Preposition Put a preposition from the box into each gap?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Preposition Put a preposition from the box into each gap.

At in about after for with by in on after James lives ___ a small flat ___ Cambridge.

He lives ___ two other boys who are students ___ Cambridge University.

They work hard during the week, but ___ weekends the invite a lot of friends to their house.

They cook a meal ___ their friends, and then the go out ___ the pub ___ a drink, or they stay ___ home and listen ___ music.

James has two jobs.

___ Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays he works ___ a hospital, where he helps to look ___ children who are ill.

He goes to the hospital ___ bus.

He starts ___ ten o’clock and work until quarter ___ five.

On Thursdays and Fridays he works ___ home.

He has a word processor ___ his bedroom and he writes stories.

___ the evening one of the boys cooks a meal.

___ dinner the look in the newspaper to see what’s on TV or they talk ___ their day.

They usually go to bed at about midnight.

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Ответы (1)
Кккррр 15 мая 2020 г., 20:34:39

In, in.

With, of.

At . with, in, for, at, to.

On, after.

By. at, to.

At, in.

In. after, about.

22917 24 нояб. 2020 г., 17:10:14 | 5 - 9 классы

Complete the graphic organizer with information from the text?

Complete the graphic organizer with information from the text.

NAME : _1) ____________________________________________ JOB : 2) ____________________________________________ PLACE OF WORK : 3) ____________________________________ WORK ROUTINE : 4) ____________________________________ The Ravenmaster There are a lot of different jobs in the world, but Derrick Coyle’s job is very unusual.

He is the only raven master at the Tower of London.

The raven master is the person who takes care of the ravens that live in the Tower of London.

Derrick lives there with his wife.

His day starts at 5 o’clock in the morning.

He lets the ravens out of the cages, he feeds them, gives them water and clean their cages.

He does all that before he has breakfast.

During the day he feeds the birds and looks after them until he puts them , back in the cages at about 9 o’clock in the evening.

Derrick works seven days a week but he doesn’t mind.

“It’s a lot of fun, and gives me a lot of pleasure, ” he says.

“The ravens are part of our family.


Antoshka93 10 июл. 2020 г., 20:38:26 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите плизCircle the correct word?

Помогите плиз

Circle the correct word.

There / Their are two rats in Magos room.

There / Their names are Pip and Squeak

They re / Their small and friendly.

Peep is white.

His / He s eyes are red and

his / he s very funny.

Squeak is grey and

his / he s tail is long.

They re / Their box

is under Mago s bed.

They / There are apples in the box.

ҜąŢΎĄ 20 авг. 2020 г., 12:44:01 | 10 - 11 классы

Complete the article below about Giorgio Armanis working day?

Complete the article below about Giorgio Armanis working day.

Use the vtrbs from the box.


Sleeps, has, spends, stios, walks, travel, goes

Giorgio Armani wakes up a7 7 a.

M. He ____ to the gym and ___ an hour there.

He ___ breakfast and then ___ to the office with his bodyguard.

He has pasta and a salad for lunch and then he ___ for ten minutes.

He ___ until 8 p.

M. on design and administration.

He_______ every two months - to the USA, Russia or other parts of Europe.

On his way home from the office, he often _____for a drink at Nobu.

At weekends, he goes to his villa.

Komlichenko771 27 дек. 2020 г., 08:46:03 | 10 - 11 классы

Раскройте скобки?

Раскройте скобки.

The walked for some time, and then they ( meet ) a cat, ago was ( sit) on the road and ( mew) very sadly.

They (ask) the cat what he (do ) there, and he (say) that he ( not know) what to do, because he (get) older and older, and now he (not catch mice as cats usually (do).

They (go) off together for a long time, until they (notice) a cock, who (sit) on the fence and (crow) very sadly.

The cock (say) he (hide), because he know that some guests (come) soon to his master, and the master ( want) to cook the cool for dinner.

So they (go) together to the town or Bremen.

They (continue) walking all day, and wham night (come), they still (go) alone the road in the darkness.

Suddenly they (see) a light in the distance, and going in that direction.

While they came nearer and nearer, the light (burn) brighter and brighter and got bigger and bigger.

At last they understood that it was the light from the window of a small house.

When they (reach) the house, the dog (jump) on the back of the ass, the cat (climb) on the back of the dog, and the cock (fly) up on the back of the cat.

The cock looking into the window, and his fronds asked him what going on in the room.

He (answer) that he (see) a table with lost of food, and several robbers, who (sit) at the table and (enjoy) themselves.

The musicians decided to freighter the robbers, and they began singing together.

The noise was terrible.

The cock (crow), the dog (bark), the cat (mew), and the ass (bray very loudly.

