Английский язык | 1 - 4 классы
Match the pictures and the sentences.
Как перевести с английского на русский Read and complete the sentences?
Как перевести с английского на русский Read and complete the sentences.
Then match them to the pictures.
Match the sentenced and the pictures?
Match the sentenced and the pictures.
Match the pictures with the sentences?
Match the pictures with the sentences.
Match the sentences with the pictures below?
Match the sentences with the pictures below.
Match the pictures and the sentences?
Match the pictures and the sentences.
Match the pictures with the sentences?
Match the pictures with the sentences?
Решите пожалуйста!
Match the sentences with the pictures?
Match the sentences with the pictures.
Match the sentences with the pictures and fill in the names of the countries?
Match the sentences with the pictures and fill in the names of the countries.
Read and complete the sentences?
Read and complete the sentences.
Then match them to the pictures.
Look at the pictures on pp?
Look at the pictures on pp.
49 - 50 , complete the sentences and match them with the pictures.
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