
Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы


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What does Coronation Day mark?

What do some royal traditions include?

What is Speaker’s Corner famous for?

Do people mark popular occasions?

Текст :

Most British people are proud of their traditions and customs and they carefully follow them.

The British preserve the traditions that were introduced centuries ago and the traditions that are rather new.

Most people widely celebrate the main religious festivals of Christmas and Easter.

But not all England’s festivals are connected with religion, many are connected with British history.

Many people enjoy royal occasions.

Some people just like the atmosphere of such celebrations, others think that they unite the people.

Coronation Day, for example.

It marks the anniversary of the date when Elizabeth II become queen.

Some royal occasions include a parade of the guards and fireworks.

Anyone can go to Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park and make a speech.

But there are people in Britain who live through occasions without knowing that they have happened or they just ignore them.

Заранее спасибо.

: ).

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Ответы (1)
ZikoZ 22 мая 2018 г., 19:44:40

1. It marks the anniversary of the date when Elizabeth II became Queen.

2. Some Royal occasions include a parade of the guards and fireworks.

3. Anyone can go to Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park and make a speech


Many people do, but there are people in Britain who live through occasions without knowing that they have happened or they just ignore them.

Zhaniya2014krg 23 февр. 2018 г., 04:42:34 | 5 - 9 классы

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Помогите перевести!

1. «No one in the world looks exactly alike, even identical' twins.

People are different colours and sizes.

» 2. "People are brought up1 differently : some can be kind, considerate and well - mannered, others are selfish, unhelpful and very ill - mannered.

Some are happy and caring, others are sad, spiteful and strict.

" 3. "There are people with a nice sense of humour.

Some people laugh at things, others don't.

Different people find different things funny.

Some people are moody and take things too seriously.

" 4. " People have different tastes in clothes and friends, they like different styles and fashions and different kind of music.

Some people like dresses and some like jeans.

" 5. "People behave differently and act differently.

Not everybody knows how to socialize with others.

Some people think that they are better than other people and there are people who are very good but don't talk about it.

Some are better on the inside than on the outside, others are better on the outside than the inside.

" 6. "We also have different dialects and languages and different cultures.

" 7. "Things you believe in can be quite different.

Some people might be Christian, some people might not have a religion at all.

" 8. "Some people want to work in an office or to be a doctor, some want to be a lifeguard, but other people want to be a lazy lump of cheese.

" 9. "The main thing that makes people different is how they look.

Some have blond and some have brown hair.

People also have different eyes colour.

Some people are taller than others.

People have faces of different shapes and hair of different length.

Some people are fat and some are hairier than others.

" 10.

"Some people are bigheaded, clever and smart.

And everybody has a different level of education.

" 11.

"Some people have a bad temper and don't get along with others.

There are nasty people and nice people.

Most people are loving but some are not.

" 12.

"We all have different views and opinions.

" 13.

"Some people are good at practical things, others sit for hours with their noses in the books, but everyone has a special talent for some particular activity.


YankaNice 7 февр. 2018 г., 00:14:40 | 5 - 9 классы



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General question Alternative question Special auestion Question to the subject Tag - question Текст : Most British people are proud of their traditions and customs and they carefully follow them.

The British preserve the traditions that were introduced centuries ago and the traditions that are rather new.

Most people widely celebrate the main religious festivals of Christmas and Easter.

But not all England’s festivals are connected with religion, many are connected with British history.

Many people enjoy royal occasions.

Some people just like the atmosphere of such celebrations, others think that they unite the people.

Coronation Day, for example.

It marks the anniversary of the date when Elizabeth II become queen.

Some royal occasions include a parade of the guards and fireworks.

Anyone can go to Speaker’s Corner in Hyde Park and make a speech.

But there are people in Britain who live through occasions without knowing that they have happened or they just ignore them.

Заранее спасибо.

: ).

Dsga 17 июн. 2018 г., 04:25:43 | 10 - 11 классы

Помоги мне) 1?

Помоги мне) 1.

What other opinions about the British do people have?

For example : They say that the English are a tradition - loving people.

- The English are said to be a tradition - loving people.

A) People believe that the British talk about the weather all the time.

B) People think that the English do not like changes very much.

C) People consider that the British are not good at learning foreign languages.

D) People say that the English do not spend much money on clothes.

Aisulu2311 27 сент. 2018 г., 10:34:56 | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите плииз?

Переведите плииз!

I think that national holidays are the days unite people, for example Independence Day in my country.

It is really the day that unites the nation.

It includes everything : Family dinners and public parades, shows and games, sports, and illuminations.

The famous fireworks are so beautiful that they make people say “ooohhh” and “aaahhh”.

The day is full of music and joy.

I like holidays that have a long history like Flag Day or Thanksgiving Day.

They connect us with the past that we shouldn’t forget.

Натамама 16 февр. 2018 г., 21:26:39 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the text and match the titles wirh the paragraphs?

Read the text and match the titles wirh the paragraphs.

There is one extra paragraph.

1. Country of Immigrants 2.

New Home for English - Speaking People 3.

The Old and the New Hand - in - Hand 4.

American Traditions The New World a) The United States is a young country.

It is only a few hundred years old.

