Перевод текста - In April it is cold and there is a lot of snow in Siberia, but it is warm on the Black Sea coast?

Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы

Перевод текста - In April it is cold and there is a lot of snow in Siberia, but it is warm on the Black Sea coast.

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Ответы (1)
Dianaislamovacat 1 янв. 2018 г., 03:20:42

В апреле холодно и много снега в Сибири но тепло на Черноморском побережье.

Emiliyaka15 7 янв. 2018 г., 14:45:33 | 10 - 11 классы

Помогите плиз?

Помогите плиз!

Задание 1 Put the articles where necessary : 1).

Caucasus separates .

Black sea from .

Caspian Sea 2)There is .

Large school in .

Village 3)What .

Cold weather we are having!

4)Next year we'll go to .

Black sea coast 5)In spring .

Sky is blue and .

Sun is shining.

Ksysha27ok 26 апр. 2018 г., 08:46:31 | 10 - 11 классы

Перевод текста I like summer holidays very Much?

Перевод текста I like summer holidays very Much.

It is warm and I have a lot of free time in the open air.

Алексей205 5 мая 2018 г., 08:10:43 | 5 - 9 классы

Прошу проверить текст на наличие ошибок?

Прошу проверить текст на наличие ошибок.

И некоторые слова, которые не очень подходят или не похожи на начальный уровень, просьба заменить на более простые и примитивные.

This summer I went to Lake Balkhash.

Weather was very hot and solar.

Water was warm.

I went with the friends.

We bathed and played beach volleyball.

Fried meat in the evening and ate a water - melon.

We were there three days.

But for the third day weather strongly deteriorated.

There was a cold wind and the rain dripped.

To bathe it was cold and we walked on the coast.

At night in the lake the moon was reflected.

It was very beautiful.

Modestov2001 28 мая 2018 г., 00:01:45 | 5 - 9 классы

In the south, there is ice and snow but in the north there is ice and snow but in the north there are deserts?

In the south, there is ice and snow but in the north there is ice and snow but in the north there are deserts.

Как переводится?

Fignya007 18 июн. 2018 г., 21:44:29 | 10 - 11 классы

Ответьте на вопросы which sea is deeper the Black Sea of the Azov Sea?

Ответьте на вопросы which sea is deeper the Black Sea of the Azov Sea.

Кириллворонин 5 окт. 2018 г., 03:19:15 | 1 - 4 классы

Match the sentencesit is hot, and there are lot of flowersit is cold, and it snowsit is warm and the trees are greenthere are a lot os red and sweet apleesНАДО СОЕДИНИТЬ?

Match the sentences

it is hot, and there are lot of flowers

it is cold, and it snows

it is warm and the trees are green

there are a lot os red and sweet aplees


In spring

In summer

In autumn

In winter.

Karina211200 25 нояб. 2018 г., 04:27:33 | 5 - 9 классы



ЗАДАНИЕ ПО АНГЛУ : ПОМОГИТЕ ВСТАВЬТЕ %will% пример : it WILL BE COLD (be cold) tomorrow in Moscow but it _____ (snow).

It _____ (be cloudy) all day.

In London it ___ (be cold), but it ____(snow).

It____(rain) all day.

In Rome it ____ (rain), but it ____ (be cloudy).

It ___ ( be warm) all day.

In Cairo it ___ ( be cold).

If ____ (be hot) and it____ ( be sunny).

Lerakashapova 29 нояб. 2018 г., 13:10:09 | 1 - 4 классы

Как читается по английскому стих ?

Как читается по английскому стих .

Плиз помогите напишите русскими буквами.

Snow Falling from the sky, Soft and white, Falling through the air Day and night, Cold and brith, Pretty sight, Snow, snow, snow!

At last we khow It's snow, snow, snow!

Fastera 20 мар. 2018 г., 08:26:02 | 5 - 9 классы

Нужен точьный перевод I am fine?

Нужен точьный перевод I am fine.

My life here is very busy and interesing.

I am learning a lot about England.

It's very different from Russia.

My first big surprise is the bathroom.

There are two taps : one for hot water and one for cold water.

When i wash my hands.

I must put the plug in the plug hole and mix the water in the basin.

The second shock is the English weather.

Lt's November, but it's not cold.

There is no snow either.

Ника2255 27 февр. 2018 г., 04:59:23 | 1 - 4 классы

The animals on the Blue Planetare speaking about the weather on the Earth?

The animals on the Blue Planetare speaking about the weather on the Earth.

Correct their sentences Образец.

(In Africa in is cold and windy - No, it isn't.

In Africa it is hot and sunny.

) In Siberia it is hot and sunne.

- In Australia it is cold and frosty.

- In Antarctica it is warm and nice.

- In Moscow it is cloudy and cold in summer.

- In Moscow it is sunny and warm in winter.


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