Переведите пожалуйста : ) A Gentle Genius 1?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

Переведите пожалуйста : ) A Gentle Genius 1.

If someone calls you an 'Einstein' ['ainstain], consider it a compliment.

It means that you are compared to one of the greatest minds of the twentieth century.

Actually, many people believe that he was one of the most intelligent people ever born.

He had the IQ (intelligence quotient) of a genius.

2. Albert Einstein was not only a genius but also a gentle man.

He loved music, children and sailing.

He wore his shoes without socks and he rarely had a haircut.

He is called a genius because many of his scientific discoveries were far ahead of their time.

He is remembered as a gentle person because he believed that all nations should live without war.

He often spoke for peace.

3. Albert was born in Ulm.


He was an unusual child.

He seemed to be very slow and dreamy and his parents were worried about him.

He started to talk later than most children did.

As a schoolboy, bethought a long time before answering questions.

But he was far from being stupid.

He learned mathematics and loved louse it in thinking about science.

4. He studied physics in Switzerland where he got his first job.

In his spare lime, he wrote out some of his original ideas on physics.

In 1905 he published an article on his special theory of relativity.

It caused a sensation among scientists.

In the article he said that the basic qualities of objects (mass, length and time) changed when they moved at high speeds, closer to the speed of light.

5. In 1914 Einstein moved to Germany.

He got a teaching job at the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences.

Four months later, Germany went to war.

World War I started.

Einstein made himself very unpopular because he was against the war.

In 1921 he got the Nobel Prize in physics.

He became very famous, almost like a movie star.

His picture was in many newspapers but he was a shy man and didn't like the publicity much.

However, when iHitler came to power in Germany, Einstein decided to speak for peace.

He said it was wrong for one person I to kill another and that all men should refuse to be soldiers.

Hitler didn't like any of his beliefs.

There was another problem.

Einstein was Jewish and Hitler hated Jews.

Einstein's life was in danger and that was why he and his wife moved to the United States.

6. During World War II Einstein was worried that German scien - tists.

Controlled by Hitler, would create the atomic bomb which would help Germany win the war.

Even though Einstein never took any part in the creation of the bomb, it was partly his ideas that helped scientists make it.

He knew very well how dangerous such a bomb would be.

Close to the end of World Wart American scientists developed the bomb first.

When Einstein found out about it he wrote to the American President asking him not to use the bomb because it was very, very dangerous.

It made him very sad when the bomb was actually dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, in 1945.

He wrote once : "Science is a powerful instrument.

How it is used depends on man himself, not on the instrument.

A knife is useful for the lives of human beings, but it can also be used to kill.

" 7. After World War II Einstein continued to work both for science and for peace.

In 1955.

He died in his sleep at the age of seventy - six.

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Викочка98 23 дек. 2018 г., 23:41:59

A Кроткий гений1.

Если кто - то называет вас «Эйнштейном», считайте это комплиментом.

Это означает, что вас сравнивают с одним из величайших умов двадцатого века.

На самом деле, многие считают, что он был одним из самых умных людей, когда - либо живущих на Земле.

У него был коэффициент интеллекта гения.

2. Альберт Эйнштейн был не только гением, но и добрым, кротким человеком.

Он любил музыку, детей и парусный спорт.

Он носил туфли без носков и редко стригся.

Его называют гением, потому что многие его научные открытия намного опередили свое время.

Его помнят как кроткого человека, потому что он считал, что все народы должны жить без войн.

Он часто выступал за мир.

3. Альберт родился в Ульме, в Германии.

Он был необычным ребенком.

Он казался очень медлительным и мечтательным, и родители волновались о нем.

Он начал говорить позже, чем большинство детей.

В школьном возрасте он подолгу думал, прежде чем отвечать на вопросы.

Но он был вовсе не глуп.

Он изучал математику и любил применять ее, размышляя о науке.

4. Он изучал физику в Швейцарии, где получил первую работу.

В свободное время Эйнштейн записывал некоторые из своих оригинальных идей по физике.

В 1905 году он опубликовал статью о специальной теории относительности.

