Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Circle the correct wold.
Are there some / any biscuits in the cupboard?
I am sorry, but we haven it got some / any sausages.
Can I have some / any lemonade, please?
There isn t some / any water on the table.
We ve got some / any chicken, but we haven t got any chips.
We haven * t got some / any eggs?
We haven * t got some / any eggs.
Выбери правильное слово и подчеркни его I've got some / any water in the glass We haven't got some / any chair in the room Has he got some / any toys in his bedroom?
Выбери правильное слово и подчеркни его I've got some / any water in the glass We haven't got some / any chair in the room Has he got some / any toys in his bedroom?
Have you got some / any sausages in the lunch box?
They've got some / any vegetables in the fridge Can I have some / any pasta?
She hasn't got some / any flowers in her garden.
Circle the correct wold?
Circle the correct wold.
Are there some / any biscuits in the cupboard?
I am sorry, but we haven it got some / any sausages.
Can I have some / any lemonade, please?
There isn t some / any water on the table.
We ve got some / any chicken, but we haven t got any chips.
We ve got some / any meat, but we haven t got any potatoes?
We ve got some / any meat, but we haven t got any potatoes.
Выбрать правильный ответ some / any 1?
Выбрать правильный ответ some / any 1.
I m sorry, but I haven t got some / any chocolate.
2. is there some / any pasta in the cupboard?
3. there aren t some / any chips on the table.
1. I haven * t got some / any cake 2?
1. I haven * t got some / any cake 2.
We * ve got some / any burgers.
They haven`t got some orange juice?
They haven`t got some orange juice.
Have they got any pasta?
He`s got some popcorn.
We haven`t got any Coke.
Have you got some milk?
They`ve got any cake .
I haven`t got any rice.
ЕлизаветаCircle the correct word?
ЕлизаветаCircle the correct word.
Can i have some / any orange juice pleas?
Weve got some / any meat but we havent got any potatoes.
Im sorry but i havent got some / any chocolate.
Is there somt / any pasta in the cupboard?
There arent some / any chips on the table.
Are there any / some rabbits in the garden Are there any / some children in the class There aren't any / some chairs in the room Are there any / some birds in the tree There isn't any / some money in ?
Are there any / some rabbits in the garden Are there any / some children in the class There aren't any / some chairs in the room Are there any / some birds in the tree There isn't any / some money in the bag There is any / some coffee in the cup There are any / some policemen in the police station There are any / some fish in the water Are there any / some oranges in the basket There isn't any / some milk in the fridge.
Выберите правильный ответ : 1?
Выберите правильный ответ : 1.
He has got some / any information.
2. I'd like some / any water, please.
3. I bought a pen but i didn't buy some / any pencils.
4. We haven't got some / any questions.
5. Have you found some / any muzhrooms in thr wood?
6. Are there some / any pupils in the classroom?
- Yes, there some / any.
7. Sorry, i haven't got some / any matehes.
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