Английский язык | 10 - 11 классы
Put down general questions.
1) Nick speaks English well.
2) The lesson was not interesting yesterday.
3) Ann wrote two letters last week.
4) Mary could sing French songs.
5) The children went abroad last summer.
6) We learn English words by heart.
7) They can count very well.

Составь предложения из данных слов : 1?
Составь предложения из данных слов : 1.
Has, Ann, never, to, Tower, London, of, been, before, the.
2. The, went, Browns, a, ago, week, to, south, the.
Помогите, пожалуйста!

Раскройте скобки и составьте предложения с верным порядком слов?
Раскройте скобки и составьте предложения с верным порядком слов.
1. (London / do you know / very well?
) 2. (ate / we / very quickly / our dinner) 3.
(did you buy / in England / that jacket?
) 4. (I / very well / French / don't speak) 5.
(crossed / the street / they / carefully) 6.
(from my brother / borrowed / £ 50 / 1) 7.
(passed / Ann / easily / the examination) 8.
(did you watch / on television / the news?
) 9. (to work / every morning / walks / George) 10.
(to work / tomorrow / are you going?

Заполните вопросы : We didn' t meet on Sunday, ?
Заполните вопросы : We didn' t meet on Sunday, ?
The puipls are seldom late, ?
We can sing English songs, ?
They never play on the floor, ?
There is no boockase near the wall, ?
There were plants in that classroom last year, ?
Pupils don' t often laugh at Maths, ?
We shall study Art next year, ?

This is the beginning of the famous english fairy tale jack and beanstalk but the paragraphs are mixed up ?
This is the beginning of the famous english fairy tale jack and beanstalk but the paragraphs are mixed up .
Decihould de in what otder they should follow" перевод и правельный ответ.

Заполни пропуски в тексте, употребив глаголы в скобках в past simple или present perfect - Mr Laton, when did you discover the painting was missing?
Заполни пропуски в тексте, употребив глаголы в скобках в past simple или present perfect - Mr Laton, when did you discover the painting was missing?
- When I ___ (arrive) here at 8'o clock in the morning.
It ___(be) there when I ___(leave) last night at 9'o clock.
I think someone___(steal) it during thhe night.
- How long___(you / work) in this gallery, Mr Laton?
- I___(start) last month.
- Where___(you / be) last night?
- I___(go) to the Rex cinema with my wife.
- That is very strange Mr Laton.
Thar cinema____(be) closed last night.
In fact, it___(not / open) for more than a week, - Oh yes.
I____(make) a mistake.
It___(be) last week.
Last night, I .
Umm umm.
- ____(you / forget)?
Well, I think you have to come to the police station with me, Mr Laton!

Read the text and do the tasks below.
(15 points) A Trip by Plane An American farmer wanted to make an air trip.
There was an airport close to his farm.
So one morning he came there to ask if he could make an air trip.
"You see, " he said to one of the pilots, "I have never flown before, but I would like to.
" The pilot told him that the price of the trip was 10 dollars for a ten - minute trip.
"Oh, it's a dollar a minute, " the farmer said.
"Can't you reduce the price?
" The pilot thought for a minute and then said, "I won't take any money if you don't say a word during the whole trip.
" The farmer agreed.
"By the way, " said the pilot, "you may take your wife too.
" The farmer was happy.
The next day at three o'clock the farmer and his wife arrived at the airport.
Soon they were up in the air.
The plane flew at a high speed, it went up and down very quickly, but since the passengers didn't say a word.
"You are brave people, " said the pilot.
"I thought you would be afraid to fly.
" “Well, ” said the farmer, “I am glad, I will not have to pay for the trip, as I didn’t have to say a word, but I wanted to speak to you when my wife fell out of the plane” A Write down whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
6. The farmer didn't like the price of the trip.
7. It was a trip on the ship.
8. The farmer decided to take his wife because it could make the price of the trip less.
9. The price was 10 dollars for each minute.
10. The passengers kept silent when they were in the air.
11. The farmer's wife was quite well after the trip.

Last summer we ( visit / visited ) England and ( see / saw )a lot of interesting things?
Last summer we ( visit / visited ) England and ( see / saw )a lot of interesting things.

Insert articles where necessary : 1?
Insert articles where necessary : 1.
What about going to .
Cinema tonight?
2. Ann has got .
Blue eyes.
3. Ann got .
Job she applied for.
4. This morning I bought .
Newspaper and .
5. My sister is .
Good pupil.
She works at .
English language hard.
6. I took .
Taxi to .
7. We went to .
Most expensive restaurant .
8. . rose is my favourite flower.
9. My brother can play .
Guitar very well.
10. .
French are famous for their food.
11. Could you close .
Door, please?
12. .
Children learn quickly.
13. Wait!
. room is not vacant, there are .
Students in there.
И если можно, то пояснить примера 2.