Она наделала шума среди ученых.

В статье он написал, что основные качества объектов (масса, длина и время) меняются, когда объекты движутся с высокой скоростью, приближенной к скорости света.

5. В 1914 году Эйнштейн переехал в Германию.

Он получил преподавательскую работу в Королевской прусской академии наук.

Четыре месяца спустя Германия начала войну.

Это была Первая мировая.

Эйнштейн сделал себя очень непопулярным, потому что был против войны.

В 1921 году он получил Нобелевскую премию по физике.

Он стал очень известным, почти как кинозвезда.

Его фотографии появлялись во многих газетах, но он был застенчивым человеком и не любил публичности.

Однако, когда к власти в Германии пришел Гитлер, Эйнштейн решил выступить за мир.

Он говорил, что один человек не может убивать другого и что все люди должны отказываться быть солдатами.

Гитлеру не нравилось ни одно из его убеждений.

Была и еще одна проблема.

Эйнштейн был евреем, а Гитлер ненавидел евреев.

Жизнь Эйнштейна была в опасности, и именно поэтому он и его жена переехали в Соединенные Штаты.

6. Во время Второй мировой войны Эйнштейн беспокоился, что немецкие ученые, контролируемые Гитлером, создадут атомную бомбу, которая поможет Германии выиграть войну.

Несмотря на то, что Эйнштейн никогда не принимал участия в создании бомбы, отчасти его идеи помогли ученым сделать это.

Он очень хорошо знал, насколько опасна такая бомба.

Ближе к концу мировой войны американские ученые первыми разработали бомбу.

Когда Эйнштейн узнал об этом, он написал президенту США письмо с просьбой не применять бомбу, потому что это было очень и очень опасно.

Эйнштейн был очень расстроен, когда бомбу все же сбросили на Хиросиму (Япония) в 1945 году.

Он как - то написал : «Наука — это мощное орудие.

Как его используют — зависит от человека, а не от орудия.

Нож полезен для жизни людей, но его также можно использовать и для убийства».

7. После Второй мировой войны Эйнштейн продолжал работать как для науки, так и для мира.

В 1955 году он умер во сне в возрасте семидесяти шести лет.

Diana2888 9 дек. 2018 г., 06:50:35 | 1 - 4 классы

Как перевести : The Hungry Little DogThe Hungry Little Dog People thought the dog was mad, but he was not mad, he was just a very special?

Как перевести : The Hungry Little DogThe Hungry Little Dog People thought the dog was mad, but he was not mad, he was just a very special.

Last Updated On : Saturday, April 7, 2007 There was, once upon a time, a little hungry dog.

He had no home, no name, and very often no food.

He would hunt around dustbins, and eat the most surprising things - like plum stones and paper bags, but he never had a pain .

. . for really he was a very special dog.

When people were having meals, he walked around the houses with a hungry look, and the kind people nearly always gave him something to eat.

Sometimes the little dog felt very excited, and for no reason at all he would rush over the fences and knock over everything that came in his way.

People thought the dog was mad, but he was not mad, he was just a very special sort of dog.

One day a gentleman watched these strange goings on with surprise.

Then he, too, jumped in the air and danced for joy - for he had an idea.

"This dog would be just right for the films, " he said.

"He is JUST what I have been looking for.

" As the dog looked hungry, the film director took him to the butchers.

So the little hungry dog was hungry no more.

He had plenty of food, a good home, and his master was the kindest man any dog could have.

The little dog was a born actor and his antics on the screen made everyone clap their hands and laugh until their sides ached.

Of course, he made a lot of money for his master, and more did he have to search in dustbins for his food.

He could choose just what he fancied for dinner, go out when he liked, and stay in bed late in the mornings.

The little black dog was very pleased with himself.



I am not a hungry little dog now - I AM A FILM STAR!


Apolinachka 18 мая 2018 г., 17:32:15 | 10 - 11 классы

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Переведите текст.

Extraordinary facts about an extraordinary man Einstein took longer than usual to begin to speak.

He began some time after his second birthday.

