Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Что значит "Grandma is doing the gardening"?

Look at the pictures?
Look at the pictures.
Write down the answers to these questions.
Mother : Is John doing his homework?
Is Dad working in the garden?
Is Nancy playing the violin?
Is Sparky sleeping?
Is grandma knitting?
Is grandma watching a football match?
Jane : No, Yes, No No, Yes, Yes,.

The / doing / now / what / are / students?
The / doing / now / what / are / students.

Ответь на вопросы о своих родных и знакомых?
Ответь на вопросы о своих родных и знакомых.
(уровень 3 класса) 1.
What is your dad doing now?
2. What is your friend doing now?
3. What are your friends doing now?
4. What is your aunt doing now?
5. What is your uncle doing now?
6. What is your pet doing now?
7. What are your grandma and grandpa doing now?
8. What are you doing now?

Переведите и ответе на вопросы по картинкам?
Переведите и ответе на вопросы по картинкам.
Учебник 5 класс Билолетова, стр.
79 №9 Is John doing his homework ?
Is Grandpa reading ?
Is Nancy playing the piano?
Is Dad working in the garden?
Is sparky sleeping ?
Is Grandma watching TV ?

Look at the pictures?
Look at the pictures.
Write down the answers to these questions.
Mother : Is John doing his homework?
Is Dad working in the garden?
Is Nancy playing the violin?
Is Sparky sleeping?
Is grandma knitting?
Is grandma watching a football match?
Jane : No, Yes, No No, Yes, Yes,.

Read the story?
Read the story.
Say what birthday present Grandma got from Clara.

Составить предложения gardening с переводом?
Составить предложения gardening с переводом.

What Zana be doing?
What Zana be doing?
(make a skirt) What Michael be doing?
(swim in the Red Sea) What will Paul’s grandfather be doing?
(work in the orchard) What will Greg be doing at the University?
(study languages) What will Megan’s mother be doing?
(fly to Mumbai) What will the singer be doing at the concert?
(sing songs) What will the journalist be doing?
(interview the President) What will the professor be doing next September?
(reading lecture) ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!

What is the Old Man doing?
What is the Old Man doing.
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Бабушка занималась садоводством?
Это значит бабушка занимается садоводством.