1. London is the capital of Great Britain.
2. It was warm yesterday.
3. Where are you from?
4. Are you married?
5. Iphoned you yesterday evening but you didn't not at home.
6. The children go at school tomorrow.

The miller's son went to the best shoemaker in town?
The miller's son went to the best shoemaker in town.
The shoemaker made elegant shoes and boots for gentlemen.
"I want to order a fine pair of very small boots.
They are for my cat, " said the young man.
"OK, " said the shoemaker.
He was not surprised at all.
Or, perhaps, just a little.
"Do have any money?
" he asked.
"Here you are, " said the miller's son.
He took his last silver coin out of his pocket and gave it to the shoemaker.
Soon the boots were made.
The Cat pulled them on.
He looked very nice in his elegant boots.
"Don't worry about the money, Master.
I'm going to bring you luck, " said the Cat in Boots.
He put the bag around his neck.
Cats have no hands, so he held the strings in his forepaws.
Then he put some vegetables and a piece of bread into the bag.
The Cat went to the woods.
There were many rabbits there.
So he lay down, pretending to be dead.
The Cat didn't move at all.
His plan was to wait for some foolish rabbit to come and look into his bag.
The Cat didn't wait long.
Soon a foolish young rabbit put his head inside the bag.
The Cat closed the strings at once and caught him.
Then, very proud, he went with the bag to the palace and asked to speak with the King.
The King agreed to see the unusual visitor.
The Cat went upstairs to the King's room.
He came up to the King and made a low bow.
Then he said : "Sir, here is a nice rabbit from the lands which belong to my noble master, the Marquis of Carabas (he decided to give his young master this title).
He told me to offer it to Your Majesty.
" "Tell your master, " said the King, politely, "that I thank him for this nice present.
I'm very pleased with his attention.
" Another time the Cat went to a wheat field and hid among standing wheat.
He again held his bag open.
Soon two fat partridges ran into the bag.
The Cat drew the strings, and caught them both.
The Cat went to the King's palace again.
He gave the partridges to the King, with the same message from his master as before.
The King received the gift.
His majesty was very pleased.
He even ordered to take the Cat down into the kitchen and give him something to eat and drink.
The Cat enjoyed the meal very much.
He sat in the kitchen for a long time, talking about his rich master, the Marquis of Carabas.
Exercises 1.
Say who : 1) made the boots for the Cat.
2) put vegetables and a piece of bread into the bag.
3) caught the rabbit and partridges.
4) received the gifts with pleasure.
5) enjoyed the meal in the kitchen of the King's palace.
2. Put the sentences in the right order.
1) The Cat put the bag around his neck, holding the strings in his forepaws.
2) The miller's son ordered a fine pair of boots for the Cat.
3) The Cat took the partridges to the King's palace.
4) A foolish young rabbit put his head inside the bag.
5) The Cat came up to the King and made a low bow.
6) The Cat went to a wheat field and hid among standing wheat.
3. Complete the sentences.
1) The miller's son went to the best shoemaker in town because … 2) The Cat held the strings in his forepaws because … 3) The rabbit was not afraid to look into the bag because … 4) The King ordered to give the Cat something to eat and drink because … 4.
Fill in the nouns from the text.
1) The miller's son gave his last silver___ to the shoemaker.
2) The King agreed to see the unusual___.
3) The Cat hid among the standing ___ and caught two fat partridges.
4) The Cat gave the King another ___ from his master.
5. Say how the Cat caught the rabbit and the partridges.
He used the same trick.
What do you think about it?
6. Imagine that you're the King.
1) Describe your first meeting with the Cat.
Say what you thought about him, his master and the gifts.
2) Talk about the Cat's second present.
Which of the gifts did you like best?
Why? Say how you thanked the Cat.
7. Answer the questions and speak about yourself.
1) What presents did you get for your last birthday?
2) What kind of presents do you give others?
Do you prefer to give funny or useful presents?
Is it easy to find a good present?
Why? .
На этой странице находится вопрос Put down general questions?. Здесь же – ответы на него, и похожие вопросы в категории Английский язык, которые можно найти с помощью простой в использовании поисковой системы. Уровень сложности вопроса соответствует уровню подготовки учащихся 10 - 11 классов. В комментариях, оставленных ниже, ознакомьтесь с вариантами ответов посетителей страницы. С ними можно обсудить тему вопроса в режиме on-line. Если ни один из предложенных ответов не устраивает, сформулируйте новый вопрос в поисковой строке, расположенной вверху, и нажмите кнопку.
1) DoesNick speak English well?
2) Wasn't the lesson interesting yesterda?
3) DidAnn write two letters last week?
4) CouldMarysing French songs?
5) Did the children go abroad last summer?
6) Do we learn English words by heart?
7) Can they count very well?
1does Nick speak E.
2was the lesson interesting yesterday?
3did Ann write two letters last week?
4could Mary sing F.
5did the children go abroad last summer?
6do we learn E words by heart?
7can they count very well?