He was also rebellious towards authority when he was at school.

These two facts may have been the origin of a popular myth that Einstein was a bad student and that he failed at school.

This is simply not true.

Einstein was already outstanding at physics and very good at maths when he was young.

At sixteen he wrote a brilliant essay that had a direct link with his later work in relativity The myth may also come from the fact that when he was sixteen he tried to get into the prestigious Federal Polytechnic in Zurich.

The normal entrance age was eighteen.

It seems he failed some of the non - science subjects, doing badly in French for example.

The school did not take him.

But remember, he was two years younger than usual.

The next year, when he was just seventeen, he passed.

In later life Einstein was well known for making some mistakes in his maths, but he was more a physicist than a master mathematician.

And the maths he was doing was not exactly 2 + 2 = 4.

Vkkid12 22 авг. 2018 г., 14:50:04 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите сделать вопросы к тексту ?

Помогите сделать вопросы к тексту !

Once there lived a man who was very fond of gold.

He used to say, "While I have my gold, I am the happiest man in the world.

" And so all his life he saved money.

One day he was travelling in the desert of North Africa.

He lost his way.

He had no food or water.

He was almost dying of hunger.

He was so weak that he could not walk, he could only crawl.

The heat was terrible.

There were only stones and sand around.

Just then he saw a bag lying on the sand.

He hoped that he would find food in it and water, too.

He crawled up to the bag and opened it.

He saw that the bag was full of gold.

What is the use of gold to a hungry man in a desert?

He left the bag on the hot sand, crying bitterly, "I am the most unhappy man in the world.


26012002 4 янв. 2018 г., 23:27:17 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите перевести текст по англ, пожалуйста Albert Einstein is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest physicists of all time?

Помогите перевести текст по англ, пожалуйста Albert Einstein is widely acknowledged to be one of the greatest physicists of all time.

Born in Ulm, Germany in 1879, his family soon moved to Munich, where he lived until he was 15.

He attended the Luitpold Gymnasium and in 1894, wrote his first scientific work, The Investigation of the State of Aether in Magnetic Fields.

Einstein's family moved to Italy in the same year, but he stayed behind to finish school.

However, one year later, he left school without telling his parents and went to Italy to be with them.

2. Shortly afterwards, he applied for admission to the Swiss Polytechnic Institute but was not accepted ; he had not done well in the non - science part of the test.

He later attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic School in Zurich, from which he received a degree and so was qualified to teach Physics and Mathematics.

Unfortunately, however, he was not able to get a teaching position but he got a job in the Swiss Patent Office in 1902.

While Einstein was working at the Patent Office, he began to examine different problems in physics and came up with some remarkable discoveries.

In 1905 he published three papers, one of which was about his Special Theory of Relativity, a concept which completely overturned Isaac Newton's long - standing Law of Universal Gravitation.

2020maks 15 июл. 2018 г., 09:07:09 | 5 - 9 классы

Найдите, пожалуйста, ошибки в сочинении : Mike was working as assistant during summer vacation, and found pretty girl named Jennifer at the store?

Найдите, пожалуйста, ошибки в сочинении : Mike was working as assistant during summer vacation, and found pretty girl named Jennifer at the store.

He was shy but he finally asked her out.

He was so happy and excited about it.

On the dating day, he was kind of late because of the traffic jam.

He backed to his home and changed his clothes.

When he was trying to take a bus, he noticed that he has left his money at home!

He backed to his home again, but his parent was out and his house key was in the house!

He climbed the tree and got his money and run to the bus station.

Suddenly police car stopped at him and tried to take him to the police station.

He explained that he lived that house again and again.

He was so late and Jennifer wasn’t there.

She was so angry.

He called her over and over, and wrote a letter that said “Can we begin again?


” She wasn’t angry any more.

They have dinner together.

This book was cute.

I like love story!

It’s really fun to read.

Nataljchka 8 мая 2018 г., 12:05:52 | 5 - 9 классы

Charles Spencer Chaplin didn't have a very happy childhood?

Charles Spencer Chaplin didn't have a very happy childhood.

