсевэрниззэˈлонгэстˈривэр, уайлзэтемзиззэˈдипэстуан.

Зэˈмaунтэнз, зиэтˈлэнтикˈoушэн, эндзэуормˈуотэрзавгалфстримˈинфлуэнсанзэˈклаймэтавзэˈбритишайлз.


Зэю - кейизуанавзэуёрлдзˈсмолэстˈкантриз.


Эˈбaут80 %авзэˌпапьэˈлейшэнизˈёрбэн.

Зэю - кейизэˈхайлидиˈвелэптинˈдастриэлˈкантри.

Итизнoунэзуанавзэуёрлдзˈларджэстпрэˈдусэрзэндикˈспортэрзавмэˈшинэри»иˌлекˈтраникс, ˈтекˌстайл, ˈерˌкрэфт, эндˈнэвэˈгейшэниˈкуипмэнт.


Зэю - кейизэˌканстэˈтушэнэлˈманарки.

Инло, хедавзэстейтизкуин.

Инˈпрэктэс, куинрейнз, батдазнатрул.


Зэˈбритишˈпарлэмэнткэнˈсистсавтуˈчеймбэрз : зэхaусавлордзэндзэхaусавˈкамэнз.

Зеэрарсримейнпэˈлитэкэлˈпартизингрейтˈбритэн : зэˈлейˌбaур, зэкэнˈсёрвэтив, эндзэˈлибэрэлˈпартиз.

Andrey83382555 4 июн. 2020 г., 15:43:15 | 10 - 11 классы

Переведите текст на русский язык : Great Britain Great Britain has the official name – The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (or UK – for short)?

Переведите текст на русский язык : Great Britain Great Britain has the official name – The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (or UK – for short).

It is situated on the British Isles.

England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland are the parts of Great Britain.

Administratively the UK is divided into 55 countries.

The total territory is over 244 thousand square kilometers (the 75th place among other countries in the world).

The population of the UK is over 57 mln.

Great Britain is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.

The majority of the British population lives in cities and towns.

The country is washed by the North and Irish Seas, the Atlantic Ocean and the English Channel.

North and West of the country are highlands, South and East – lowlands.

The highest mountain of the UK is Ben Nevis in Scotland.

There are many rivers in the country.

The longest and most important of them are the Severn, the Thames and Clyde.

The climate is mild due to the mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial power.

It possesses some mineral resources : coal, iron ores, oil, gas and some metals.

The country is known as one of the world largest producers and exporters of electronics and machinery, chemicals and textile, various aircraft and navigation equipment.

Among the main industrial branches are also coal - mining, automobile, ship - building, metallurgical.

The capital of the country is London.

It is the largest political, cultural and industrial centre of the country and one of the largest ports of the world.

Its population is over 11 mln.


Among the largest cities of the UK are Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester, Edinburgh, Belfast and Cardiff.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs.

The official language of the state is English.

The national symbol of the UK is «Union Jack» - the British state flag having 3 white and red crosses on the dark blue field.

The weave of crosses symbolized power and might.

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.

Officially the head of the state is the Queen.

But her power is not absolute, it is limited by the Parliament.

The British Parliament is the oldest parliament in the world.

It consists of 2 chambers : the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

The British Government is headed by the Prime Minister – the leader of the party having the majority in the House of Commons.

The prime Minister appoints the ministers to compose the government.

There are several political parties in the UK.

The largest and most influential of them are the Conservative (the Tory), the Liberal (the Whigs) and Labour Party.

Adreywarface 13 дек. 2020 г., 22:59:49 | 5 - 9 классы



Не переводчикам.

The United Kingdom is situated near the north - west coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean to the north and north - west and the North Sea to the east.

The U.

K. includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, contains England, Scotland and Wales.

The United Kingdom has an area of 94, 249 square miles.

The capital of the country is London.

English is the official Language.

Ivanenko1999 26 янв. 2020 г., 13:42:19 | 10 - 11 классы

Пожалуйста переведите только а сами по возможности) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles?

Пожалуйста переведите только а сами по возможности) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

It consists of four parts : England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland.

The territory of the United Kingdom is about 244000 square kilometres.

The popu­lation is over 56 million people.

The capital of the Unit­ed Kingdom is London.

The surface of the United Kingdom varies greatly.

The northern and the western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands.

All the rest is a vast plain which is called the Lowlands.

