Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Read the text and complete the sentences.
The arabian camel lives.
Read the text and complete the sentences after it?
Read the text and complete the sentences after it.
Read the text and complete the sentences помогите плиз?
Read the text and complete the sentences помогите плиз!
Read the text and complete the sentences как?
Read the text and complete the sentences как.
Read the text and complete the sentences?
Read the text and complete the sentences.
1. The Arabian Camel lives in North.
And in the.
2. Its colour is.
3. It's a got short.
And a long.
4. In the hump there is.
5. It can go.
Without water.
Заранее спасибо).
Read and complete the sentences?
Read and complete the sentences.
Read the text and complete sentences?
Read the text and complete sentences.
Read the text and complete the sentences after it?
Read the text and complete the sentences after it.
Circle the right items (a - c).
Read the text and complete the sentences after it?
Read the text and complete the sentences after it.
Read text the about Baby Elephant Complete the sentences перевод текста?
Read text the about Baby Elephant Complete the sentences перевод текста.
Read the text and complete the sentences adopt Bolt and Balzhan номер 3?
Read the text and complete the sentences adopt Bolt and Balzhan номер 3.
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