He was born in London, England, on 16 April 1889.

When his father left the family.

Chaplin's mother didn't work, and her two sons were often hungry.

When their mother got ill, Chaplin and his brother went to the workhouse, which was the place for orphans.

Life there was very hard, but Chaplin didn't give up.

He started his career as an actor when he was nine.

When he was twenty - one, he joined a travelling music - hall company.

Soon after he went to America and became the famous film star, Charlie Chaplin.

The actor died in 1977 but we still remember his "Little Tramp", a funny little man in baggy (мешковатый) trousers and a small bowler hat.

1. Which country was he born in?

2. Which country made him famous?

3. What was his childhood like?

4. Did he have any brothers or sisters?

5 when did he start to work


What is he famous for?

Ignatievkotik 1 февр. 2018 г., 17:44:16 | 5 - 9 классы

Androcles was a slave?

Androcles was a slave.

He ran through the forest.

He wanted to hide among hight trees.

He wanted to run far from the village where he lived and was slave.

He thought his live was very hard, it was impossible.

Androcles wanted to save his life in the forest.

Suddenly he saw a big lion.

Nobody else was seen near him.

Androcles became afraid but understood that the lion couldn't do him any harm.

The lion was breathing hard.

He wanted to show Androcles that something was wrong with his paw.

The lion couldn't speak the language of people but he wanted to say : "Save me!

Protect me!

Help me!

" Androcles looked at the lion's paw and discovered a large thorn in it.

It was hidden deep in the paw.

Androcles took it away.

The lion was happy.

They became friends and the lion brought him food every day.

But the one day the Emperor's people caught both Andocles and his friend the lion.

They brought them to Rome and separated them.

They didn't give any food to the lion.

He became very hungry and then they gave him Androcles to eat.

But the lion was his real friend.

He didn't kill Androcles.

He was happy to see his friend.

The Emperor couldn't understand it.

Androcles was brought to him and he told the Emperor gave food to the lion and let them both go away.

Этот текст в прошедшем времени, перевидите, а то переводчик не помогает.

Milanaantoshenko 10 мая 2018 г., 01:09:55 | 10 - 11 классы

Нужно поставить глаголы справа в правильную временную форму?

Нужно поставить глаголы справа в правильную временную форму.

+ ещё 2 предложения 7)Shortly before his death he wrote and signed the Russell - Einstein Manifesto, ________________ the people of the world about the danger of nuclear catastrophe.

Albert Einstein is remembered as the scientist in the world.

His theories have changed science forever.

(WARN) 8) It is generally thought that Albert Einstein is the greatest theoretical physicist who ever __________________________.


Lena18313 28 июл. 2018 г., 15:35:32 | 5 - 9 классы

Помогите пожалуйста, надо написать 6 вопросов к этому тексту : Henry ford was a man whose ideas changed the world?

Помогите пожалуйста, надо написать 6 вопросов к этому тексту : Henry ford was a man whose ideas changed the world.

He was born in 1863 on a farm near detroit, USA.

But he didn't want to live on the farm because he hated farming and he liked cars.

When he was 16 he went to detroit to work in a workshop.

He worked hard and learnt how to use different machines.

He began his experiments with machines and in 1886 he built his first car.

In 1903 , when H.

Ford was 40 , he started the Ford Motor Company.

At that time the car was expensive for ordinary people.

Henry Ford decided to change the situation.

He was the first to use an assembly line and in 1908 the company made a car that many people could buy.

The assembly line was a revolution in cars making.

Nata583 15 нояб. 2018 г., 06:56:01 | 5 - 9 классы

Consult the text (ex?

Consult the text (ex.

21) and complete the information about the two American presents.

George Washington .

Was the .

American president .

Was born into a .

Famaly .


When a young man he learned to .

. Tookpart in the .

War he was a professional .

. Peaople remember him because .

Abraham Lincoln.

Was the .

American president .

Was born into a .


. no teachers.

When a young man he learned to .

. Took part in the .

War. He was a professional .

. People had a lot of respect for him because .

. People remember him because .

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