The mountains are not very high.

The rivers are not very long.

The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames.

There are many beautiful lakes in the mountainous part of the country.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm wa­ters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of Great Britain.

It is mild the whole year round.

Winters are not cold and summers are not hot.

Great Britain is a highly developed industrial coun­try.

It is known as one of the world's largest producers and exporters of iron and steel products, machinery and electronics, chemicals and textile.

One of the industries is shipbuilding.

Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs.

The most famous educational centres are Oxford and Cambridge universities.

They are considered to be the intellectual centres of Europe.

The education is not free, it is very expensive.

The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state.

But in practice it is ruled by the government with the Prime Minister at the head.

The British Parliament consists of two chambers : the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

There are three main political parties in Great Brit­ain : the Labour party, the Conservative party arid the Liberal party.

Vlada12343 1 сент. 2020 г., 16:56:02 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевидите The British Isles lie in the north - west of Europe?

Перевидите The British Isles lie in the north - west of Europe.

They consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and many smaller ones.

Great Britain, the largest island in Europe, includes England, Scotland, and Wales.

It is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea, and from the Continent by the English Channel and the Straits of Dover.

Great Britain and Northern Ireland form the United Kingdom (UK).

The surface of England and Ireland is flat, but the surface of Scotland and Wales is mountainous.

The mountains are almost all in the western part.

The highest mountain in the United Kingdom is Ben Nevis in Scotland (1343 m).

The longest river is the Severn.

It is in the south - west of England.

The Thames is not so long as the Severn, it is shorter.

The sea enters deeply into the land and has a great influence on the climate, which is damp but rather mild : the winter is not very cold and the summer is not very hot.

Over 57 million people live in the United Kingdom.

Most of the people of Great Britain live in big towns and cities.

The capital of the country is London.

The main industrial centres are Sheffield and Birmingham where iron goods are made, Manchester, the cotton centre of England, and others.

The important ports of the country are London, Liverpool, Glasgow and others.

Неизвестная17 27 апр. 2020 г., 05:31:12 | 5 - 9 классы

Як читається це на українській російськів мові?

Як читається це на українській російськів мові.

Ну але не переклад The United Kingdom of G.

B. and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

The British Isles consists of two large islands, G.

B. and Ireland, and about five thousand small islands.

Their total area is over 244, 000 square kilometers.

The UK is made up of four countries : England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

GB consists of England, Scotland and Wales and doesn't include Northern Ireland.

The capital of the UK is London.

The British Isles are separated from European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.

The western coast of GB is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

The surface of the British Isles varies very much.

The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south with its beautiful valleys and plains is called the Lowlands.

There are a lot of rivers in GB, but they are not very long.

The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

The mountains, the Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the Gulf Stream influence the climate of the British Isles.

The weather in GB is very changeable.

A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening and vice versa.

The English people say : "Other countries have a climate ; in England we have weather.

" The English also say that they have three variants of weather : when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long.

Nastysha050904 1 мая 2020 г., 14:18:30 | 10 - 11 классы

Прочтите текст и переведите текст?

Прочтите текст и переведите текст.



The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles.

The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great

Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands.

Their total area is over 314 000 sq.

Km. The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.

The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

Northern Ireland occupies one third of the island of Ireland.

It borders on the Irish Republic in the south.

The island of Great Britain consists of three main parts : England (the southern and middle part of the island), Wales (a mountainous peninsula in the West) and Scotland (the northern part of the island).

There are no high mountains in Great Britain.

In the north the Cheviots separate England from Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England along its middle, the Cambrian Mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the tallest of the British mountains.

There is very little flat country except in the region known as East Anglia.

Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea.

The Thames is the deepest and the longest of the British rivers.

Some of the British greatest ports are situated in the estuaries of the Thames, Mersey,

Trent, Tyne and Bristol Avon.

Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources.

It has some deposits of coal and iron ore and vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.

The warm currents of the Atlantic Ocean influence the climate of Great Britain.

Winters are not

severely cold and summers are rarely hot.

The population of the United Kingdom is over 58 million people.

The main nationalities are :

English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish.

In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants from former British Asian and African colonies.

Great Britain is a highly industrialized country.

New industries have been developed in the last three decades.

The main industrial centers are London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.

The capital of the country is London.

The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy.

Найдите ответы на следующие вопросы : 1.

Where is the United Kingdom situated?

