Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology will ruin the society because we are too dependent on electric and electronic gadgets and ma?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology will ruin the society because we are too dependent on electric and electronic gadgets and machines.

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Настена194г99 19 сент. 2018 г., 05:04:10

Некоторые люди думают, что технология спасёт мир и сделает его лучше, другие считают, что технология будет разрушать общество потому что мы слишком зависим от электричиских и электронных устройсв и машин.

Zhaniya2014krg 23 февр. 2018 г., 04:42:34 | 5 - 9 классы

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1. «No one in the world looks exactly alike, even identical' twins.

People are different colours and sizes.

» 2. "People are brought up1 differently : some can be kind, considerate and well - mannered, others are selfish, unhelpful and very ill - mannered.

Some are happy and caring, others are sad, spiteful and strict.

" 3. "There are people with a nice sense of humour.

Some people laugh at things, others don't.

Different people find different things funny.

Some people are moody and take things too seriously.

" 4. " People have different tastes in clothes and friends, they like different styles and fashions and different kind of music.

Some people like dresses and some like jeans.

" 5. "People behave differently and act differently.

Not everybody knows how to socialize with others.

Some people think that they are better than other people and there are people who are very good but don't talk about it.

Some are better on the inside than on the outside, others are better on the outside than the inside.

" 6. "We also have different dialects and languages and different cultures.

" 7. "Things you believe in can be quite different.

Some people might be Christian, some people might not have a religion at all.

" 8. "Some people want to work in an office or to be a doctor, some want to be a lifeguard, but other people want to be a lazy lump of cheese.

" 9. "The main thing that makes people different is how they look.

Some have blond and some have brown hair.

People also have different eyes colour.

Some people are taller than others.

People have faces of different shapes and hair of different length.

Some people are fat and some are hairier than others.

" 10.

"Some people are bigheaded, clever and smart.

And everybody has a different level of education.

" 11.

"Some people have a bad temper and don't get along with others.

There are nasty people and nice people.

Most people are loving but some are not.

" 12.

"We all have different views and opinions.

" 13.

"Some people are good at practical things, others sit for hours with their noses in the books, but everyone has a special talent for some particular activity.


12345ry 21 окт. 2018 г., 23:31:55 | 10 - 11 классы

Напишите , пожалуйста эссе , на тему Some people think that books are the best resources to learn different aspects of life?

Напишите , пожалуйста эссе , на тему Some people think that books are the best resources to learn different aspects of life.

Pro100karina93 1 сент. 2018 г., 21:15:00 | 5 - 9 классы

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Проверьте пожалуйста, все ли правильно.

Many people think that robots will replace people in the future .

It is true that technology plays a big part in our life.

- Robots better than people do all the work.

- We will be able to save our time and energy.

However there are some cons drawbacks is using robots.

- Robots can never replace people, because the robots just a piece of iron and people have the ability to think and decide for yourself.

- There are things that can be done only peopl, for example invest in their work of love.

Xine 21 апр. 2018 г., 19:20:29 | 5 - 9 классы

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Переведите пожалуста.

The study of science also provides people with some knowledge of the natural world.

Scientists are learning to predict earthquakes, continuing to study many other natural events, such as storms.

Scientists are also studying various aspects of human biology and the origin and development of the human race.

The study of the natural world may help improve life for many people all over the world.

A basic knowledge of science is essential for everyone.

It helps to find their way in the changing world.

That * s why its important get a basic knowledge of different sciences even at the stage of primary school.

3) Science is also important for everyone who is affected by modern technology.

Many of the things that make our lives easier and better are the results of advances in technology and, if the present patterns continue, technology will affect us even more in the future than it does now.

In some cases, such as technology for taking salt out of ocean water, technology may be essential for our lives on Earth.

Natja 9 июн. 2018 г., 00:30:35 | 5 - 9 классы

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People will be taller and cleverer.

Some people think that men will be two metres tall, and women will be as tall as men.

They say men and women will wear the same clothes but in different colours.

Pupils won`t go to school.

They will have computers and computers will be their teachers.

Azimutjanka 28 мая 2018 г., 11:23:50 | 10 - 11 классы

Написать сочинение Some people think that television does our life more nervous and stressful?

Написать сочинение Some people think that television does our life more nervous and stressful.

Madinasurapova 21 окт. 2018 г., 06:43:12 | 5 - 9 классы

People depend on computers so much that they sometimes think the machines are giant brains?

People depend on computers so much that they sometimes think the machines are giant brains.

But there is another point of view.

Some people say : "Compared to people, computers aren't at all smart.

Computers are machines that will do only what they are told to do.

" Which point of view do you share and why?

Ubzita 10 нояб. 2018 г., 07:34:35 | 5 - 9 классы

Эссе на тему Some people like big families while others think that small families are better?

Эссе на тему Some people like big families while others think that small families are better.

Прошу писать не сложно.

Формат около 1 - 2 страница тетради.

Lisk209 22 апр. 2018 г., 06:19:17 | 1 - 4 классы

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Some people think that the world will change a lot.

The cities will become bigger.

They will be more beautiful.

There will be more parks and trees in them.

Some people say that there won't be many people in the cities and the cities will become smaller but there will be more farms.

More people will live in the country, and they will grow food for all the world.

People will be taller and more clever.

Some people think that men will be two metres tall, and women will be as tall as men.

They say men and women will wear the same clothes but in different colours.

Pupils will not go to school.

They will have computers at home and the computers will help them to learn everything.

At weekends people will go to the moon and other planets.

They will have a good time there.

They won't read many books.

They will mostly watch television and get news from computer networks.

And they will learn many things from nature.

All people will enjoy their life.

Ачнгелина62 6 окт. 2018 г., 15:58:40 | 10 - 11 классы

Some people think that secondary school is the best time to choose your future job?

Some people think that secondary school is the best time to choose your future job.

Others claim that children are not mature enough to make the right choice.

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На этой странице сайта размещен вопрос Some people think that technology will save the world and make it better, some others think that technology will ruin the society because we are too dependent on electric and electronic gadgets and ma? из категории Английский язык с правильным ответом на него. Уровень сложности вопроса соответствует знаниям учеников 10 - 11 классов. Здесь же находятся ответы по заданному поиску, которые вы найдете с помощью автоматической системы. Одновременно с ответом на ваш вопрос показаны другие, похожие варианты по заданной теме. На этой странице можно обсудить все варианты ответов с другими пользователями сайта и получить от них наиболее полную подсказку.