Сочинение пожалуста помогите написать"people are often affected by their success and fame"?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Сочинение пожалуста помогите написать"people are often affected by their success and fame".

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Ответы (1)
Kokon4icus 6 нояб. 2020 г., 04:03:07

It is known that the most important factor defining failure or success in any business, the relation to business, instead of endowments is.

I communicated with various people and have noticed that prospering people are distinguished from losers by that their deeply concentrated and intensively concentrated life completely is devoted that purpose which as they consider, is for them the most important.

When I talked to people of various age and trades and investigated them has defined following important points.

All these people found out described below quality when it was possible to them to achieve the greatest success.

It was even more surprising to learn that they are assiduous experts of an intended concentration.

Acquire these key moments, learn to use them and plan the success.

Those who doesn't manage to achieve success, have desires and dreams, but there is no will to transform them into the validity.

Succeeding people possess the improbable internal force generated by will which perfectly well trains when they concentrate on what want to reach.

It withdraws them for fear of defeat, uncertainty, pessimism, intellectual apathy and laziness.

AyaSasha 29 сент. 2020 г., 02:00:32 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите написать сочинение по английскому му illnesses and their symptoms?

Помогите написать сочинение по английскому му illnesses and their symptoms.

Zehratalibova555 16 февр. 2020 г., 06:18:48 | 1 - 4 классы

Что писать am is are have?

Что писать am is are have.

Their names.

. Bob and Saran.

Polotova01 3 сент. 2020 г., 15:38:31 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите пожалуйста составить 5 типов вопросов к предложению Their friends are Kate and Derek (tag?

Помогите пожалуйста составить 5 типов вопросов к предложению Their friends are Kate and Derek (tag?


Egor956 22 апр. 2020 г., 12:26:15 | 10 - 11 классы

Pigs are very honest?

Pigs are very honest.

They are also very kind, understanding and very often peace - makers.

Pigs are sociable ; they like talking and are often very popular.

They still find time to be very hard - working, and they are always first to help other people out.

Dallas11 9 нояб. 2020 г., 01:34:08 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите с переводом?

Помогите с переводом!

They only things they care about are their jobs and making money.

Fantom123123 15 янв. 2020 г., 21:37:21 | 5 - 9 классы



Нужно вставить пропущенное слово : George and Carol are having _____ lunch.

1) they 2)their"s 3)them 4) their.

Karinka668 30 апр. 2020 г., 16:49:46 | 5 - 9 классы

Write five sentences about films and celebrities using the adjectives : excitement, fame, beauty, romance, success?

Write five sentences about films and celebrities using the adjectives : excitement, fame, beauty, romance, success.

201099zhenya 9 сент. 2020 г., 01:01:45 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуста 10 балл) - Present Simple and Present Continuous?

Помогите пожалуста 10 балл) - Present Simple and Present Continuous.

Выражения дайте.

Например : always, sometimes, often!

Софийкалайт 6 окт. 2020 г., 05:02:25 | 1 - 4 классы

Jenny and vanya are planning their winter holidays in russia?

Jenny and vanya are planning their winter holidays in russia.

Keks124 27 сент. 2020 г., 00:20:49 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите вставить слова в предложения?

Помогите вставить слова в предложения.


1. It is often cold and ___ in Scotland.

2. Roger Federer was very ___ last year and won lots of competitions.

3. My ___ routine is always the same.

4. My sister is very ___ and loves extreme sports.

She is also very ___ and loves people.

5. I'd like to be a fame footballer and play for the England ___ team.

Слова :


Beauty / success / wonder.

2. fame / adventure.

3. aristocrat / history.

4. day / wind / friend / fun.

5. nation / person / profession.

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