Millions of people from other countries and continets - Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America - - - find their new home in the United States.

B) The people of the United States are of many different nationalities.

These different people brought to the new home their traditions, holidays and festivals.

From Germany they brought Christmas trees.

From Ireland they brought St.

Patrick's Day celebrate the festivals of the Old World.

But there are new American festivals and traditions too.

C) Americans like new ideas.

They built the first skyscrapers and they put the first man on the moon.

They like to be modern.

They enjoy big modern cities, new houses and new cars.

At the same time Americans love old things.

They like to visit historic houses and museums.

They remember their country's history and the days of the "Wild West".

Most of them are very proud of their country.

Помогите, Пожалуйста!

Katyaartemova1 13 мая 2018 г., 16:46:58 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевод текста(не через переводчик) English character Foreigners have many ideas about what the English like?

Перевод текста(не через переводчик) English character Foreigners have many ideas about what the English like.

For example, some people say the English are always cold and reserved, this means that they don't talk much to strangers, and don't show much emotion.

A reserved person never tells you anything about himself.

But the people of the North and West of Britain are much less reserved than those of the South and East.

Some believe the English eat porridge for breakfast and read The Times every day.

Many Australians believe that the English always whine and call them "whining poms".

The Welsh, Scottish and Irish also have a thing or two to say about what they think the English are like with reference to the British Empire.

And, of course, the English themselves have plenty of ideas about what they are, such as being proud of having one of the oldest parliament in the world.

English people are famous for their habit of politeness.

It is considered polite to give up one's seat to a woman who is standing, to open a door for her, carry things for her, and so on.

Most British people expect the person in front of them to hold the door open for them.

People think you are rude, if you don't do this.

Most British people queue when they are waiting for a bus or waiting to be served in a shop.

But during the rush hour, when a bus or train arrives, people often push forward to make sure they get on.

This is called jumping the queue.

British people keep their old traditions and are very proud of them.

They are famous for their sense of humour.

English people show great love for animals.

And, of course, English people are fond of sports.

Many continentals think life is a game ; the English think cricket is a game.

To many Englishmen cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour.

When they consider something unfair, they say "That isn't cricket".

The traditional love of English people for tea is well known.

They like to drink tea with milk.

They have their five - o'clock tea not only at home or in offices, but also in tea - rooms and tea - shops, which can be found in every town.

A nation is born from its land, its history, its art, its traditions and its institutions.

These things work together to make people what they are.

But above all, a nation is made up of people, and although there are things they all share, all of those people are different.

We can say there is still a "British nation, " and one of the most characteristic features of Englishmen is their traditions, which they respect, and which they have kept for centuries.

The traditions don't only accumulate the experience and wisdom of many generations, but they bring some stability into the rapidly changing world.

Pupurka1 21 июл. 2018 г., 16:34:27 | 5 - 9 классы

Cделайте по образцу все 8 предложений правильно, пожалуйста?

Cделайте по образцу все 8 предложений правильно, пожалуйста!

) :

They say the English are tradition - loving people

The English are said to be a tradition - loving peole.

Пользуясь этими предложениями :

are said to be

are thought to have

are considered to drink

are said not to make

are said to be

are suppossed to be


People believe that the British talk about the weather all the time.

2. People think that the English do not like changers very much.

People consider that the British 3.

Are not good at learning foreign languages.

4. They say that the English do not spend much money on clothes.

5. People believe that the Scots are careful with money.

6. People think that the Irish are great talkers.

7. People consider that the Irish have "a sweet tooth" ; they love cakes, chocolates and sweets.

8. People know that the British do not like to show their feelings.

89605099344 18 дек. 2018 г., 10:17:01 | 5 - 9 классы

Some festivals in britain are centuries old?

Some festivals in britain are centuries old.

Others are not so old but no less popular.

Many british people think that royal traditions are very important.

И т. д перевод всего текста.

Кристина200006 10 февр. 2018 г., 16:18:49 | 1 - 4 классы

Перевести текст на русский язык?

Перевести текст на русский язык.

I think that people vote for this or that thing not because they porsonally like it or not .

I ' m sure that people vote for traditional items that have been around for many years .

They vote for the things that are rocognisend as part of our culture and our history, for the most significant or most typical items .

They vote for what is great in the country , for what best represents Britain .

The items people have voted for are easily recognised as the British ones all over the world .

And it does not matter what country they come from.

Lisk209 22 апр. 2018 г., 06:19:17 | 1 - 4 классы

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Помогите перевести текст!

Some people think that the world will change a lot.

The cities will become bigger.

They will be more beautiful.

There will be more parks and trees in them.

Some people say that there won't be many people in the cities and the cities will become smaller but there will be more farms.

More people will live in the country, and they will grow food for all the world.

People will be taller and more clever.

Some people think that men will be two metres tall, and women will be as tall as men.

They say men and women will wear the same clothes but in different colours.

Pupils will not go to school.

They will have computers at home and the computers will help them to learn everything.

At weekends people will go to the moon and other planets.

They will have a good time there.

They won't read many books.

They will mostly watch television and get news from computer networks.

And they will learn many things from nature.

All people will enjoy their life.

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