Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы
Что нужно вставить в предложение I think we can work this .
With you so that all of us are satisfied.
Варианты : 1out, 2on, 3 with, 4for.
Напишите, пожалуйста, письмо на подобие ниже представленного, на другую тематику?
Напишите, пожалуйста, письмо на подобие ниже представленного, на другую тематику.
Я в английском не спец : ) Dear Seam Thank you for your letter!
Sorry for haven’t written to you for so long but I was busy all this time.
Find a job in the summer is a very good idea, because you can make some money, to communicate with new people and get an interesting experience.
I think that you can work as a waiter, seller in a shop, hand out flyers, or go to the sea in a summer camp and work there.
You may have a few problems, for example : age limits, many people who want to get this job or work experience will be required.
But I think that you deal with it.
I also need a job, I need your advice.
Will I find a job at all this year?
Can you advise me to work with a free schedule?
Will I have time to go to university and work?
Thank you for the attention.
I hope that you get this letter quickly.
Write soon Love Ilkin.
Вставь пропущенные слова in, for, on, with?
Вставь пропущенные слова in, for, on, with.
I will ask Tom if I ?
I will ask Tom if I .
Him tomorrow.
A) will see B) see C) sees D) saw I think we can work this .
With you so that all of us are satisfied A) out B) on C) with D) for.
- Do you often get ?
- Do you often get .
With your friends?
- Have you ever fallen .
With your best friend?
- Do you make .
- Can you rely .
Your friends?
- Do you believe that your friendship will .
- Can you turn .
Your friend .
Help when you are upset?
- Do you .
Friends with your neighbours?
- Have you ever .
Your friend(s)?
- Do you think that your friend will always be .
For you?
- Does your friend have .
Помогите составить 11 предложений с такими глаголами : worked out ; working on ; work with ; works for ; gets on with ; get up ; get out ; get along ; has given up ; giving away ; gave inжелательно с ?
Помогите составить 11 предложений с такими глаголами : worked out ; working on ; work with ; works for ; gets on with ; get up ; get out ; get along ; has given up ; giving away ; gave in
желательно с объяснениями.
Вставь пропущенные слова in, for, on, with?
Вставь пропущенные слова in, for, on, with.
Read and say the word?
Read and say the word.
You can tell the time with this .
You put this on your head.
You open doors with these.
You can go very fast on these.
You wear these on your hands.
You can play music with this.
You can brush your hair with this.
You can listen to your favourite songs on these.
YOU can talk to your friend on this.
You can take photos with this.
Say the word?
Say the word.
You can tell the time with this .
You put this on your head.
You open doors with these.
You can go very fast on these.
You wear these on your hands.
You can play music with this.
You can brush your hair with this.
You can listen to your favourite songs on these.
YOU can talk to your friend on this.
You can take photos with this.
ДАМ 40 БАЛОВ say the word?
ДАМ 40 БАЛОВ say the word.
You can tell the time with this .
You put this on your head.
You open doors with these.
You can go very fast on these.
You wear these on your hands.
You can play music with this.
You can brush your hair with this.
You can listen to your favourite songs on these.
YOU can talk to your friend on this.
You can take photos with this.
Предложение на английском со словами Worked out, working in, work with, works for, gets on with, get up, get out, get along, has given up, gave in, giving away?
Предложение на английском со словами Worked out, working in, work with, works for, gets on with, get up, get out, get along, has given up, gave in, giving away.
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I think we can work this out with you.