Перевод нужен срочно?

Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы

Перевод нужен срочно!

, помогите, пожалуйста.

The old adage that words are not enough may have more than a ring of truth as scientists have discovered that the secret of communication is all in the hands.

New research has shown that our hands - whether being shaken or gesturing - give away more about us than we realize.

Once thought of as meaningless and even distracting, hand gestures have been shown to be far more important than the spoken word in getting the message across.

Body language has long been recognized as having importance, but the level of importance attached to handshakes is startling.

Recent research has pointed to speech itself making up only 7 per cent of human communication while hand movements and body language make up well over 50 per cent.

There is a common misconception that communicating is only speaking.

If people are not allowed to gesture it can interfere with their communication and thought processes and certain ideas or thought processes may be more difficult to relay Gestures help us think about what we want to say and communicate effectively.

If there is anything we would like to keep secret from the rest of the world, it is probably best to sit on our hands.

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Ответы (1)
LesyaHolopova 14 мар. 2018 г., 03:17:00

Старая поговорка, что не хватает слов может иметь более чем кольцо истины

а ученые обнаружили, что секрет общения все в руках.

Новое исследование показало, что наши руки - будь сотрясают или жесты - дать

от больше о нас, чем мы думаем.

После того, как рассматривать как бессмысленно и даже

отвлекающие жесты, как было показано, чтобы быть намного более важным, чем

говорил слово в получении сообщение.

Язык тела уже давно признана как имеющие значение, но уровень

Значение, придаваемое рукопожатий поражает.

Недавние исследования указали на

сама речь составляя всего лишь 7 процентов человеческого общения то время как рука

движения и язык тела составляют свыше 50 процентов.

Существует общее

ошибочное мнение, что проходная только говорить.

Если люди не могут

жест может помешать их связи и мыслительных процессов и некоторые

идеи или мыслительные процессы могут быть более трудно передать Жесты помогают нам кажется,

о том, что мы хотим сказать, и эффективно общаться.

Если есть что - нибудь, мы

хотели бы сохранить в тайне от остального мира, это, вероятно, лучше, чтобы сидеть на нашем


Bolga86 11 окт. 2018 г., 08:48:48 | 5 - 9 классы

Переводите на русский язык Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself?

Переводите на русский язык Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself.

It has been developing with the developing and growth of the mankind.

All the world people of different ages are very fond of sport and games.

Sport not only helps people to become strong and to develop physically but also makes them more organized and better disciplined in their daily activities.

It makes for a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Fedinanastya2 17 апр. 2018 г., 01:12:35 | 10 - 11 классы

Перевод пж, только не гугловский, а нормальныйHuman activity is changing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere?

Перевод пж, только не гугловский, а нормальный

Human activity is changing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

As cities have grown in size and population, people have needed more and more electricity, cars and products of all kinds.

As industries have grown, more greenhouse gases have been produced by the burning of fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas.

The increases in these gases make greenhouse 'glass' thicker, causing more heat to be held in the atmosphere than in the past.

It doesn't seem like much, but a slight warming could cause changes in the climate of many regions.

If the climate changed enough, the plants and animals that normally live there could no longer survive.

Аяжан9 23 нояб. 2018 г., 06:19:04 | 5 - 9 классы



Young people overseas are generally positive about the UK, especially its (1)(ECONOMY)development and a high standard of (2)(LIVE).

66 percent of them believe that Britain`s (3)(REPUTE) in the arts is based more on the past than the present.

The area of British culture where people had the most (4) (KNOW) was pop music and film.

81 per ceny of the people consider that Britain exports good (5) SERVE.

Britain is recognized as a big (6) (INDUSTRY) country.

76 per cent of the prople consider that there is a high (7)(EDUCATION) standard which the English are associated with .

58 per cent of the people believe that qualifications from the UK are respected by most (8)(EMPLOY).

28 per cent of the young people consider the British media to be more(9)(TRUTH) than the media in other countries surveyed.

Though 62 per cent of those asked agree that Britain has a big reputation for (10)(SCIENCE) and technological (11)(ACHIEVE), the UK was ranked well behind the United States, Japan and Germany.

65 per cent of people questioned agree that the UK is a good model of (12)(DEMOCRACY) government.

The survey showed that the young people's opinions had been (13)(ENORMOUS) influenced by the mass media.

Раскрыть скобки и вставить слова в правильной форме.

Molodec122211 23 янв. 2018 г., 00:49:39 | 10 - 11 классы

Перевести the old adage that words are not enought may have more then a ring of truth as scientists have discovered that the secret of communication is all in the hands?

Перевести the old adage that words are not enought may have more then a ring of truth as scientists have discovered that the secret of communication is all in the hands.

Captain 14 июн. 2018 г., 01:49:19 | 10 - 11 классы

Перевод Once thought of as meaningless and even distracting, hand gestures have been shown to be far more important than the spoken word in getting the message across?

Перевод Once thought of as meaningless and even distracting, hand gestures have been shown to be far more important than the spoken word in getting the message across.

Cerber77 29 апр. 2018 г., 06:47:03 | 1 - 4 классы

Помогите перевести : There are some good things about living in a vilage in the country?

Помогите перевести : There are some good things about living in a vilage in the country.

It's quieter than the city.

Also, it's more beautiful and it's cleaner because there aren't many cars and buses.

However, there are a lot of bad things about living in the country.

It's more boring than living in the city.

