Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы
Мифы на английском языке про змея Горыныча срочноо.


Напишите что нибудь о змеях на английском языке?
Напишите что нибудь о змеях на английском языке.
Шесть предложения)заранее спасибо.

Как будет по английский Змея длиннее чем крокодил но крокодил сильнее змеи?
Как будет по английский Змея длиннее чем крокодил но крокодил сильнее змеи.

Змея как по английски пишется говорится?
Змея как по английски пишется говорится.

Плиз напишите сочинение про змея горыныча, срочно завтра сдать надо?
Плиз напишите сочинение про змея горыныча, срочно завтра сдать надо.

Как по английски будет - ПРИХОДИТЕ В ГОСТИ?
Как по английски будет - ПРИХОДИТЕ В ГОСТИ!

Легенды или мифы небольшие по содержанию на английском языке?
Легенды или мифы небольшие по содержанию на английском языке!

Как на английском ведьма, жираф, змея?
Как на английском ведьма, жираф, змея.

Я хотела иметь змею по английски?
Я хотела иметь змею по английски.

Перевите пожалуйста на английский срочноо?
Перевите пожалуйста на английский срочноо.
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In ancient times, near Kiev, on the mountain yurkovitsa mount (near the present Smorodskaya descent) , the dragon settled.
Took it from the people exactions : from each household on the red wench.
Take the girl and eat it.
It was time to go to the Snake king's daughter.
Grabbed the Snake Princess and dragged to his lair, and there was not : a beauty she was, for the wife took myself.
Heard the king and Queen that her daughter is alive, and sent to her a pigeon with a note : Vysny de the serpent, who is stronger than him.
She has Ptolemies to the Snake, he is long to say, Yes finally spill the beans : lives in Kiev Tanner named Nikita — it was stronger.
Snake and rescued the Princess.
At that time Nikita was holding in his hands twelve hides, and saw the king shook with fear — and all leather in pieces tore.
But the Snake did not go : where I, says!
The king, having received such a message, came Nikita the Tanner to ask to free his land from the fierce Snake and rescued the Princess.
At that time Nikita was holding in his hands twelve hides, and saw the king shook with fear — and all leather in pieces tore.
But the Snake did not go : where I, says!
Then the king gathered five thousand children are minors, requested Tanner : maybe their tears will razanamasy.
Came to Kojemyaka young — he himself wept, their tears glyadyuchi.
ВЂ” So be it, "he said, " the Serpent will go to war!
Took three hundred pounds of hemp, nasmolil resin, all wrapped from head to toe, so Snakes didn't eat them.
The Tanner is suitable to the cave, and the Serpent sits there and nose pokes.
ВЂ” Come out better in the open field, and then the whole mountain rusmeco!
ВЂ” shouts the hero.
Came Snakes.
They began to fight and knocked Nikita the Tanner of suprotivnyy.
ВЂ” Don't hit me, hero!
ВЂ” prays to the monster.
ВЂ” Stronger than us anybody in this world.
Divide all the land equally, you will live in one half, I the other.
"All right, " says Nikita, is only necessary between the two halves of the between put.
Took plow three hundred pounds, harnessed to it, and the snake began to lay between.
Spent a furrow from Kiev back to the sea.
ВЂ” The land is divided — and let's divide the sea, ' said Nikita, and you will begin to swear, saying, your water take.
The Snakes went into the sea, and were drowned.
And that furrow the sky in two fathoms and still is, and it is called Dragon rolls.