Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Mayi come in ?
May i go out yes you may no you may not mayn t.
Заполни пропуски в тексте, употребив глаголы в скобках в past simple или present perfect - Mr Laton, when did you discover the painting was missing?
Заполни пропуски в тексте, употребив глаголы в скобках в past simple или present perfect - Mr Laton, when did you discover the painting was missing?
- When I ___ (arrive) here at 8'o clock in the morning.
It ___(be) there when I ___(leave) last night at 9'o clock.
I think someone___(steal) it during thhe night.
- How long___(you / work) in this gallery, Mr Laton?
- I___(start) last month.
- Where___(you / be) last night?
- I___(go) to the Rex cinema with my wife.
- That is very strange Mr Laton.
Thar cinema____(be) closed last night.
In fact, it___(not / open) for more than a week, - Oh yes.
I____(make) a mistake.
It___(be) last week.
Last night, I .
Umm umm.
- ____(you / forget)?
Well, I think you have to come to the police station with me, Mr Laton!
Do you play spors?
Do you play spors?
Yes, l do.
Where do you play spors?
At school.
After school l play games What games do you play?
Computer games ahd football напишите пожалуйста русскими буквами, как читается текст.
Lessons begin at 9 o'clock?
Lessons begin at 9 o'clock.
You must come to school at.
Замените модальные глаголы на соответствующий эквиваленты в будущем и прошедшем времени?
Замените модальные глаголы на соответствующий эквиваленты в будущем и прошедшем времени.
Переведите предложения на русский язык She must take a taxi He cannot speak English Ann may come in.
Put into Indirect Speech the following questions : Do you air your room before you go away?
Put into Indirect Speech the following questions : Do you air your room before you go away?
What do you usually have for breakfast?
Пожалуйста срочно нужно.
"Will you be at home tomorrow evening ?
"Will you be at home tomorrow evening ?
" a ) i go to out b ) i'm going out c ) i'll go out помогитеее.
Write an e - mail to your pen friend and tell him / her : 1.
Where you were in summer ; 2.
What places you visited ; 3.
With whom you travelled ; 4.
How many photos you took ; 5.
Where you lived / stayed ; 6.
How many books you read ; how many interesting films you saw ; 7.
What games you played.
Номер 20.
Дополни пропущенные части конструкции.
I am not going ___ see a comedy.
You ___ not going to see a comedy.
He / she / it ___ not going to see a comedy.
We ___ not going to make a film.
You ___ not going to be actors.
They are not ___ to be actors.
I'm not going ___ see a comedy.
You aren't ___ to see a comedy.
He / she / it ___ going to see a comedy.
We aren't ___ to make a film.
You aren't ___ ___ be actors.
They ___ going to be actors.
1. London is the capital of Great Britain.
2. It was warm yesterday.
3. Where are you from?
4. Are you married?
5. Iphoned you yesterday evening but you didn't not at home.
6. The children go at school tomorrow.
Если вам необходимо получить ответ на вопрос Mayi come in ?, относящийся к уровню подготовки учащихся 1 - 4 классов, вы открыли нужную страницу. В категории Английский язык вы также найдете ответы на похожие вопросы по интересующей теме, с помощью автоматического «умного» поиска. Если после ознакомления со всеми вариантами ответа у вас остались сомнения, или полученная информация не полностью освещает тематику, создайте свой вопрос с помощью кнопки, которая находится вверху страницы, или обсудите вопрос с посетителями этой страницы.
May I come in?
- Могу я зайти?
May I go out?
- Могу я выйди?
Yes, you may.
- Да.
No, you may not - Нет.