Переведите тект?

Английский язык | 5 - 9 классы

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Correspondent : Jess, could you answer some questions about the English - Russian student exchange?

Jess : Yes, of corse.

Correspondent : Who are the host families?

Jess : All Russian students have got a host family through their penfriends.

We desided this before their coming to London.

For example, we offered Lena to stay with his family.

And my penfrriend Katya is staying with my family.

Stephan, my classmate, and his family are having a party for our guests at their place next weekend.

Correspondent : What are you going to show our Russian friends during these two weeks?

Jess : We've planned a lot of things for our guests and have discussed our plans with our teacher Barbara Grey.

We want to make their stay in London a very interesting and unforgettable experience.

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Ответы (1)
Hepolise 7 авг. 2018 г., 01:26:24

Полный текст задания приводится во вложении.

Перевод : Корреспондент : Джесс, не могли бы вы ответить на несколько вопросов об англо - российском студенческом обмене?

Джесс : Да, конечно.

Корреспондент : Кто такие принимающие семьи?

Джесс : Все российские студенты попали в принимающую семью через их друзей по переписке.

Мы решили это еще до их приезда в Лондон.

Например, мы предложили Лене остановиться в семье Джулии.

Мартин предложил Диме пожить со своей семьей.

А моя подруга по переписке Катя живет с моей семьей.

Стефан, мой одноклассник и его семья, устраивают вечеринку для наших гостей на следующих выходных.

Корреспондент : Что вы собираетесь показать своим российским друзьям за эти две недели?

Джесс : Мы много чего запланировали для наших гостей и обсудили планы с нашей учительницей Барбарой Грей.

Мы хотим сделать их пребывание в Лондоне очень интересным и незабываемым.

Корреспондент : Какие места вы уже посетили?

Джесс : Мы были на Трафальгарской площади, на колесе обозрения «Лондонский Глаз», в Тауэре и в Музее науки.

Вы можете расспросить их об их впечатлениях, если хотите.

Они говорят, что им очень понравились достопримечательности.

Корреспондент : Большое спасибо.

Я планирую задать им много вопросов завтра утром.

Надеюсь, они поделятся своими впечатлениями.

Devii2001 31 мар. 2018 г., 21:38:56 | 10 - 11 классы

While learning English in a summer school in Brighton you stayed with the British host family ?

While learning English in a summer school in Brighton you stayed with the British host family .

You enjoyed staying with them .

Now you are at home and you are going to thank them for their hospitability .

Write a letter to your host family(Mr / and Mrs / Brown).

Sonyasha2015 12 окт. 2018 г., 11:28:52 | 5 - 9 классы

Перевод стиха и как правильно его читать : Our family comes from around the world Our family comes From around the world Our hair is straight Our hair is curled Our eyes are brown Our eyes are blue Ou?

Перевод стиха и как правильно его читать : Our family comes from around the world Our family comes From around the world Our hair is straight Our hair is curled Our eyes are brown Our eyes are blue Our skins are different colours too.

We`re girls and boys We`re big and small We`re young and old We`re short and tall.

We`re everything That we can be And still we are A family.

We laugh and cry We work and play We help each other Every day The world is a lovely place to be Because we are a family.

Zhamel 12 июн. 2018 г., 17:04:35 | 5 - 9 классы

Add the appropriate tag question?

Add the appropriate tag question.

1. Jess is arranging the students' exchange, .

? 2. Lena is staying with a host family in London .

? 3. Den can play different musical instruments, .

? 4. They can't speak any foreign, .

? 5. You have got two close friends, .

? 6. Our school football team have given an interview, .

? .

Andrey0912 1 июн. 2018 г., 11:51:50 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the dialogue and say what the Russian students are going to present to their English friends?

Read the dialogue and say what the Russian students are going to present to their English friends.

Natamorozcom 21 дек. 2018 г., 23:35:44 | 5 - 9 классы

Дополните предложения с разделительными вопросами?

Дополните предложения с разделительными вопросами.

1)Jess is arranging the students exchange, ?

2)Lena is staying with a host family in London, ?

3)Den can play different musical instruments, ?

4)They can't speak any foreign lanfuades, ?

5)You have got two close friends, ?

6)Our school football team have given an interview, ?

DanilaVolf 27 нояб. 2018 г., 08:58:26 | 5 - 9 классы

Add the appropriate tag question 1 Jess os arranging the students exchange, ?

Add the appropriate tag question 1 Jess os arranging the students exchange, ?

2 lena is staying with a host family in London, ?

3 Den can play different musical instruments, ?

4 The can t speak any foreign languages, ?

5 You have got two close friends, ?

6 Our scholl foorball team gave given an interview, ?

Jennyfer 3 сент. 2018 г., 11:32:55 | 5 - 9 классы

Halp me?

Halp me!

Translate from English in to Russian!

: Dima : We are going to London soon.

And there is one thing we have to think over.

Whar presents are we going to give to our English friends?

Katya : What about some russian souvenirs : matreshkas, some Ghel souvenirs, badges perhaps?

Jim : Yes, badges!

I'm going to take my collection of Russian badges to London.

Lena : Maybe some postcards and books about Russia?

Any other ideas?

Dima : What about analbum?

Jm : What kind of album?

Dima : A school album about our school, teachers and students.

Lena6What a wonderful idea!

We can take photos, draw pictures of our classmates and the English classroom.

Jim : Good idea, Lena.

Dima : I'll be responsible for photos then.

Katya : OK.

And we can also write about our school parties and our trips to some Russian towns, can't we?

Lena and I will be responsible for stories.

Will you help us with pictures and photos, Jim?

Jim : Of course!

With pleasure.

Ralena111 22 апр. 2018 г., 10:09:32 | 5 - 9 классы

Read and say how long the Russian students are going to stay in Great Britain Ann meets the Russian students at the airport?

Read and say how long the Russian students are going to stay in Great Britain Ann meets the Russian students at the airport.

She is taking them to the bus they are going to stay with host families ann has got some information for the student she wants to tell them about their visit to london.

Nin2011 6 февр. 2018 г., 17:46:16 | 5 - 9 классы

Перевод стиха и как правильно его читать : Our family comes from around the world Our family comes From around the world Our hair is straight Our hair is curled Our eyes are brown Our eyes are blue Ou?

Перевод стиха и как правильно его читать : Our family comes from around the world Our family comes From around the world Our hair is straight Our hair is curled Our eyes are brown Our eyes are blue Our skins are different colours too.

We`re girls and boys We`re big and small We`re young and old We`re short and tall.

We`re everything That we can be And still we are A family.

We laugh and cry We work and play We help each other Every day The world is a lovely place to be Because we are a family.

Sinicinaev 15 мая 2018 г., 14:22:09 | 5 - 9 классы

Перевести There are two children in the Smirnov family?

Перевести There are two children in the Smirnov family.

Their names are Yura and Lena.

In their free time they like to play tennis and to meet their friends.

Yura collects stamps and disks with his favourite music.

Lena is interested in a lot of different things.

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