Перефразируйте, употребляя пассив?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Перефразируйте, употребляя пассив.

Сделайте выделенное слово подлежащим.

1. the earthquake ruined several big cities.

2. the best athletes will represent the club at the games.

3. the citizens put up this monument three hundred years ago.

4. he's ruining his health by drinking.

5. we are going to test these machines again.

6. how soon will they repeat that tv programme?

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Ответы (1)
Ksushamur 3 июл. 2020 г., 15:33:40

1. the earthquake ruinedseveral big cities.

Several big cities were ruined by the earthquake


The best athletes will representthe clubat the games.

The club will be represented at the gamesby the best athletes


The citizens put upthis monumentthree hundred years ago.

This monument was put up by the citizens three hundred years ago


He's ruininghis healthby drinking.

His health is being ruined by drinking


We are going to testthese machinesagain.

These machines are going to be tested again


How soon will they repeatthat tv programme?

How soon will that tv programme be repeated?

Лоренц 10 мар. 2020 г., 10:40:33 | 5 - 9 классы

What are the urgent problems of big cities in the world?

What are the urgent problems of big cities in the world?

Are they the same?

Explain why.

XxxHAMSTERxxx 11 янв. 2020 г., 12:43:24 | 5 - 9 классы

Используя образец, дополните данные высказывания, употребив глагол в форме Future Simple Passive?

Используя образец, дополните данные высказывания, употребив глагол в форме Future Simple Passive.

They are going to hold a meeting soon.

(in the assembly hall).

- The meeting will be held in the assembly hall.

1. They are going to publish his article(in the newspaper) 2.

They are going to show a new American thriller.

(on television) 3.

They are going to erect a monument in the square.

(to Skaryna) 4.

You are going to buy a new computer.

(in Japan) 5.

They are going to MEET the delegation from Denmark.

(in Brest) 6.

She is going to type the contract soon.

(by 12) 7.

We hope to receive the visa in the nearest future.

(to Germany) 8.

They are going to organize a press - conference.

(leading economist) 9.

They are going to complete the experiment soon.

(the end of the year).

Vary2 31 янв. 2020 г., 19:48:22 | 10 - 11 классы

Перефразировать, употребляя пассив : 10) We won't repeat that mistake in future?

Перефразировать, употребляя пассив : 10) We won't repeat that mistake in future.

11) A discussion will follow the lecture.

12) They are interviewing the delegates.

13) What are they building over there?

14) We were taping the lesson when you phoned.

010506 22 апр. 2020 г., 22:45:53 | 5 - 9 классы

1. We hoped that they … this problem?

1. We hoped that they … this problem.

A) will solve B) solve C) is solving D) would solve 2.

We hope that they … this problem A) will solve B) solve C) is solving D) would solve 3.

They say that the ozone layer … gradually.

A) is destructing B) destruct C) was destructing D) destructed 4.

They say that the ozone layer … by people’s activities.

A) is destructing B) destruct C) was destructing D) is destructed 5.

They were sure that those pesticides … the soil.

A) were ruined B) ruined C) ruin D) are ruining 6.

They consider that those pesticides … the soil.

A) were ruined B) ruined C) ruin D) are ruining 8.

They are afraid that those fertilizers … the soil.

A) would damage B) damage C) are damaging D) damages 9.

The scientists told them that the reproductive cells … A) had been destructed B) will destruct C) would destruct D) are destructed 10.

The scientists warn them that the reproductive cells … A) had been destructed B) will destruct C) destruct D) will be destructed 11.

Do you know … capital of …Hungary?

A) the ; - B) the ; he C) a ; a D) a ; the 13.

Until the middle of the 19 century was used as a prison.

A) Great Britain B) Australia C) Canada D) Russia.

Irinavlasenko5 28 сент. 2020 г., 06:38:50 | 10 - 11 классы

Перефразировать предложения, употребляя пассив : 1?

Перефразировать предложения, употребляя пассив : 1.

The policeman fined the driver for exceeding the speed limit.

2. I am sure we'll settle the matter very easily.

3. They started the company a hundred years ago.

4. Have you changed anything?

5. How soon will they repeat that TV programme?

6. We haven't solved the problem yet.

7. Have you prepared all the documents?

8. We haven't found the reason yet.

9. Have they tested all the machines?

Alia561 20 янв. 2020 г., 09:26:20 | 5 - 9 классы

Заполните пропуски предлогами места и направления : 1?

Заполните пропуски предлогами места и направления : 1.

The book is.

The table.

Will you put the book.

The table!

Will you take the book.

The table!

2. The fax is.

The table.

Will you put the fax.

The table!

Will you take the fax.

The table!

3. The note - book is.

The table.

Will you put the note - book.

The table!

Will you take the note - book.

The table!

4. The diskette is .

The box.

Will you put the diskette.

The box!

Will you take the diskette.

The box!

5. The computer is .

The box.

Will you put the computer.

The box!

Will you take the computer.

The box!

6. The boxes are .

The room.

Will you put the boxes.

The room!

Will you take the boxes.

The room!

7. The box is under the table.

Will you put the box.

The table!

Will you take the box.

The table!

8. The fax is under the box.

Will you put the fax.

The box!

Will you take the fax.

The box!

9. The lamp is.

The table.

10. The map is .

The computer.

11. The programmer is.

The table.

12. Will you sit down.

The table!

ГлаМуррррррная 21 янв. 2020 г., 10:03:15 | 5 - 9 классы

Из актива сделать пассив : When will you look through the article?

Из актива сделать пассив : When will you look through the article?

They sent for a magazine.

Из пассива сделать актив : The glasses will be looked for everywhere.

Lir5840 15 апр. 2020 г., 01:37:38 | 5 - 9 классы

Задание из workbook fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the comparative degree?

Задание из workbook fill in the gaps with the adjectives in the comparative degree.

(good strong happy long easy) The more you exercice, the (1)_________you are.

The stronger you are, the (2)_________ your health will be and the(3)__________it will be to cope with work load and stress.

The better your health is, the (4)__________you are.

The happier you are (5)____________you will live.

Умник433 30 июл. 2020 г., 12:49:08 | 10 - 11 классы

…at the wedding?

…at the wedding?

Will all the relatives to be Will all the relatives be Are all the relatives be All the relatives will be.

Linabaranovskay 8 июн. 2020 г., 03:33:41 | 10 - 11 классы

Переделать в пассив : who will make the speech tomorrow?

Переделать в пассив : who will make the speech tomorrow?

Переделать в пассив : who will make the speech tomorrow?

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