The robbers (not understand) what happening, and where the music came from.

In fear, they (jump) up and (run) out into the wood.

The robbers (wait) for some time, but then decided to return and see what going on in their house.

It was dark when they going in.

The cat sleeping near the fire - place, but his eyes were open and they (shine) like two little coals.

The robbers (think) that some coals (burn) in the fireplace, and they (want) to make a fire from them.

But as soon as they came near, the cat (jump?

At then, and a terrible fight began : the cat scratch their faces, and the dog (bite) their legs, and the ass (kick) them with his legs.

And the cock, who (sit) on the wundow - sill, (crow) loudly all the time.

The robbers (rub) out as fast as they could, and ( not return) to the house any more.

Titchenko 22 июн. 2020 г., 10:46:30 | 5 - 9 классы

Put a preposition at, in, about, after, for, with, by, to, on into each gap?

Put a preposition at, in, about, after, for, with, by, to, on into each gap.

James lives __ a small flat __ Cambridge.

He lives __ two other boys who are students __ Cambridge University.

They work hard during the week, but __ weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house.

They cook a meal __ their friends, and then they go out __ the pub __ a drink, or they stay __ home and listen __ music.

James has two jobs, __ Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays he works __ a hospital, where he helps to look __ children who are ill.

He goes to the hospital __ bus.

He starts __ ten o'clock and works until quarter __ five.

On Thursdays and Fridays he works __ home.

He has a word processor __ his bedroom and he writes stories, __ the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal.

__ dinner they look in the newspaper to see what's on TV or they talk __ their day.

They usually go __ bed __ about midnight.

Rams18 3 окт. 2020 г., 13:10:17 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите пожалуйста?

Помогите пожалуйста.

Поставь предлоги : My sister is a student.

Cambridge University.

She lives .

A small flat .


She lives.

Two other girls who are students.

The University too.

There are three rooms, a bathroom , a hall and a nice kitchen.

This flat.

The girls are.

Good friends.

They work hard.

The wee but.

The weekends they make parties.

Their friends and they invite a lot of them .

Their flat.

They cook a tasty dinner .

Their friends.

The students dance, listen .

Music, sing songsand go out .

A walk .

The city.

They go .

The theatre or the cinema.

They go .

Student's Club .

Friday .

The evening.

I often visit my sister .


Olgasolodovachu 23 мар. 2020 г., 08:21:44 | 5 - 9 классы

Напишите Текст В прошедшем времени : on wednesday morning Peter gets up at half past seven?

Напишите Текст В прошедшем времени : on wednesday morning Peter gets up at half past seven.

He leaves the house at eight.

Then he meets his friend Andrew, joins him and they go to their Music class.

By the way, they laugh a lot on the way to school.

The boys sing their favourite songs too.

They go home at half past twelve, have lunch and do their homework.

Shuranrab 24 мар. 2020 г., 08:38:45 | 1 - 4 классы

Read the text about two friends and write it as if it all were yesterday : On Wednesday morning Peter gets up at half past seven?

Read the text about two friends and write it as if it all were yesterday : On Wednesday morning Peter gets up at half past seven.

He leaves the house at eight.

Then he meets his friend Andrew, joins him and they go to their Music class.

By the way, they laugh a lot on the way to school.

The boys sing their favourite songs too.

They go home at half past twelve, have lunch and do their homework.

NikaAlena5Lw 26 сент. 2020 г., 10:24:22 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите вставить пропущеные словаBob has got ?

Помогите вставить пропущеные слова

Bob has got .

Pets : a .

, a. , a.

And a budgie.

On Sunday Bob plays .

And his parents go to the .

. But the pets want to .

. When they are at home aione they run and .

. When they are hungry, they .

The fridge.

The rat eats .

. The cat .


The budgie eats some .

And the dog eats .

. Then they sleep on Bob's .

. When Bob comes home he is .


Marina1986545 16 нояб. 2020 г., 19:39:20 | 5 - 9 классы

Mark works as a photographer and he has a busy life?

Mark works as a photographer and he has a busy life.

On weekdays, he gets up at seven o'clock in the morning.

He goes jogging for half an hour and then he has a shower and breakfast.

After breakfast he leaves for the studio.

He usually catchec the bus but sometimes he drives to work.

At noon he has lunch and relaxe for a while.

He usually einisher work at five.

In the evening he ares his dog for a walk and then cooks dinner.

After dinner he listens to music or watches TV for an hour.

Before he goes to bed Mark always turns his computer on and checks his emails.

On Saturdays Mark plays tennis with his friends.

He often goes to an ltalian restaurant in the evening because he loves ltalian food.

Mark likes to relax on Sundays, so he wekes up quite late and spends the rest of the day reading the newspapers or a good book.

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