В. Вчера семья Керка готовилась к приезду дедушки и бабушки?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

В. Вчера семья Керка готовилась к приезду дедушки и бабушки.

Что они делали?

Выберите подходящее слово в скобках и подчеркните его.

1. Their mother (dusted \ dust) the furniture.

2. Kirk (sweeps \ swept) the paths.

3. Clive (gathers \ gathered) apples.

4. Helen (cleaned \ cleans) the room.

5. Their mother (cooks \ cooked) a meal.

6. Their father (washes \ washed) the dishes.

7. Their mother (made \ makes) a cake.

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Ответы (1)
Alin4ik9 21 февр. 2018 г., 08:50:12








97trkvyjghcn07 27 нояб. 2018 г., 00:25:22 | 1 - 4 классы

Выбрать глагол в нужной форме : 0?

Выбрать глагол в нужной форме : 0.

The boy (teach / taught) his cat to clean the room


The cat (dusts / dusted) the furniture


He (gathers / gathered) toys and books


The cat (made / mares) the bed


He (washes / washed) the dishes


And the boy (cleans out / cleaned out) his litterbok and (fed / feed) him.

ElizavetaKarpov98 29 окт. 2018 г., 01:40:54 | 1 - 4 классы

Здравствуйте ?

Здравствуйте .

Помогите исправить ошибки в предложениях.

Kirk and Clive plays games every day.

Kirk and Clive often roller - skates.

Kirk and Clive watches cartoons every day.

Kirk and Clive sometimes watches DVD.

Kirk and Clive always helps their mother.

Kirk and Clive sometimes plays football.

Kirk and Clive goes to school every day.

Heleh often play games.

Heleh sometimes roller - skate.

Heleh watch cartoons every day.

Heleh often watch DVD.

Helen help her mother every day.

Helen go to school every day.

Their mother often watch cartoons.

Their mother often watch DVD.

Rifat0105 11 февр. 2018 г., 11:42:53 | 10 - 11 классы

Rukodelnitsa washed the dishes?

Rukodelnitsa washed the dishes.

And she worked in the garden.

Rukodelnitsa swept the paths and gathered apples and vegetables.


Arbuzikananasik 26 февр. 2018 г., 11:18:26 | 10 - 11 классы

Then Rukodelnitsa cooks tasty meals for her sister and her mother?

Then Rukodelnitsa cooks tasty meals for her sister and her mother.

She sets the table and all her family has tasty meal.

Then Rukodelnitsa washes the dishes.

After that she works in the garden.

Rukodelnitsa sweeps the paths and gathers apples and vegetables.

Подчеркните правильные глаголы одной чертой , а неправильные глаголы двумя.

12345прив 10 апр. 2018 г., 07:59:14 | 1 - 4 классы

Рассказ по английски я хороший помощник используя все эти слова made set worked washed cleaned swept cooked read fed dusted gathered helped?

Рассказ по английски я хороший помощник используя все эти слова made set worked washed cleaned swept cooked read fed dusted gathered helped.

Fen1x 14 янв. 2018 г., 04:28:35 | 1 - 4 классы

Вчера семья Керка готовилась к приезду дедушки и бабушки?

Вчера семья Керка готовилась к приезду дедушки и бабушки.

Что они делали?

Выберите подходящее слово в скобках и подчеркните его.

1. Their mother (dusted \ dust) the furniture.

2. Kirk (sweeps \ swept) the paths.

3. Clive (gathers \ gathered) apples.

4. Helen (cleaned \ cleans) the room.

5. Their mother (cooks \ cooked) a meal.

6. Their father (washes \ washed) the dishes.

7. Their mother (made \ makes) a cake.

Сачка 7 мар. 2018 г., 02:57:11 | 10 - 11 классы

5. Kерк, его сестра и брат всегда помогают родителям и дедушке с бабушкой?

5. Kерк, его сестра и брат всегда помогают родителям и дедушке с бабушкой.

Кому они помогали?

0) Our mother washed the dishes.

Helen helped her to wash the dishes.

1) Our parents gathered apples.

I helped _____ to gather apples.

2) My sister dusted the furniture.

Clive helped ______ to dust the furniture.

3) Our grandma cooked tasty food.

Helen helped _____ to cook tasty food.

4) My brother fed the pets.

I helped _____ to feed the pets.

5) Our father cleaned the car.

My sister and I helped ______ to clean the car.

6) Our mother made a cake.

Helen helped _____ to make a cake.

7) Our grandpa swept the paths.

My brother and I helped ______ to sweep the paths.

Yuliya765 9 янв. 2018 г., 17:40:33 | 1 - 4 классы

В стихотворение Кена Несбита мальчик научил своего кота убирать кота?

В стихотворение Кена Несбита мальчик научил своего кота убирать кота.

Чему ещё научил мальчик своего кота.

Какую работу выполнял кот?

(0) The cat (helps / helped) the boy.

(1) The cat (dusts / dusted) the furniture (2)He (gathers / gathered) toys and books (3)The cat (made / mares) the bed (4)He (washes / washed) the dishes (5)And the boy (cleans / cleaned) his letterbox and (Fed / feed).

ОляДжонатик 17 июл. 2018 г., 16:18:52 | 1 - 4 классы

1. раставить галочку что она делает каждый и что вчера 2?

1. раставить галочку что она делает каждый и что вчера 2.

Выписать глаголы в прошедшем времени в соответствии с правилами чтения окончания - ed [t] [d] [id] 0.

Cinderella dusted the furniture in the house.

1. she cooks dinner every day.

2. Cinderella often helps her stepsisters


She gathered many apples yesterday


Cinderella worked about the house yesterday


Cinderella helped her sister yesterday


Cinderella usually dusts the furniture in the house.

7. Cinderella works about the every day


She washes the dishes every day


Cinderella cooked a meal yesterday


Cinderella often gathers apples in the garden


She washed the dishes yesterday


Cinderella cleans the house every day


She cleaned the house yesterday, too.

Анюта565 5 июн. 2018 г., 10:06:59 | 1 - 4 классы

Составь предложения из слов on , brothers, The, help, mother, their, Saturdays?

Составь предложения из слов on , brothers, The, help, mother, their, Saturdays.

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