2. What islands do the British Isles consist of?

3. What ocean and seas are the British Isles washed by?

4. How many parts does the Island of Great Britain consist of and what are they called?

5. What mineral resources is Great Britain rich in?

6. What is the climate like in Great Britain?

7. What city is the capital of the U.

K? 8.

What kind of state is Great Britain?

SPIKE228 29 июл. 2020 г., 18:08:58 | 5 - 9 классы

Поставить артикль the the official name of the country is ?

Поставить артикль the the official name of the country is .

United Kindhom of .

Great Britain and .

Northern Ireland.

The country is situated in .

British Isles.

The two main island are : .

Great Britain (in which are .

England, Wales and Scotland) and .

Ireland .

United Kingdom is not far from .


Ainurarahymberd 17 февр. 2020 г., 17:43:33 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите забыла написать , перевод есть надо : Выпишите из текста три предложения с Participle II и подчеркните Participle II?

Помогите забыла написать , перевод есть надо : Выпишите из текста три предложения с Participle II и подчеркните Participle II.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles.

The British Isles consist of two large islands.

Great Britain and Ireland , and about five thousands small islands.

Their total area is over 244 000 square kilometre.

The United Kihgdom is one of the world's smaller countries.

Its population is over 57 million.

About 80 percent of the population is urban.

The United Kihgdom is made up of four countries : England , Wales , Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Their capitals are London , Cardiff, Edinburg and Belfast respectively.

Great Britain consists England , Scotland and Wales and does not include Northern Ireland.

But in everyday speech Great Britain is used in the meaning of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The capital of the UK is London.

The British Isles are separated from the Continent by the North Sea and the British Channel.

The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.

The surface of the British Isles varies very much.

The North of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands.

The South , which has beautiful valleys and plains , is called the Lowlands.

The north and west of England are mountainous , but the eastern , central and south - eastern parts of England are a vast plain , Mountains are not very high.

Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountainous ( 1343 m ).

There are a lot of rivers in Great Britain , but they are not very long.

The Seven is the longest river , while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

Romanartem2015 19 мар. 2020 г., 03:33:41 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите на русский, пожааалуйстааааааа?

Переведите на русский, пожааалуйстааааааа!

: (( : (( The full of the contry the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kigdom is situated on the British Isles.

The British Isles consist of two large islands Great Britain and Ireland and a great number of small islands.

Theis total area is over 314000 sg km.

The Briltish Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel.

The western coast of Great Britain is washed by.

Fdhgrtjuty 4 сент. 2020 г., 21:22:49 | 10 - 11 классы

Можно перевод?

Можно перевод?

Переводчик неправильно переводит!

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

2. Where is Great Britain situated?

3. What countries does the United Kingdom consist of?

4. How does the surface of Great Britain vary?

5. What are the most important rivers of Great Britain?

6. What is the climate of the British Isles?

7. What are the most important industrial centers of Great Britain?

8. What do British farmers grow?

9. What do you know about the British Parliament?

10. What are the most famous educational centres in Great Britain?

1) United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the official name of Great Britain 2) Great Britain is situated on The British Isles 3) The United Kingdom Consist of four countries : England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland 4) The surface of the British Isles varies very much.

The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands.

The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest — east, centre, and south - east — is a vast plain.

Mountains are not very high.

Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest mountain (1, 343 m).

5) The Severn and the Thames are the main rivers of Great Britain 6)The climate in Great Britain is generally mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream.

The south - western winds carry the warmth and moisture into Britain.

The climate in Britain is usually described as cool, temperate and humid.

7) Glasgow, Manchester and Birmingham are the biggest industrial centres in Great Britain.

8) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10) Great Britain is famous for the Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, a Tower of London and others.

На этой странице находится вопрос Пожалуйста помогите как читается этот текст по русски произношение например two - ту и так далее буду очень благодарна The United Kingdom (or Great Britain) is situated on the British Isles?, относящийся к категории Английский язык. По уровню сложности данный вопрос соответствует знаниям учащихся 10 - 11 классов. Здесь вы найдете правильный ответ, сможете обсудить и сверить свой вариант ответа с мнениями пользователями сайта. С помощью автоматического поиска на этой же странице можно найти похожие вопросы и ответы на них в категории Английский язык. Если ответы вызывают сомнение, сформулируйте вопрос иначе. Для этого нажмите кнопку вверху.