Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы



Хотя бы не всё, часть!

Заполни пропуски в диалогах.

1. A.

Which countries did you visit last summer?

B. England, Italy and Spain.

A. Which did you like THE BEST (good)?

B. Italy.

It`s .

(beautiful) country in the world.

2. A.

Let`s buy a new computer.

B. How mach is .

(cheap) one?

A. I don`t know.

We can ask.

3 A. You must take some warm clotches with you.

B. Why ?

A. It`s .

(could) place in England.

4. A I want to buy a house in Madrid.

B. Are you sure?

It`s (expensive) city in Spain!

5. A.

How was your Maths test?

B. It was.

(bad) off all.

I couldn`t answer anything.

6. A.

Tony is very tall.

B. Yes, He`s .

(tall) boy in our class.

7. A.

I want to buy a Potsche!

B. Why?

A. It`s .

(fast) car in the world.

Ответить на вопрос
Ответы (1)
Artem2001 11 февр. 2018 г., 04:00:41

1. the most beautiful


The cheapest


The coldest


The most expensive


The worst


The tallest


The fastest.

Пусечка1 12 окт. 2018 г., 05:04:10 | 10 - 11 классы

1. what did you buy?

1. what did you buy?

When did you buy it?

2. why did you want to buy it?

3. what did you do when you brought it home?

4. was it easy to operate?

5. did it make your life easier or more difficult?

6. how often do you use it now?

Черникка 20 янв. 2018 г., 12:33:30 | 5 - 9 классы

You were a passenger on the Mayflower?

You were a passenger on the Mayflower.

Write your story of the voyage to America.

The question will help you to write the first and last paragrpahs.

First paragraphWho are you?

Why were you on the ship?

Who were the passengers?

Last paragraphWhere did you arrive?

Did you marry?

Did you return to England?

How did you feel?

Yuraartemev86 27 сент. 2018 г., 10:47:16 | 10 - 11 классы

How many newspapers ?

How many newspapers .

Every day?

A) do you buy B) are you buying C) did you buy D) does you buy.

Ira1306 15 мар. 2018 г., 19:59:50 | 5 - 9 классы

What was your trip like?

What was your trip like?

Answer the questions.

1)When did you travel?

2)Where did you go?

3)How did you travel : by car, by sea, by plane, by train?

4)Who travelled with you?

5)Why did you go to that place?

6)What did you see there?

7)Who did you meet there?

8)What was the place like?

9)Did you enjoy your trip?

10)Would you like to go there again?

Georgejrpapado 11 янв. 2018 г., 22:24:18 | 1 - 4 классы

1)Which way of travelling do you like most of all ?

1)Which way of travelling do you like most of all ?

3) Where did you go last summer?

4) How did you getthere?

5) What did you see?

6) How did you spend your time?

2) Why do you like this way of travelling?

Помогите перевести пожалуйста.

Hlebushechok16 1 дек. 2018 г., 05:17:40 | 1 - 4 классы

1)Which way of travelling do you like most of all ?

1)Which way of travelling do you like most of all ?

3) Where did you go last summer?

4) How did you get there?

5) What did you see?

6) How did you spend your time?

2) Why do you like this way of travelling?

Помогите перевести пожалуйста.

0705Lera 16 авг. 2018 г., 06:48:54 | 5 - 9 классы

Write a short dialog with a shop assistant?

Write a short dialog with a shop assistant.

Writy about 50 words on a seperate piece of paper.

* You want to buy some eggs.

Ask if they have any.

* They have not * Ask how much the yoghurts are.

* Ask how much the strawberry cakes are.

* Decide what to buy and ask the price.

* The assistant tells you the price.

Shop Assistant : Can I help you?

You : И так далее, следуя условиям под звездочками.

Они расположены в правильной последовательности нужно лишь написать как в условии.

Например * You want to buy some eggs.

Ask if they have any.

- Shop Assistant : Can I help you?

You : Yes, please.

Have you got any eggs?

Касноцветик 3 янв. 2018 г., 01:56:15 | 5 - 9 классы




Заполни пропуски в диалогах.

1. A.

Which countries did you visit last summer?

B. England, Italy and Spain.

A. Which did you like THE BEST (good)?

B. Italy.

It`s .

(beautiful) country in the world.

2. A.

Let`s buy a new computer.

B. How mach is .

(cheap) one?

A. I don`t know.

We can ask.

3 A. You must take some warm clotches with you.

B. Why ?

A. It`s .

(could) place in England.

4. A I want to buy a house in Madrid.

B. Are you sure?

It`s (expensive) city in Spain!

5. A.

How was your Maths test?

B. It was.

(bad) off all.

I couldn`t answer anything.

6. A.

Tony is very tall.

B. Yes, He`s .

(tall) boy in our class.

7. A.

I want to buy a Potsche!

B. Why?

A. It`s .

(fast) car in the world.

Doca2 22 авг. 2018 г., 22:46:21 | 5 - 9 классы



1. Заполните пропуски словами, приведенными ниже : (Visit, traveling abroad, fast train, cheap, expensive, destination, broadens your knowledge) 1.

I think ….

Is great.

2. Visiting new cities ….

. 3. The best ….

Of traveling is England.

4. It’s very ….

To travel by air.

5. You should …… England 6.

You must buy tickets for ….

. 2. Закончи предложение : 1.

The best way of resting is … 2.

The best way of spending holidays is … 3.

The best way of traveling is … 4.

The best destination of traveling is … 5.

There are many places ….

6. The reasons of traveling are … 3.

Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами из скобок.

( needn’t, shouldn’t, should, must, can) 1.

If you want to travel you … take your passport.

2. If you are going to travel by train you ….

Buy a ticket.

3. If you want to go abroad you ….

Take a camera.

4. You ….

Buy a ticket if you stay at home.

5. You ….

Pack your clothes for traveling 6.

You …….

Take much clothes for your traveling.

7. If you rest at the seaside you … swim in the sea.

Leraaitova 9 дек. 2018 г., 23:54:41 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите с английским прошу : Read the situations and write sentences with indirect questions?

Помогите с английским прошу : Read the situations and write sentences with indirect questions.

1. (Образец) You wand to buy some stamps, but you don't know the city.

Could you tell me where the nearest post office is?

2. You want to buy a train ticket to Paris, but you don't know how much it costs.


3. You are staying in a hostel.

You are going out for the evening, but you don't know what time the hostel closes.


4. You're on a train.

You don't know the time, so tou ask another passenger.


5. You're going to a voluntary camp next month.

You want to know what you need to take.

Ask the camp organisers.


6. Your pen - friend's parents are taking you sightseeing.

You want to know how many places you are going to visit.


7. You don't know when the airport bus leaves.

Ask someone at the bus stop.


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