Cinemas, cafes and swimming pools are a long way from your home.

Also, it's more difficult to go shopping in the country because there aren't many shops.

But the worst thing about living in the country is that it's more difficult to find friends there.

It's easier to find friends in a city because there are more kids the same age as you.

I live in Bristol and i like living in the city because it's more exciting and more interesting than living in the country.

Куаныш34 1 авг. 2018 г., 06:48:40 | 5 - 9 классы

Напишите что главное в этом тесте пожалуйста Rainforests are very important?

Напишите что главное в этом тесте пожалуйста Rainforests are very important.

They only cover 6%o of the land on Earth, but more than half of all rypes of animal and plant on Earth live there.

Some rainforest trees have more flowers and fruits than any other trees in the world.

Some medicines that we use are made from plants from the rainforests, and scientists think there are lots more plants to be discovered.

Zayaizraya1998 19 июл. 2018 г., 10:11:19 | 10 - 11 классы

Найти в тексте МОДАЛЬНЫЕ глаголы 2 штуки?

Найти в тексте МОДАЛЬНЫЕ глаголы 2 штуки.

In the practice of the two sciences, co - operation has often been achieved, even though its theoretical ba - sis has been little explored.

From the earliest beginnings of his craft the engineer has been concerned to provide substitutes for human function or to improve human capacities.

The development of machines supplementing the labour of man's hands provides a classical example.

It is perhaps less generally realized that the result of the development of mechanical substitutes for a function has been to revolutionize the approach by biologists to that function itself.

With the invention of machines that do useful work went the refinement of the concept of energy and of the mathematical and other methods for dealing with the subject.

3. Only then was it possible for the biologist to find an objective language for describing the work done by a living body.

Armed with the instruments and concepts of physicists, chemists and engineers, the biologist was able to make new discoveries about the energy requirements of the body and how they are met.

Thus the crea - tion of new tools and of the language, in which they are described, not only gives a man new power over nature but also over himself.

Zubanovasiyat 16 мая 2018 г., 07:23:49 | 10 - 11 классы

Перевод срочно?

Перевод срочно!

Many experts on different subjects believe that there are already too many people in the world.

Unless there are great changes in the way people think about the number of children they should have, the world’s population will double in twenty - five years.

There will be more than 20 cities with population greater than 20 million people.

At present there are only three.

Some people who do not understand what ‘overpopulation’ means point to countries such as Australia and say ‘But there is plenty of room there.

The country is almost empty’.

It is true that most of Australia is unpopulated, and much of it is very thinly populated, but there are reasons for this.

Firstly, much of the land is desert and it is waterless, and secondly, even the land that is not desert is not suitable for anything, not even growing grass.

Even with its present population of 17 million, Australia has serious water problems.

Furthermore, if it has to feed more people, it will have less food to sell to other countries which, in turn, as their population grows, will have to buy more food from outside.

Another major problem we will have to face as the world’s population grows is a shortage of energy.

We are using up coal and oil and when they have been exhausted, we will have to find something instead of them.

It is true that we can make electricity from the heat of the sun and moving water, but we do not yet have the technology to produce great amounts of this energy.

Perhaps, though, the most urgent problem when the world’s population doubles will be pollution.

The earth and the air we breathe are already badly polluted.

Twice the number of people will cause twice the amount of pollution.

The world’s leaders have to solve many problems.

Population control is the greatest.

It is probably the one that many countries are doing the least about.

Sadly, it is the poorer nations, especially in Africa, which have the greatest population growth, and their peoples will suffer even more than they are suffering now.

ТролФейс45 10 дек. 2018 г., 15:18:28 | 5 - 9 классы



Нужен краткий пересказ данного текста.

Language belongs to each of us.

Everyone uses words.

What is It about language that makes people so curious?

The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language.

We live in and by language.

We all speak and we all listen : so we are all interested in the origin of words, in how they appear and die.

The rise of English is a story wonderful success.

When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly two thousand year ago, English did not exist.

Five hundred years later, in the 5th century, English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain but they were not many, and their English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain but they were no many, and their English was not the language we know today.

Nearly a thousand years later, at the end of the 16th century, when William Shakespeare created his works.

English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen.

At hat time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain.

Nowadays, four hundred years later, 750 million people all over the world use English and half of those speak it as mother tongue.

Of all the 2700 world languages English is one of the richest.

For example, compare English, German and French.

English has a vocabulary of about 500, 000 words.

German – 185, 000, and French – fewer than 100, 000.

At the end of the 20th century English is more widely spoken and written, than any other language has ever been.

It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.

Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegram’s are in English.

More than half of the world scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English.

English is the main language of business.

It is the language of sports : the official language of Olympics.

The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters deep sea it is full of mysteries.

English is and has always been constantly changing.

Some word die, some change their meanings and all the time new words appear in language.

There are several ways to add new words to the language.

One of them is by borrowing words from other languages.

At the end of the 20th century in English there are many words that were borrowed from Latin, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and other languages.

When Columbus came back from South America he brought home to Spain new plants – potatoes, tomatoes and tobacco.

With the plants he brought their names.

This is how these words appeared in Spanish and later were borrowed from it by the English language.

The words that are borrowed tell us about the countries they have come from.

For example, many Italian words that are now part of English (opera, operetta, piano) have to do with music.

This is natural as Italian musician have always been among the most famous in the world.

Many of the words that people borrow from other languages are names of food.

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